Jun 21Liked by Justin Rosario

I can see the NYT headline now: “Biden leading in the polls. Hear how this is bad for Biden. Maggie Haberman explains.”

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Jun 21Liked by Justin Rosario

Right?! I'm waiting for, "The moon is full. Here's why that's bad for Biden"

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The best thing Biden can do if trump shows up for the debate, is to laugh. But the fact that the right-wing-billionaire owners of most of our media are pushing Biden up in their “polls”, means they’re going to have to prep their audience for the reality about to hit them.

Oh and since my friends, acquaintances and I NEVER get a call from ANY pollster, I’m putting out MY poll. Biden 80%…trump 18% 2% other (JFK jr and his two supporters)

You’re welcome for this important poll update

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Jun 21Liked by Justin Rosario

Yes polls are essentially useless except to make candidate supporters feel a little less anxious about their guy (see Biden’s camp). But your point about MSM , especially the NYT, looking the other way when the polls don’t produce headlines that “grab” readers, looks more and more valid. I hate to say it but the obsession with profits vs the need to provide the public information that contributes to the “common good” is becoming the standard in our society. It brings back memories of “yellow journalism “. ( I don’t remember it, just heard about it in history class. ). But it just presents one more hurdle the Biden campaign has to overcome, as if right extremist media isn’t enough. Biden has to “emasculate “ the orange felon, as Steve Schmidt said, during the debate. Point out EVERY single fault the felon has including all his immoralities and terrible ethics. Get personal, that’ll grab the headlines and make NYT happy!

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"all his immoralities and terrible ethics"....are you talking about 'hair sniffing' Biden?

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Jun 21Liked by Justin Rosario

The story about sulz getting big mad with President Biden for not agreeing to an interview with nytimes makes it seem funny and stupid and Sulzberger Jr.'s ego so fragile. So sad all that money and still feeling 'small' and insecure.

A healthy cynic doesn't trust these "polls"; they almost seem like surveys on family fued. I mean I’ve never gotten any call for survey.

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Mona, if you don’t have a landline, that’s likely why. Polling still relies too much on old technology, perhaps because cellular companies can’t or won’t release their customer data, or because that access is too expensive.

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Jun 21Liked by Justin Rosario

Thank you, Camilla (such a pretty name), that makes sense. One more good thing to not have landline or just google voice.

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I gave mine up about 15 years ago. I was already paying for phones and service for me and two teenage boys. It was a definite “enough is enough” moment. 😉

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Jun 21Liked by Justin Rosario

Given the initial derision and now spineless fealty that Republicans give Donnie, I have to think they can't wait for the babbling pants-shitter to go down in flames so they can get back to the business of screwing citizens in a more classy and dignified way.

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Jun 21Liked by Justin Rosario

They mistook drumfpthecon for snakoilsalesmantricklefownfraudnomicsohshucksreagan

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The mistake was that the Republican Party believed with all their hearts that they could “control” Trump and his growing cohort of loony toons. They were horribly wrong, of course, but now feel that they can’t admit it, because, party loyalty. 🙄 They will do anything, up to and including putting a certifiable lunatic back in office, to hold onto the reins of their imagined power. It will be Germany after Hitler all over again. “We didn’t know.” Yes, they did know, but their own lust for power wouldn’t let them admit it.

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Jun 21Liked by Justin Rosario

It feels that they might be compromised and drumfp must have something on everyone of them. Let's never forget that the 7 gqp members spent 4th of July, irony of irony, in russia in 2018. Interesting reading at Prevail by Greg Olear here on substack and his books.

mccon played a very long game at every level, and gave America scons who gave dubya and then drumfpthecon.

We're really in existential danger, our democracy too.

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To clarify, I honestly don’t believe that this will happen. After all, Biden won in 2020, when many didn’t think he could. He won *Georgia* in that election. I hold onto hope.

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again sounds like you're talking about Biden....Obama3.0

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Jun 21Liked by Justin Rosario

Biden in a landslide. F them polls, they are not applicable, they are misleading.

I'm not falling for a 2 pt. Lead.

It's all just speculation.

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Speculation by the same right wing billionaires who own most of the media. The polls are laughable and we need to do just that..laugh at THEIR numbers.

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Jun 21Liked by Justin Rosario

I definitely don’t miss the pudding cups. I still think Biden is going to win in a landslide this November. Call me a crazy optimist, but I need to put some faith in the American people.

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I don’t understand how the swing state polls just released and shown on 538 have Biden still behind! I still believe he can win GA, but in my opinion, as a native born Georgian, it’s the weakest of the swing states. White people are very racist there, I definitely hate saying that.

But Pennsylvania, with hyper competent Shapiro as governor ? Minnesota looking shaky? NC isn’t out yet, but in AZ Biden is way behind Ruben Gallego. Hell, NV isn’t good. I understand the polls are not worth much now, but we are about 3 months away from early voting. Are people really this stupid? Yes, they really are, I know. But with abortion still THE issue, and IVF, and birth control, it’s hard even for me to believe in this much stupidity.

I’m happy the FOX poll shows Biden leading nationally in the moment, but national numbers don’t matter. Only the Electoral College matters. So I am stunned, still, that Biden isn’t way out in front. And I have spent most of my life in red states, I’m not at all in a blue bubble.

Sorry, I am just so angry. At either a bunch of morons, polls geared to freak out what I still believe is the majority of the country, all of us in the prodemocracy movement, or both.

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They’re gonna scream that anyway. I absolutely expect political violence. Where and when, I don’t know. But I absolutely believe it is coming. Won’t stop me from voting blue though.

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Angela, from another native born Georgian, yes!!! ✊🏻

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Yep, I really hate that most white people I grew up around were pretty damn racist. And as a fellow native Georgian, you know that’s what is driving all this insanity with maga and white Christian nationalism. It’s not about ideals, it’s about oppression. They’re happy to oppress white women, don’t get me wrong, but the hatred is rooted in racism first.

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True. Racism was the justification long before women started their movement for their own rights. People I knew from childhood are putting up Trump signs. At least I didn’t move back to my hometown.

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Moving back to GA soon, but right now I’m in Saint Louis. Across the river Southern IL looks a lot like Brunswick, GA and all that. I was stunned to see people flying Trump flags OVER the U.S. flag. At least I haven’t seen any Trump flags flying over an upside down U.S. flag, but I’m certain they are around. For those “patriots” flying the U.S. flag under any other flag…it’s a breathtaking insult to America.

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I’m not sorry I moved back. My sons are married and have settled here, and I’m a lot closer to my last remaining sibling. I just have to rise above the local politics sometimes.

Wishing you a safe and uneventful move.

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If Trump ducks out on the “debate” I hope CNN lets Biden be Biden for 90 minutes of prime time.

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I am worried that these polls will feed into Trump’s narrative of a stolen election. The media is making it look like a close race, so even if Biden wins big MAGA will scream rigged.

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Anyone else hoping that during the upcoming debate Joe refers to Donnie in some way as a criminal or convicted felon? If he does we'll need a plastic sheet in the style of Gallagher for when right-wing heads, including Donnie's, explode in firework fashion *grins wickedly*

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538 lost all credibility for me when they predicted Hillary’s win up right up to and including Election Day.

This is a cult. They will turn out in droves for their dear leader. Biden is perceived to be boring and uninspiring. We need the same youth that turned out in 2020. Their participation was 50%. Way more than in 2016.

It ain’t over by a long shot.

We will see.

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You can’t trust the polls. Micheal Cohen said in his book “Disloyal” that as “fixer”, his job was to “fix” the polls. Any done randomly online or using computers can be “fixed”. It just takes money and people willing to cheat. So while Cohen is not there anymore someone else is fixing the polls by now. And the major players (news media) have admitted that their polls have problems.

So what we need to do is continue the grass root move of spreading the truth. And knowing they can be “fixed”, you can’t get complacent even if they are positive for Biden. They can be “fixed” both way. And if they show positive values for Biden, people will get lazy and sit back thinking they don’t need to participate.

Instead just keep getting the positives out there for people to hear them. Counter the negative news and get the truth out there.

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I do not trust polls

They have been so wrong before

See Hillary Clinton

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I completely distrust polls completely

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And I completely agree with you.

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Have a safe and enjoyable weekend!

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The fact that it is even a contest shakes my faith in the populace. Biden is far and away the most effective president I've seen in my lifetime. It boggles the mind how far we've come as a nation since covid, in a large part due to the quiet, steadfast leadership of the guy with the aviators and the Corvette.

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so what exactly has Biden done that you are so proud of...?

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However, just to drive me increasingly crazy:

1. The Bloated Yam is now ahead of Biden in fund-raising.

2. It's 98F here in Newark today, with no relief in sight.

3. The Yankees sent 9-1 ace Luis Gil to the mound to face the Baltimore Orioles last night. Aaron Judge smacked a two-run HR, and Gleyber Torres added a solo shot for five runs. However, the Orioles scored SEVENTEEN runs, chasing Gil in the second with eight runs in that frame, and every Bird got a hit. As Denis Leary said, "I'm wearing a BIG HAPPY HAT...."

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