Article after article on substack more about the failure of the corrupt corporate press than about actual candidates. May the story we tell of these times be "Despite the misleading and Republican-biased media, Democrats won by a landslide, crushing not only Republican hope for any political power, but also the credibilty of the mainstream media"

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I love this whole piece except the last line. Voting in the election starts in *less than two weeks*—the first day of mail-in and absentee voting in the most critical state, Pennsylvania, is just 13 days away. Early voting in Virginia begins on September 20. For the millions of Americans living abroad, the time to request a ballot is *right now* (ballots will go out on September 21). The election is upon us! Democrats should make a plan to vote as soon as their state’s voting window opens. Once you vote, your name can come off the get-out-the-vote lists, which will make it easier on the volunteers who are contacting people to urge them to vote. Anyone who can vote early should do so, whether in person or by mail-in or absentee ballot if allowed in your state. Go to vote.org to check your state’s registration and voting rules, then male a gameplan to vote as soon as possible.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3

North Carolina, while not as pivotal, will start sending out VBM ballots to voters who requested them starting this Friday. So I will probably get my ballot in hand by Monday, September 9.

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Thank you! Definitely crucial info to get out.

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This is good information. Thank you.

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I plan on sending Donny Orange a thank you letter after President Harris is sworn in. “We couldn’t have done it without you”.

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Nice! Maybe you can embed a camera so we can see his ugly mug when he opens it! 🤭🤣🤣🤣

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CA ballot mail out begins Oct 7. Vote BLUE all down the ballot!

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Hoping that abortion and women’s issues helps provide the shellacking that Trump and GOP deserves this November. But the existence of many dumbass privileged pricks in the suburban male middle class and their misogyny is still a matter of concern. The Bakersfield,CA medical community is one such self absorbed set of people, that are increasingly supporting Trump out of their spite against Obamacare. I fear for more such misguided and disgruntled men voting out their rage and resentment.

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👍🏽 yes, this. The fight is NOT OVER

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I read an article this past week where female FL GOP voters were meeting in secret to drum up support for Amendment 4. So it will definitely amp up turnout.

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Yes Carol Whitmore, one of my county's former commissioners is doing it. She was a good commissioner, but she voted against giving the developers carte blanche, so they funded her replacement.

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The battle of the vote will be over, but the war is going to continue for some time. The Republikkkans have spent too long, nearly sixty years that I know of, on dismantling our democracy. They've been very methodical and deliberate. They've come frighteningly close to success, with most of the population unaware of the goals. Our party needs to educate like crazy, because that's the only way we're going to keep our government democratic. One of the very first things is to modify the media in some way to make it extremely difficult to operate as disinformation factories. That cannot be allowed to continue. Corporate media needs to be broken up and restricted in some fashion, so it can't be so purely partisan. The Fairness Doctrine should be updated to include every medium, perhaps with a couple of exceptions. I don't know, it's not an easy fix, but it has to be done.

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Sep 3Liked by Justin Rosario

FDJT needs to lose BIG time. His flip flopping is only pissing off his die hard supporters, and they may stay home out of spite. Or leave the presidential option blank.

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I am loving it!!! 😅🥰🤣🔥

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And Evangelicals, the white racist ones, truly believe liberals are evil. Go figure.

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I just watched a film of evangelicals declaring the Democratic Party a 'satanic construct.' They're taking demonization literally!

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They ARE the idiots that vote against their own interests. There's a reason they are called a "flock".

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IVF treatment costs between $10,000 and $25,000 per treatment. It often takes multiple treatments for a viable pregnancy. If Tangerine Palpatine is (God help us), successful, this will cost every one of us additional money in health insurance premiums. Just like the Affordable Care Act raised premiums, this will, as well. At least under ACA, we all benefit. IVF treatment will only benefit a very small portion of the population. I say this as someone with more than 30 years working in the health insurance industry.

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Is anyone gonna tell him that ABORTION goes hand in hand with many of the other needed options women now have in pursuit of medically assisted reproductive Healthcare like IUI and IVF?

Oh, who am I kidding? I'm still waiting for the "much better than the Obamacare" healthcare plan TFG promised in 2 weeks time!

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He’s trying to appeal to suburban women.

Who was Alabama placating when they reversed their IVF ban?

Suburban women.

Hopefully no one is fooled. It won’t get past congress and it will not help the women in the religious zealot southern states who don’t give a damn if women die.

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They will only have until the election if Trump wins. Then they will once reverse it to show their true selves.

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He would never actually follow-through though. It would be another ACA replacement plan that he tell us "in two weeks."

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Don't worry, hardly anyone will have insurance at all if he wins. For anything.

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He was never serious about it

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Since every word out of his mouth is a lie, none of his so-called positions should be taken seriously by anyone. It’s just political expediency and a desire to create confusion and chaos. The corporate media is running with him for ratings and money. His flip-flops should be ignored, as well as just about everything he says. No one is coming to save us. Vote Blue!

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He knows the votes he’s losing and he’s saying whatever he thinks will bring people back. He’s not a serious person. It’ll never happen even if he cheats enough to win. He is Project 2025 and IVF has no place in that terrorist manifesto.

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Trump is saying up front that “he doesn’t need more votes. He’s planning on winning by trying harder to steal the election.

It’s much worse than putting a few people in to “certify” votes. Paxton in TX is setting the pace for voter purges and using police to intimidate potential voters!

Unjustified raids against the people helping LULAC to register people to vote. The obvious reason is voter suppression.

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Women who want access to abortion are not asking for anything special. I bring this up because it often gets overlooked.

Who among us would ever expect (or accept) that if we were bleeding and went to an emergency room, we would be given antibiotics and sent home to bleed more on our own. To what end? It can only end one way. Badly.

I am outraged that Republican lawmakers heard from medical experts, who told them what would happen if abortion access was restricted, and they STILL passed laws against abortion, delaying and denying medical care TO PREGNANT WOMEN.

It’s like pregnant women are part of a huge lab experiment that is going badly for the women, but the lawmakers are willing to let let the women continue to suffer, risk permanent impairment and death because the word “abortion” offends them.

Kamala Harris has it right when she says she trusts women. We trust women to raise children. We must trust women to know when, and if, they have children.

Vote for Democrats up and down the ballot to preserve individual freedoms, restore reproductive rights, and stop the darkness promised by Trump’s Project 2025.

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I had a miscarriage at 16 weeks. I needed a D&C because, although the fetus had stopped living at 10 weeks, it was not expelled. At 16 weeks it was starting to rot.

By the bizarre rules of Republican law-makers, the rotting fetus of the baby I dearly wanted, which was never going to magically be resurrected as they seem to think dead fetuses are going to do, would have to be carried for 9 months… for what reason, I don’t know because just like the “magical resurrection” that never happened, labor would never happen. So, what then, are they going to make laws that prevent 9-month dead fetuses which are not going to be expelled through labor going to be required to be carried until a woman dies?

Luckily, I live in Canada where I can decide my own medical needs with consultation with my doctor and get a D&C to remove a rotting fetus… or a fetus at a reasonable point in the pregnancy without some politician poking their Christo-Fascist nose in my uterus.

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They actually are pushing for c-sections because they have a fully intact fetal bdy fetish. I wish I was joking.

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Thank you for sharing your painful story. I am sorry you had that experience and grateful your doctors could legally treat you.

I read recently a comment by an anti-abortion spokeswoman who (falsely) claimed a woman with a doomed pregnancy )one where the fetus cannot survive) should carry her fetus to term because it would help the woman grieve the loss of her baby. (Words failed me to describe how sick and dangerous her comments are.) The anti-abortion crowd are determined to control women and make life as miserable and difficulty as possible.

As with so much of the nonsense pushed by Republicans in the USA: cruelty is the point.

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I'm sorry for your loss. Glad Canada's laws are medically sound

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Thank you. I ver much appreciate your thoughts.

Unfortunately, there are a number of politicians, including the leader of the Conservative party who are STILL trying to overturn abortion protections as well as the rights of LGTBQ+ and Marriage Equality (which was legalized after being passed by 100% of the members of Parliament, by the Senate with no debate… our Senate is literally the body of “sober second thought” and rarely hands back to Parliament bills that don’t actually need review). Our Senate is appointed, not elected so we don’t have the problem of blocking for political reasons, though there WAS a scandal involving several members of the Senate double-dipping on their reimbursements for travel and claiming time used for their appearing at political fundraisers both from the political party they were fundraising for (the Conservatives) AND billing the Senate accounting office. They’re no longer senators… Oh and one VERY vocal racist and homophobe who was censured but wouldn’t quit and couldn’t be kicked off. She finally quit after being ostracized by rest of the Senate.

Our Supreme Courts (federal and provincial) don’t house radicals who are bought off by politicians.

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Anyone remember the "Todd" candidate in red MO who lost Senate race to former Sen Claire McCaskill after he said no pregnancy is ever caused by rape "because the female body has a way to shut that down"? JFC. These politicians who have no medical training passing laws on women's health are 🤢🤢

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There are a lot of legislators (including female ones) who haven’t the figgiest about the human reproductive process and system, including their own and refuse to accept actual medical and scientific proof contrary to their beliefs. They won’t even believe what it ACTUALLY says (or doesn’t) about abortion homosexuality… or lots of other subjects.

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“foggiest” not “figgiest” idea.😌

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Todd Akin (RIP) was the guy who said that. Todd claimed a doctor told him that gibberish. Sure, Todd. A doctor of what? Philosophy maybe? If it WAS a medical doctor, then my take was the doctor’s medical license should be cancelled. Or maybe Todd just made it all up!

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The other way they believe they can “win” is through the illegal election fuckery being planned using MAGA election officials in swing states. I’m sending donations to the Harris campaign because they’re assembling an army of lawyers to deal with the inevitable vote count/certification/voter suppression fights. And I won’t relax till Kamala and Tim are in the White House in mid-January.

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This absolutely CRACKS MY SHIT up I was driving along half-listening to news, I heard about FREE IVF and it was like a marching band in my head, I was laughing so hard at the orange skid mark shooting himself in the foot like that!!!!! L.O.FUCKING.L!!! Delicious. Oh, what will all those assholes in lockstep behind him do now??? Hahahahhahahhaha bitches!!!

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I’m working to get “tech-broligarch” accepted into the vernacular.

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The corporate media believes they're in a no-lose situation: if tRump wins, with all their "support," they think he's going to keep them around and reward them with those *angels singing* tax breaks he's promised.

But if Harris wins, at worst, they think they'll remain at status quo. Hopefully they're wrong about that, as I firmly believe that we desperately need to rein in the despotic media disinformation factories, maybe by forcing them to rename themselves as entertainment if they don't report at least X% truth during their hours of "news". I don't know. The whole free speech thing is an extremely sticky one, which would have to be negotitiated carefully. Trying to steer the free press is a terribly slippery slope, but as with spying on our own citizens, we have gotten over worse. And democracy must have truthful reporting in order to survive, as we're becoming more and more aware.

Germany went through one of the worst times in history, but they've strengthened their laws and recreated their democracy, and it seems to be doing well, overall. We're seeing exactly what happens when lies are allowed to overwhelm the truth, and opinions and conspiracy theories are allowed to overwhelm science. We've been warned.

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Excellent comment.

In addition, I suspect that a trump presidency sells more advertising. He’s the perfect “entertainment” as the left fears him, the right adulates him, and everyone needs to keep track of him. More site hits, more newspapers, more viewers.

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