Another focus for the Harris-Walz Administration should be to super-charge Public Broadcasting. We need that Fourth Estate back. 😎✌️

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Sep 23Liked by Justin Rosario

If they really want to drive the Republicans out of their minds (well, *further* out of their minds), they should bring back the WPA Writer's Project.

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This reminds all of us what a HUGE oversight it was when Republicon billionaires started buying up all available media outlets. As a result, they have controlled the narrative for over a decade with constant prevarication by those outlets.

Substack is a safe space to discuss ideas and policies that affect us all. To hell with the MSM!

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You are so right Walter. I have abandoned FB and X except for kicks. Now, if Repubs would only read, there may be some improving knowledge base. I hate to sound like an old fogey, but 60 years ago people were a lot smarter.

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They really were. My mother had a far better education, and augmented it by reading the newspapers for current events.

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I recall vividly when Rupert Murdoch was allowed to buy Fox, and then granted free rein to say any damn thing he wanted. It didn't/doesn't have to be that way. And as an "entertainment network," it definitely shouldn't be piped into public spaces, and publicly supported places like the military barracks and such.

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Yes, I can't trust WaPo anymore. Bezos hired a fucking Murdoch tabloid criminal to run it. He has no ethics (I mean covering up hacking a dead child's phone is inexcusable) And he has no loyalty to democracy here in the US.

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Sep 23Liked by Justin Rosario

Ah, MAGA Haberman. She wouldn't still have a job there if they weren't giving lip massages to Donald's toadstool.

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I don’t understand why some one like trump is always in the media. Why he is influencing the congress. If Obama or Clinton were doing what he is doing , they would call foul. Trump never had an idea of how to run the country. Not a clue, he surrounded himself with billionaires that also didn’t have a clue. They all grifted off the American people. Devos, Carson didn’t know how to run their department, she wanted to end education and housing got worse. The VA was broken bad, the man running it was a fraud, it is still broken, I know, I am a veteran and I wouldn’t take my dog there for treatment. There are not many doctors there, they have NPs and PAs. I know that a Harris/Walz administration will be better for our country. I know the world will be better for. Israel best bet is to get rid of their current president because he wants to cause a bigger war. We don’t need another Middle East war.

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Sep 23Liked by Justin Rosario

The Wall Street Journal is for business people so The Times, bring in NY thinks it’s competition is the Journal & caters to the “business world”, of which they include themselves. Business people have been sold in the idea that Repubs are best for business (even though the opposite is true.) The MAGA voters don’t have a dime to invest & don’t read the news. They vote Repub to keep the country “white & uneducated” like themselves.

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Sep 23Liked by Justin Rosario

WSJ is also a Murdoch rag, so they are automatically taking a conservative and pro-business stance

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As is the New York Post. The Washington Post is owned by bezos. Many Midwest news outlets owned by billionaire "libertarians" (an ironic use of liberty). I've never believed that extreme concentration of wealth should exist in so very few hands. I'm a believer in open markets and a capitalism but, like always, we have taken it to its ultimate extreme. TAX BILLIONAIRES OUT OF EXISTENCE and force the divestment of their empires! Only then can we begin to heal our democracy. And for God's sake, imprison musk and shut down his online hate sluice!

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NY Post is a tabloid to me. Not worth thinking about, much less listening to what they have to say

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The post is a tabloid, they employ no journalists, just sensationalistic writers, it functions as the delivery vehicle of propaganda that is too nasty for Fox (so-called) news. Such as the "Hunter Biden laptop" that was obviously some hacked stuff, cobbled together and left with a blind-trump-loving repairman. Once his tabloid gets it out there, then Fox could quote them.

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Many in the business community have not caught on to that fact. To them the Journal is still a serious paper. 😵‍💫

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Bingo, the editorials were always unhinged, though.

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Because he brings in their clicks=profits. Goes to the hideous nature of American citizens who need an adrenaline rush every second. Not many deep thinkers now adays.

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The corporate media has been bought off by Russian propaganda, that's seriously the only explanation. I've been watching this for years, and just selling stories doesn't work.

What could possibly top the replacement of a Vice President for the president in the presidential race? And the fact that she's flipped the whole race? And talking about age? Trump is disintegrating before our eyes. Really! Those are powerful and compelling stories, and completely absent. Sorry, but they've been bought.

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Sep 23Liked by Justin Rosario

We have eyes and ears. We see what they are doing. I suggest if Maggie wants to know who is responsible for undermining our faith in the media, she look in the mirror.

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Sep 23Liked by Justin Rosario

Seriously, when Trump supporters say he’s the best president ever I’m at a loss to understand any of it except that those who say it are generally racist, bigoted, xenophobic and intellectually dishonest.

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Sep 23Liked by Justin Rosario

Dems haven't been good at pushing back on the narrative. Why aren't they screaming THE PRESIDENT DOES NOT CONTROL THE PRICES THAT THE FILTHY RICH PUT ON GOODS AND SERVICES!! THE FILTHY RICH SET PRICES AND RIGHT NOW, THEY'RE GOUGING THE AMERICAN PUBLIC!! Seems pretty easy to me.

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Sep 23Liked by Justin Rosario

Excellent. This is one of your best, Justin. So on mark. Unfortunately people who are driven by only money are not going to change. magats neither have desire nor understanding to pay attention to the economy. They're soaked in drumfpcoolaid and enjoying the validation of their racism, otherism and happy to burn everything down, sadly taking us all down too.

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I cancelled my subscription today. I am sick of them.

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Media management = corporate management. The main purpose of corporate management is singular: profits for the owners. The best coverage of American news these days? The BBC.

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The Guardian is good but their Washington correspondent is a Biden critic.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23Liked by Justin Rosario

Speaking of Maggie Haberman, I assume that, when Harris wins, the New York Times will rush to hire someone whose mother did PR for Harris' mom or dad to be a White House reporter and uncritically report on everything Harris says and does? You know, for balance?


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Sep 23Liked by Justin Rosario

One of your best, Justin (and they’re all good)! 👹

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Sep 23Liked by Justin Rosario

It's sickening to see the press abandon their crucial role in keeping the voters factually informed. They have embraced profit over the necessity of the press to act as a guardrail against precisely what MAGA represents. They seem to not care that in an authoritarian regime, they will lose their independence and will be strictly propagandists.

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Face it, they are already propagandists.

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Sep 23Liked by Justin Rosario

I know I'm being a bit of an ass here but how many weeks has the media had Trump campaign emails and no stories?

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Since the beginning of July. At least 8 weeks now. 🤬🤬🤬🤬

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Sep 23Liked by Justin Rosario


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I hate to break it to Charlie Manson’s cult of Jim Jones … but I made a killing with Biden at the helm. Donnie on the other hand … took a sledgehammer to the house income from the second he started in with his shitty birdbrain financial drain by picking fights with Mexico and Beijing. Bitch is lying and mass-murdered 2 million Americans INTENTIONALLY cuz he didn’t want to get smacked. Donnie is FIRED 🩸

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