...and the right wingnuts are doing the "yeah, wait until the numbers are revised down!" song and dance. They cannot handle that regardless, it's been net job gains (vs. TFG's yuuge net losses, even before COVID). Effing crybaby losers.

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

I have also kept "a close eye on your posts", Justin, but I agree with your general assessment, and like you, I am not in the tank for Biden, just willing to give credit where it is due, rather than nitpick the good news. As for the crop of naysayers and Trump-whisperers who see doom in every good report, they are facilitated by reporters (and at least one thoroughly corrupted network) whom I suspect only have a dim appreciation for the nuances of their subject matter. Even only marginally corrupted CNN's articles on the recent news juxtaposition the solidly positive news with "cautions" regarding the unemployment rate and labor participation rate blips, while others quibble about the number of part time jobs, but nowhere is there sufficient information to assess reliably the actual meaning or import of any of those naked snapshot data points. When I was earning my degree in economics, one of the things stressed repeatedly is that trends, not single data points are needed to even begin to assess statistical indicators such as these. As you note, one may quibble and nitpick around the edges, but the trend has been solidly positive - for years now. Data points such as a 0.1% blip in the unemployment rate (where in the labor sector, in what part of the country?), a small change in the labor participation rate (are we in the middle of the boomer retirement wave?), or the part time jobs numbers (without identifying where those jobs are and who is getting them) do not and cannot give reliable information about the status and health of the huge American economy - certainly not enough information to justify running around with one's hair on fire (or even sitting back and gently tut-tutting like Christopher Robin and Pooh - "Tut tut, looks like rain.")

There are a lot of moving parts in this system. Even inflation is a complex, multimodal aggregate, not a uniformly systemic experience. Several items (housing, energy, services) account for much/most of the inflationary experience - very important items certainly, but they are things that call for fine-tuned policy responses, not the "meat-axe", indirect, sometimes systemically brutal approaches the Fed wields. Indeed, some commodity prices, like gas prices, are responsive to international forces (oil production, refinery capacity), not domestic government policy. Not much any president could do if Saudi Arabia cuts production or decides to shut down part or all of its Port Arthur TX refinery for maintenance in early July. The Youngstown SCOTUS case in the 1950s held that the president could not seize private property to restore steel production even in wartime. So, there we are.

Keep up the good work, Justin. Keep calling it like you see it. The smart money is on you.

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Appreciate your perspective sir. I'm not an economist but I sometimes play one on the internet :)

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By the way, I think it’s funny that the toadie is kowtowing to the business sector when he has been such a spectacularly unsuccessful “businessman.” I guess he suffers from more than one type of envy.

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

Oops Poor silly Yahoo

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(Not expecting anyone but me to do this research btw 💕)

I need to know a lot more about what those jobs were, if they were full time, liveable wage, with benefits, and so on. And what real unemployment is right now, not the fraction who are still eligible for 13 weeks of unemployment pay now.

Specifically, I want to know if these were the same jobs outsourced, and if they came back at fair pay or got cheaper overseas for a while.

Otherwise it’s that episode of Sesame Street when Ernie keeps rearranging cookies to see if the number changed, to cover he ate one.

If he’s made improvements, huzzah! Not every job is great. The jobs I and others who have been looking for months and years pay less than we made doing them in the 90s and aughts. Entry level roles now want years of experience.

Some 30 hour a week $15 hour call center jobs nobody can afford to take is no cause for celebration.

I’m probably about to sound ignorant but I don’t understand what the president has to do with “creating jobs” any more than he “controls gas prices”. How many damn interns did he hire? 🤣🤣

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Meh. Money is imaginary anyhow. Not really surprising it flips all over the place and the market is rarely predictable.

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Still better than crypto currency.

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Curiously, the billionaires that own American media never seem to have any difficulty finding useful idiots/employees to push their facts-free agenda.

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I've decided that I'm going to keep my eye on you Justin. I've gone through your posts and it seems they were written or at the very least inspired by the biden White House or MSNBC. If you actually analysed the report you would understand it was not very good. A large increase in 'Part Time" jobs is not good Justin. Did you as yourself why the unemployment rate ticked up while the jobs number was so strong. You did not. Do you really like being used a a use tool or mouthpiece for a bunch of power hungry socialists? Hint; they don't give a shit about you dear.

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The difference between 3.9% and 4.0% is just measurement noise. All of these numbers are statistical estimates.

"This jobs report is blowing away all expectations." -- Every economist in the world

"Actually the jobs report is not very good." --- Sean on Substack

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Justin, I've decided to keep a closer eye on your posts. It seems like your comments are heavily influenced by the Biden White House or MSNBC. If you took the time to analyze the report, you'd see it wasn't very positive. A significant increase in part-time jobs isn't a good sign. Have you considered why the unemployment rate went up despite strong job numbers? It seems you haven't. Do you enjoy being used as a tool or spokesperson for those power-hungry socialists? Just a hint: they don't truly care about you, my friend.

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Son, you won't be around that long. Every time one you little trolls declares they're going to police me, I grind them into dust. You're a lapdog for fascism. Your ideology is indefensible. Your life is a lie and, at the end of the day, you'll end up being just as dumb as the rest of them with skin thinner than an egg shell.

To borrow a phrase from your fellow fascists: Fuck your feelings.

I'll start the egg timer until you start crying about civility.

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

Justin, I’m sure you must be shaking in your boots with fear that Sean is going to keep an eye on you. What a perfect example of an arrogant fuck.

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I'm all aquiver.

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Jun 8Liked by Justin Rosario

Arrogant, condescending fuck. 🙄

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Your passion really inspired me tonight, Justin. With an evening to myself, I decided to write a poem just for you. I took the time to go through many of your posts to understand who you are and what drives you. What I discovered saddened me. Nonetheless, this poem is for you.


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I feel like you didn't read a single article. If you did, there's a risk you'd learn something and that's dangerous to a mind dedicated to ignorance.

Anyway, let me know when you find a single after you're done flirting with me, weirdo.

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And maybe he should polish up his poetry in the meantime?

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Sean, I don’t know how long you’ve been reading Justin’s work, but I’ve been following him as a writer for over 10 years. He’s always been like this. 😉 So, LONG before Biden. If you haven’t figured that out yet, that’s on you.

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I’m sorry to hear he has been so hateful for so long. There’s always the chance he could see light someday. Lol

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