Remember back in high school English class when the teacher introduced the term 'tragic flaw'? Once the Republican "leaders" began letting big corporate CEOs dictate what was important, guess who didn't matter anymore? EVERYONE ELSE. Then Republicans have a problem: They have to try to live a double life. Their day job is to try convincing ordinary people that Republicans listen to everyone's concerns and that they're working for "responsible government." Their real job? Doing just the opposite - and getting richer in the process.

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Sep 9Liked by Justin Rosario

Lord, I hope you’re right. I hope the MAGAts believe Trump’s words about not needing any more votes so that they decide to stay home. That would be perfect. DOJ should step in in Texas and Florida and a few other red states where they’re suppressing the voters to an outlandish degree. Republicans SUCK!! May they all rot in hell!

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I think if we take the House and keep the Senate, they'll pass the new VRA and then dare the GOP SCOTUS to undo it. Then the DoJ heads to Texas and Florida to stop the election rigging.

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And if SCOTUS siinister six, do stick their dick in it to fuck things up, congress would have no alternative but to expand the court.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

If that happens, the D majority needs to pass judicial reform, Roe, and new VRA in that order. That way you handicap Alito and Thomas (aka forced retirement) as well as the other Heritage Society troublemaker judges like Ho, Mizelle, and Kaczmarek before idiots like Sarah Huckabeast, Kim “Karen” Reynolds, RDS and Hot Wheels challenge the new laws.

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I still have PTSD from Christmas Day when DonOld posted that about liberals and EV users "may they all rot in hell."

Stupid me for praying on that eve asking for DT to respect that holy day and not be disrespectful to anyone.

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The one next-door to me is not changing his mind, and has his new Maga Trump 2024 sign on the back of his little golf cart that he parks to make sure the sign is facing my direction. But that’s OK. Signs are allowed in the SMHPark, I’ve had my Kamala ones up since August 9th! I can’t understand why that freakishly fat, half-unclothed man loves Evil, but he does! But I can sure as hell laugh out loud and point to him and say what a jerk and walk back inside anytime I feel like it. And I do.

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Sep 9Liked by Justin Rosario

I live in a manufactured home, 55+ park in Salem, Oregon. We are in a cul-de-sac, but our a Harris,/Walz yard sign is visible from the street. I know people are seeing it. Every once in a while, someone who’s walking will stop and gaze at it. A neighbor across the street took pictures 🤦🏼‍♀️. The park is a mix of old and new homes. There’s a trump flag on one of the old ones, and a new one with a giant trump banner hung on her front porch railing. I just wish I lived across the street from this evil woman—I know she’d try to engage with me about. Political signs are allowed, and there’s nothing any of them can do.

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In our rules and regulations here in Lakeport, California, flags of campaigns are never allowed. Large banners are also not allowed for campaigns. They’re considered flags.

Only signs are allowed to be a certain proportion and only two of them.

Well, since my next-door neighbor was allowed by the resident manager to fly his mega Trump 2024 flag in March and in April and he flew it again in July back in June and again August 9, I have three signs up now and when I put up the third one, the neighbor next-door in number 45 slapped a Trump mega sign on the back of his golf cart, which he rides around the neighborhood half naked. And he’s huge fat.

It bothers me that some of the homes that I’m looking at do you have American flags hanging off of them and I know that that means they’re Maga. What Democrat do you know of that’s really ever hung American flag outside their home?

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Sep 9Liked by Justin Rosario

Some retired Democratic Military used to and I do on the 4th of July. But now it's like you're MAGA if you do so. ☹️

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Here in this park another thing I didn’t mention is our fascist manager has been hanging his US flag upside down since the day before D-Day June 5.

So don’t you know all of the people who are against him flying that flag started buying and flying American flags in this park. And some of them are mega. And they hate that he’s flying the flag upside down. Rural lands are full of the stupidest people on earth. It is fucking true.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 10Liked by Justin Rosario

I know some that flew the flag before 2016. I love the fact that during the convention, the Democrats took it back. But, I agree it’s now associated with maggots.

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Stupid me. I believed our flag is all of Ours, not us and thems. It stands for freedom and democracy, for veterans and our Olympians. I will not be bullied into forfeiting patriotism. The R's can not be allowed to steal it from us. They are the ones that are UnAmercan. I pledge allegiance to our "one nation, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All". I love those last 6 words even as the R's try to steal them for only themselves.

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I agree with you, Beth. At first I was mad that the Magas appropriated the flag for themselves, and I kept mine furled, worried I might be taken for a trumper. Then I solved that problem by also hanging a pride flag to honor my daughter. Now it should be clear that I am a patriot AND an ally.

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I proudly fly my American flag every day the weather is decent. I’m totally democrat. I bleed blue (well, Cubbie blue but that’s beside the point). Quite a few of my neighbors also fly the flag on the regular. I’m in Wisconsin. I guess it’s sort of a purple area in some respects. Still don’t have a dem running against my (gerrymandered) rethug Representative in Congress though.

There are not nearly as many trump signs as there have been in the past.

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All of that is really good to know. Thank you for telling me about it. I appreciate it.

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I'm a veteran, I fly a flag. Admittedly, I'm more independent who has voted straight Democratic Party since Bill Clinton, even in off years. In North Carolina, Independents can choose either party to support, so I also vote in primaries.

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Take back the flag, Corinne! It's yours too. We bought a house with a flagpole so we have flown an American flag. Goes well with our BLM and In This House signs. I encourage you to read the Flag Code as well. It's really sad how much these so-called patriots violate the Stats and Stripes.

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I did read the entire flag code when I saw my resident Manager hanging his flag upside down back in June.

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Sep 9Liked by Justin Rosario

MSM is trying to keep this election a horse race and that it’ll be close. I don’t think it will.

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Sep 9Liked by Justin Rosario

Silver fired from 538, Musk fired from PayPal, others fired or forced to resign (see Patrick Byrne formerly of Overstock). I sense a pattern here.

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They hurt the "brand".

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Sep 9Liked by Justin Rosario

Cooking his numbers? Nate says he runs 40 simulations a day. I believe him. Just asking why more than one? Fine tuning? Ha.

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Call me uncharitable but doesn’t the Republican Party deserve a devastatingly big loss?

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Why yes, yes they do.

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It is the natural result of running shitty candidates and shitty campaigns. Garbage in, garbage out.

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Believe me, being on the ground here in Texas, everyone is fired up. We are seeing record number of volunteers getting out the vote, writing postcards and letters and voter registration. Walz just came to Dallas. Liz Cheney is touring with Colin Allred. Ted Cruz went to the A&M game and they got their butts kicked and every Aggie is now so pissed off at Cruz (we already were… I won’t go into it). Our Attorney General is acting like a deranged lunatic and further pissing off every woman in the state and raiding Abeulas homes. And the rural county dems are fired up and packing events. All the conservative pollsters now have Harris within 3% and Allred within 2%. We start voting on Oct 21.

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So a TX college team lost a game the despicable Cancun ted was at so now people are mad at him? I've donated $200+ to Colin Allred from CA. Glad to hear TX Dems are fired up! DoJ or TX voters need to vote out all your awful GOP any officials.

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Sep 9Liked by Justin Rosario

We must get people to register to vote, check their registrations and get ALL the Democratic people to the polls! Democrats are notorious for not getting to the polls!

I agree we are winning in despite what corporate media says,but we must act like we are losing every day!

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Sep 10Liked by Justin Rosario

gop = gaggle of psychos

While they support a traitor... WE VOTE FOR GREATER!

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Sep 9Liked by Justin Rosario

Harris has been far more amazing than Republicans could have dreamed. Trump seems lost. But the media need a horse race to sell advertising. @Chris Cillizza @Scott Dworkin

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Sep 9Liked by Justin Rosario

Of kkkourse!😒 they lie into everything!😒🤥🤡🎃🤡👻💩

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Sep 9Liked by Justin Rosario

Damn lying🇷🇺ReThugz/MAGAtz/Pootiez💩🤡🤪🤬

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I'm not so concerned about the regular MAGAs but these people in charge are Rich and facing legal problems if they lose. They also have paid mercenary types available like Eric Prince. There's also the White Supremacy Militia although they were subdued somewhat by the Jan 6th trials, if they win their buddies get pardons and they get bully power. This is the area that is the true concern.

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Your analysis of republican actions during elections is over thought and wrong. It's much simpler. maga aren't republican, they're BULLIES! All bullies are cowards. Hence they don't back up their tough talk with actions. We beat bullies by standing up and calling them out for what they are. WORKS EVERY TIME, GUARANTEED!!

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Great ‘Stack here. Every election is an “all hands on deck” call to action for Dems and anyone they can drag along with them! Never give up-“they want you to think you’re alone but you’re not. There are more of us than there are of them.”-Poe, The Force Awakens.

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