If they’re looking for someone who would gladly eat the cats, look no further than RFK Jr.

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RFKjr, Cats, dogs, goats, or sawed off whale head soup, a smorgasbord of yummy pets. Yum!

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In a fine mercury broth!

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Yup, then Orangeman gets the final sign-off (and product development rights:) for his newest and greatest anti-virus cure in the history of the world's known missing pet mysteries!!

(I know it's reaching but it might be a good prep for the Ramblin' Madman tonight)

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Mr. Vance is not only weird, he's sickening.

Of course, they blame Haitians. I'm old enough to remember when Haitians were blamed for AIDS. I even know the truly awful joke on that subject, which I will not repeat.

We also know that Haiti is a nation that is black-ruled, the second-oldest independent country in the Western Hemisphere...and has suffered heavily under first the misrule of the United States Marine Corps, who operated Haiti as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the United Fruit Company. Marine Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler told us so in "War Is A Racket!" Don't argue with him: he received not one but TWO Medals of Honor.

After the Leathernecks finished fighting Haiti's "Cacos" and put them back in the fruit farms and sugar cane fields, the country was turned over to President-for-Life Dr. Jean-Claude "Papa Doc" Duvalier and his "Tonton Macoutes," which maintained order and corruption with machetes, mayhem, and murder. His son, "Baby Doc" Duvalier, continued that tradition, until a coup forced him to flee the country.

Since then, a parade of incompetents presided over further chaos, hurricanes, and a devastating 2010 earthquake. Once again, the Marines intervened, first to deal with Jean Baptiste Aristide, then the earthquake.

Now, the Nazis, the Russians, and the Bosnian Serbs killed a LOT more people than these Haitians, but Mr. Vance and his acolytes don't care about that...after all, the aforementioned murderers are all white, and some are even good Aryans!

And capitalists, in the case of the Nazis. Heil Krupp!

I hope this guy loses, just so he can become obscure again. Like Quayle, Pence, and Palin. Problem: Quayle won. So did Pence.

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Smedley Butler is also the one who blew the whistle on the plot to overthrow FDR and install a fascist government in 1933.

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“The Plot to Seize the White House” covers that bizarre tale brilliantly.

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True, but those two, although maybe not the coldest beers in the fridge, at least found the kitchen! Old JD thinks it's the washroom, and I think even Papa Putrid can smell that something is amiss and maybe even a voter or 2 might pick up on it!!

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Oh my god, you are so right! Racism rules these motherfuckers. When Obama became president that blew the garbage lids off their rancid tiny brains. (I never swore at all my first 50 years; making up for it now--feels good!)

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Ma'am, if EVER there was a moment in history where swearing wasn't just helpful but NECESSARY, it would be during this election cycle. You picked the right time to join the rest of us heathens.

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The picture of trump with the cat and duck should be titled, "terrifying penis trio." Sorry for bringing trump's undersized member up, but if you're already ruining people's days you might as well go all the way.

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Duck peens ARE weird!

Most people won't know this, however. Frankly, I'm a little disgusted with the realization that I KNOW peen facts about all three creatures!!!

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Yeah, look up turtle penis for more weird. Next time I’m reading a novel and one characters says something like: “hey have you ever seen a turtle penis?” I am not going straight to google.

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damnit, Sioux Fleming

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You were warned and now you can’t unsee it…. Like an earworm for the eyes.

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Ewww. Would that be an eyeworm??!!

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Sounds like something Bobby Kennedy Jr. would be afflicted with

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There are a zillion reasons to vote Blue but certainly the least of them is never hearing from the rapist, demented insurrectionist again. That WOULD be a win for sure. Let him bloviate from prison.

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1. Klan Kochsuckers is perfect!

2. “Inhuman monsters are eating our pets” has been a racist and antisemitic trope for centuries. You can find it said about Jewish people in the shtetls of Europe, about freed people during reconstruction in the US south, about Vietnamese refugees during the Saigon airlift.

They just keep hitting the same tired tropes. And every time they do, violence follows.

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Since everything Republicans fabricate to blame on Democrats turns out to be a confession of some type, I have to wonder what they are trying to deflect from this time.

Is it Trump's weird thing about Hannibal Lecter? Is it RFK and the road kill animal thing? Is it Vance's cat comments? Are they trying to pull heartstrings because people love their pets while spreading racist hate against immigrants? There's a confession involved somewhere, IMO.

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That he doesn’t want you to use mail on ballots… confession .. Dejoy has already slowed down ups in the las couple months. He doesn’t want his voters to vote that way!?

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I love all those pics of Donald in the water hugging animals.

1) Near as I can tell, he's a hydrophobe. He avoids events with rain when possible and when not takes an umbrella everywhere. He's not gonna be waist-deep in water wearing a suit.

2) I have almost never seen him near an animal that wasn't attacking him. Outside his base the entire world seems to hate him and with many good reasons.

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That link is to a WaPo article about how he has a long history of insulting people by using “like a dog”

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I assure you I have been keenly aware of this shithead since the 80s.

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He absolutely hates dogs. Google the 🍊💩🤡 guy along with the partial phrase “like a dog”


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I could watch that eagle meme on a loop for hours. Just like I did with Roger Stone's perp walk of shame.

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Russian bot plot

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that meme of trump running from 2 black men, while holding kittens is so OFFENSIVELY racist, it reminds me of those old racist southern racist cartoons showing black children being fed to alligators.

it's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.

another trump term Can Not happen to the world.

please vote this Sickness out.

I'm canadian so I can't vote or donate but I wish I could.

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Their various hate-baiting stories remind me of the gag messages we would leave on our friends’ refrigerators with those mix-and-match word magnets. Except we’re all responsible adults now.

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Well, racist portrayals of people eating cats showed up in the debate, as foretold. They really are scraping the bottom of the barrel.

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That and killing babies after they’re born.

I’m glad the moderators fact checked him on those two, but wish they had done so a bit harder.

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Keep up the good work. We need to keep calling out their twisted lies and Throw sand into the GOP BS machine.

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Ok, but I do kind of want to watch the AI video of the 🍊💩🤡 holding a duck. I was sorely disappointed that it was just a screenshot 😂

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It’s racist nonsense like this is why I write posts such as this one: https://open.substack.com/pub/rue1b225/p/the-black-brute?r=1x7pap&utm_medium=ios

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--And now of course we're receiving multiple BOMB THREATS at multiple buildings in Springfield.

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