RFK, Jr. - a life and career with pedigree and significant promise, wasted by a complete asshole. Think of how our lives may have been different had his father been elected prez.

Thank you for this vignette and that great pic. Nice touch.

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Can't imagine how much better of we'd be if it had been Kennedy instead of Nixon.

Kind of like wondering where we'd be if it had been Clinton - Gore - Obama - Clinton.

No invasion of Iraq looking for WMDs they knew weren't there, no 2008 financial meltdown, no cutting of social programs to gift billionaires a few trillion, no walking aware from Climate Accords. It wouldn't be perfect by any means, but soooooo much better than it is.

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How eloquently stated. No Nixon - therefore no Supreme Court appointment of Lewis Powell (the tobacco lawyer) and his (hidden from view) memorandum that staked out how the GOP could create the paradigm that was created by Citizens United ergo the weakening of our democracy. No deal that extended the Viet Nam war. Rehnquist would not have become CJ.

No Reaganomics (trickle down) that created 4 decades of job losses, wealth shifting, and animosity throughout the country.

And all the items you mentioned.

Back to reality - we have Joe Biden. I am so very grateful he ran in 2020 and is running again this year. But for Joe Biden, we might have had the moron in chief for the past 4 years along with his chaos and poor decisions.

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23

Yeah. Can never really say what would have happened if we’d had a string of more competent less corrupt presidents. Certainly there would have been other issues. Would likely have still had the wrongheaded Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy.

But whatever issues we had, they wouldn’t have been the monumental mismanagement and outright cruelty-by-design of the last 35+ years.

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DADT was progress at the time. Probably a necessary phase in the evolution of military culture.

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I get the need to have slow, incremental progress.. Particularly with as backwards and regressive and institution as the military.

For people who are supposed to be accustomed to following orders and doing what they’re told, they really can be whiners.

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No EPA or Clean Water Act. Maybe someone else would have done it, but Richard Nixon did it after JFK and LBJ did not.

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The first time I heard of RFKminor, I thought “a Kennedy, and RFK’s offspring, Good!”*.

I thought that if he was anything like his father and uncles, he had promise. Minutes, seconds even, into reading his bullshit nonsense I was convinced he must have been kicked in head by a mule. And, being the charitable sort, I’m sticking with that rather than thinking that he’s just an idiot by nature.

*I was a BIG fan of RFK in the day. I wasn’t old enough to vote, that was a long way off but he seemed to have integrity and a lot of JFK. His murder was so shocking, especially falling on the heels of JFK’s murder.

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I used to admire RFK Jr for his environmental work. Once he started that anti-vaxx bs, I stopped listening. If he could be so wrong about vaccines, what else could he be wrong about? His environmental work may still hold up, but I can get that info from someone who isn’t a crackpot.

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I rafted a river in Patagonia that he was involved in saving about 25 years ago. How far he has fallen.

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Mar 23Liked by Justin Rosario

RFK Jr. will tell us that those family members in the photo are aliens from another planet looking to serve mankind.

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It's a cookbook and vaccines are the special sauce!!!!

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I remember when JFK ran for President. The conspiracy theory de jour was a pipeline under the Atlantic that would run directly from the Vatican to the White House. I shook Bobby Kennedy’s hand as his campaign train came through my hometown on its way to LA- the day before his assassination. The name still reverberates. Camelot rises.

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This picture makes me smile broadly! Love it!😍

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Modern versions of "Profiles in Courage."

Actually, Ted Sorenson wrote most of that.

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Nice! Good thing the rest of the clan aren’t unhinged antivaxx racist anti-Semitic lunatics!

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I heard one voter quoted as saying “he is a Kennedy. I trust him “. As if. Right? What a moron.

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Great photo! Hopefully people will understand how dangerous rfk junior is.

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At least one Kennedy is left that has the intelligence, moral compass, and values of his famous predecessors. It appears the rest have sold out.

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What funny is both JFK and RFK wouldn’t even be accepted into todays radical version of the Democratic Party.

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We love the Kennedy family! What happened to that one guy though? Did he get stolen by racist wolves?

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Clearly, it's brain damage...FROM VACCINES!!!!!!

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The tragedy that John and Robert were gunned down and this idiot survived is beyond breathtaking.

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Thank you Joe Biden and your family. Thank you all Kennedy’s for supporting our Joe Biden, the finest statesman in our country along w his representative throughout the world Mr Blitzen (hope this is correct spelling) lead Diplomat from USA to the world.

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Glorious news!!💙

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Perfect example of the elitist power currently in place. Who gives a rats ass about what the Kennedy’s think. That is as insulting as insinuating I should care what Taylor Swift thinks. Keep on pushing though!

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