I consider myself to be proudly progressive, but cannot fathom *anyone* on the left pushing against Biden and honest Democratic candidates. It's pure idiocy, given the alternatives. Will be voting blue this November, up and down the ballot.

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Exactly this. Am strongly progressive AND knowing perfect is the enemy of good. Biden has literally been the most progressive president since FDR and LBJ! He can be persuaded, and he has done massive good with very slim majorities AND two Senators who refused to modify or abolish the 60 votes filibuster cudgel which prevented being able to do a lot of things. But in 2024 neither Sinema or Manchin are on the ballot so potentially we can do huge things in 2025! Ugh!!!

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

Dear Sunrise Movement,

Good work undermining your, and others, environmental mission you self-defeating fuck monkeys.


The Normal Left & Environmental Stewards

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Environmental steward? Puhleeze. Only evolution and the laws of nature “steward” anything… and yeah it’s not a Gaia god. It’s simply physics and biology… the best thing humanity can do is limit the negative impact it has on the future of Earth as a living planet. No human agency can steward anything but its own damnable presence.

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Lighten up, Francis.

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Normal left = compromise until extinction

Or: Moderate Republicans

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

Seriously these people need to pick a different name. Sunrise Movement? Sounds like a bunch of naked senior citizens doing yoga at dawn to get their bowels moving. Nothing against seniors, I’m one myself.

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😂 Got to get the old sunrise movement going…had a big dinner last night!

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lol! I am too. Love your comment 🤣

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He isn't just the lesser of two evils (and, BTW, I'm a bit uncomfortable with how much that word is being bandied about nowadays: overuse will make it anodyne), he is so much better than the alternative that it just doesn't bear talking about. The phrase “cutting off your nose to spite your face” comes to mind. My own views are left wing, quite strongly, but if these loonies think it's OK to let Trump in, who will scorch the planet, investing in coal and oil in a way that would make a 5⁰C rise look like a pipe dream. The UN and university of Leeds have just published findings that make it look extremely unlikely that we're going to stick to the 1.5⁰C rise we agreed to in Paris, nearly ten years ago. Personally, and I'm an optimist!, I can't see us achieving less than 2.5⁰C (normally I give ⁰F equivalents; they're roughly double, 1.8 times the Celsius to be exact).

There is so much at stake here and we're just lemmings diving off a cliff – except that most of the lemmings survive. Even if you're not convinced and there are examples when minority scientific views have been proved correct, we just can't afford to gamble that those few sceptics are right.

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Nicholas-I too am tired of that worn out phrase…lesser of two evils! Where were these people when other genocides happened around the world? Where were their screams! Or does it only count if US money is used for weapons? I’ve got news for them, US supplies plenty of weapons world wide.

The saying of grabbing defeat from the hands of victory is a good one for these people who will endanger us all with their purity requirements!

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

I was a Bernie supporter a couple of rounds too, but that doesn’t mean I want to burn everything down and start over because it damn well wouldn’t happen the way Bros think it would. Anarchy and chaos would be the order of the day just as another Trump presidency would.

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kay-el, Exactly!

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

This is why democracy is flagging. No one wants "compromise" and that's really all a democracy is, one big fucking compromise. Democracy itself is not the "ideal" solution to large scale governance, but in realistic exercise, is the seemingly best designed system to even have a chance at achieving some perception of equity. When did people stop realizing that?

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Because Sunrise is a youth movement - and young people start out seeing the world in black and white. One side is obviously right, and the other side wrong, so any compromise is tainted.

Plus, they see that the elder generation did make compromises - and got trampeled as result, so they don't see compromise as "a small step forward is better than no step", they see compromise as "a small step forward, then standstill isn't useful at all".

Back in the mid-80s, our Greens decided (after long discussions) to change from citizens movement to political party to more effectivly make changes in Parliament, and since then, every few years, had a split close to a civil war between the "Realo" side - to get anything done, we must make compromises, no matter how distateful - and the "Fundie" side - to compromise instead of doing the only practical solution is betrayal.

Seeing the Greens in the first government (under Schröder the social traitor) achieving big goals on one hand, but making compromises (like blocking Diesel filters in Brussels) on the other hand that still haunts us today, I can understand (not agree) that people are disappointed and feel it's all for nothing.

Especially because progressive movements and teens aren't used to the bartering approach, where you start with 150% and let yourself negotiated down to 100%; they already start with 100% because they expect people to be rational, and so they can't strike any part of their demands as less important.

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The true meaning of democracy, at least as I've always understood it, is that everyone gets a say. That's not the same as a tyranny of the majority (and not even that in the UK. There hasn't been a majority government since 1922, so it's actually a tyrant of the minority). It means exactly that: compromise, except that's a dirty word in politics. So why don't we call it finding common ground?

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That's the ancient Greece meaning.

Modern democracy means "built on human rights foundation" - it's rights for all (and rule of law for all), because once you start with "less rights for some marginal group" (whether it's PoC, or gays, or women...) it becomes authoritarianism, where "the more powerful I am, the less rules and laws I have to obey", which is GOP long before Trump.

Or as slacktivist quotes: There is an in-group that is protected by, but not bound by, the law, and an outgroup that is bound by, but not protected, by the law.

Modern democracy is the opposite of that.

Hence voting for police chief or dog-catcher is not a measure of democracy, but having full human rights that can be fought for in court does.

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

Fucking Sanctimonious Stalinists.

Remember not voting for Biden is voting for Trump.

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Ken, unfortunately, that is true. Withholding a vote for Biden, is giving a vote to FELON trump.

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

Thank you, Justin. Hope this will be shared and read by everyone especially progressives. The burning issue is reproductive rights, yes now it's going to affect all because of the loss of birth control choice. Sure, we need to be empathetic of the people world over but our democracy and rights takes precedence.

Thank you for giving the proof to talk to some disgruntled voters. I was totally dumbstruck when talking to my adult children and there was no reasoning; even the loss of women's rights and certain death of our democracy wasn't convincing enough. It was actually frightening to see that they don't care about the alternative. The real fighters fight for today, take the win and prepare for the next one.

I'm sure we're all worried about the international problems but if we save ours then we can help other democracies.

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Jun 8Liked by Justin Rosario

My son and his wife and all their friends too. They are late 30s early 40s. I just don’t understand at all. Where did we go wrong?

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Actually, @Tee Ree, I feel we did too good of a job. We wanted them to be empathetic, kind and fair-minded and they're showing empathy, and want the ethical solution to the middle East conflict. The frightening part was just that; that while they are well-read, thoughful and want humanitarian solution yet they've lost the sight of the burning problem at home, and real threat to our democracy. And...at home we can't talk about Bharatiya politics lest we get schooling even after our fruitless efforts to educate them of the millennial old politics of Bharat.

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Yes, but voting Trump or even abstaining to punish Biden for his stance on Israel/Palestine is cutting off your nose to spite your face. Just look what Trump did: move the US embassy to Jerusalem. The Palestinians will be far worse off with him in the White House. And to be fair, I think Biden has tried to put pressure on Netanyahu but he and his far right government are, like Trump, a law unto themselves. Netanyahu is only interested in one thing: to stay in power so as to avert the corruption charges hanging over him. He's not that different from Trump. Maybe it's worth asking who they'd vote for in a choice between Netanyahu and Biden and pint or that a vote for Trump is a vote for Netanyahu and so is an abstention.

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Sorry, point out that a vote…

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TicToc likely…They repeat just what the right wants them to.

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I know it's looking bad everywhere but a Trump victory would be catastrophic for everyone, not just the USA. I'm a UK citizen and compared to Europe, things aren't quite so bad here. We've had an awful and incompetent government for 14 years – with five different PMs (Prime Ministers! – which just shows how much squabbling there's been within the Tory party. An absolutely disastrous Brexit was the result because Cameron wanted to settle the argument within the party. And when he lost the referendum he buggered off and let someone else tidy up the mess (Johnson, not quite as bad as Trump but a Trump supporter and like him a narcissist who was only interested in the glory). It looks very much like Labour will win the election with a huge majority, so we're not as divided or polarized. There is a far-right party, Reform, formerly UKIP and they may get a few seats from the Tories but they're not polling much above 10% and we have a FPTP (first past the post) electoral system.

The reason a trump victory would be catastrophic are many. The damage to democracy in general; his avowed intention to abandon NATO which will only embolden Putin and Iran; and for the planet it is project 2025's climate change denial. Their commitment to oil and coal and hostility to green energy is an existential threat to our planet. I really doubt we'll manage to stick to 1.5°C (2.7°F) warming, I think we'll be lucky to stay under 2.5°C (4.5 °F) but if the GOP have their way it'll be 5°C (9°F). A rise that big will have absolutely devastating consequences. It just doesn't bear thinking about. The UK has actually done rather well when it comes to reducing our emissions but Sunak (our current PM) rolled back on our commitments a few months ago, gave it new drilling licences for North Sea oil exploration (conveniently lining his own pockets) and extended the deadline for the phasing out of petrol cars.

Well, fingers crossed 🤞🏼 and my thoughts are with you. I'm fairly optimistic that Trump won't win, at least not legally and I hope that you'll be able to heal your divisions. I wish you all the best of luck.

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Thank you for sharing about the UK politics. The frightening part is alliances of government and corporations and oligarchs, everywhere. The problem is with the educated illiterates who don't want their (mis)information questioned nor want to know the facts, guess no one wants to be wrong or look stupid. drumfp has not only damaged the political system, damage actually started by newt and mcconnell, and with false accusations and failed lawsuits still is successful in damaging public's trust in the elections, but also relations in family and friends. The most frightening part is close to 50% still consider drumfp a serious candidate, and want to vote for the convicted felon.

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

And of course they make an excellent example for the Right to claim the Left is unreasonable and clearly none of us leftist rabble like Biden, so it's obvious there is something massively wrong with him so hey, vote Trump like a good citizen.

Are we not sure these ridiculously named environmentalists aren't a fake group started by the Right? After all, they're always accusing us of using Antifa pretending to be MAGAts to cause trouble. Almost like they are familiar with the concept.

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

If they aren’t literally MAGATS, they are using the same playbook, sitting at the same table, and deserve to be isolated and excised in the same way.

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

My son is one of these people

He will vote Blue up and down the ballot, however I must point out that he gets his news from Utube and his wife gets hers from TikTok

They are both thoroughly convinced that President Biden is part of the corporate oligarchy

That he's funded by billionaire donors and is " the lesser of two evils"

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Jun 7·edited Jun 10Liked by Justin Rosario

Anyone who says Biden is the “lesser of two evils“ is simply showing themselves be a self-righteous, self-satisfied asshole. VASTLY more concerned about broadcasting their (non-existent) moral superiority than in actually promoting anything that improves things. *Including* those things they claim they themselves want improved.

They are the person who stands by snapping pictures of the gang rape and then makes sure to brag to everyone how they did the right thing because they handed over just one of those picture to the police for evidence.

Biden is a “lesser evil” the way the person dedicated to running the free medical clinic is less evil than Jack the Ripper.

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deletedJun 7
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Troll? For pointing out that people who have chosen to be idiots have chosen to be idiots?

Here’s an idea: If you disagree with me then explain why. I’m open for the debate and willing to be convinced if you make a convincing argument.

Or, you can just hurl insults and run away again. That’s not trollish at all.

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I’m sorry, I replied to the wrong comment. Trigger happy with all the negativity around. Time to touch grass for me! 🌷

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Christopher isn’t a troll. Maybe you meant that other guy?

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That’s my bad, wrong reply. Thank you for pointing it out.

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Of course. god knows I’ve made the same mistake. We’re all a bit edgy these days.

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

Biden has been better than we could have possibly hoped for, and the most progressive President of our time. These faux progressives show their cards…they are simply accelerationist anarchists and can now officially K my A. No more catering to them. At. All. They are now sitting with MAGATS and they can enjoy their seat at that table. Defeated and irrelevant.

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Jun 8Liked by Justin Rosario

I was pretty confident of Joe doing a great job in 2020 and my son, with surprise, asked me why I am so confident. I told him that, this is an old person's view, but at Joe's age and being through everything in his life there is nothing to loose. This time also I feel that he will/ might expand sc and codify the women's and voting rights provided we give him congress. Besides it's not like he can run for third term unlike OStraitorking.

I'm so so proud of our President Biden.

These "progressives" are being ungrateful in a way, OTcongressclowns were/are hostile, uncooperative and salivating at destroying everything but Joe persevered. Bringing country back from monumentally horrifying effects of pandemic, then getting everyone, even idiots, vaccinated, and economy roaring, May's job growth 272k, the list can go on.

Look at the alleged traitortutintools they're still supporting their @#$%&$, can't even make up any name anymore.

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Jun 9Liked by Justin Rosario

Ungrateful is a wonderful word for it! Also obtuse, regressive, and downright dumb.

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Jun 8Liked by Justin Rosario

The U.S. is not alone in having this problem. The left of the Labour Party has done its level best to undermine Starmer almost since he was elected in place of the left’s darling Jeremy Corbyn and would rather see the Tories re-elected than see Starmer in power, apparently believing that if things get bad enough that will trigger the glorious socialist revolution they crave.

It won’t of course, things will just get worse and worse but like the group you are talking about they seem unable to see the harm their hankering after perfection could cause.

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

We really need to stop giving oxygen to this stuff. Same for MAGA/Trumpism. All attention seekers. Just ignore and watch them melt away (or go increasingly double maximum totally bonkers — either one works).

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Jun 8Liked by Justin Rosario

Great read. Informative, well written, and funny. Thank you.

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Jun 8Liked by Justin Rosario

Basically just the modern US version of the German KPD party that helped bring Hitler to power. KPD party members then ended up in camps or executed. Dumbasses

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Justin, Reading the comments, I’m glad to see others writing they are Progressives, like me. In fact, I supported Bernie when he ran. But once he was off the ticket, I put my vote to Hillary, just as Bernie did!

Younger people I work around in an alderman’s office in Chicago, refer to Biden as Genocide Joe. I have a laundry list of Biden accomplishments that I talk to them about. One young woman said she will probably vote for Biden but the choices were horrible between trump and Genocide Joe. I’m not sure if this MAGA-esque focus on one thing only is from TicToc or what, but this really seems to come from younger people. I remind them that they are so pro-LGBTQIA, do they understand what they are risking for these friends of theirs! Do they want to strive toward equality..ain’t gonna happen if they endanger the Biden win. Like MAGA they don’t want to hear it. Part of the problem is the total lack of access to the multitude of Biden accomplishments

Maybe it’s because they are a second generation out from WWII. And can’t grasp what FASCISM means!!! These are 20 & 30-somethings. So they are not just out of school. But their failure to learn how much Biden has done/achieved is troubling. (Not that ANY news stations would EVER report it-they’re beholden to their ultra-right owners).

Like Brexit, I think the people who bash Biden aren’t aware of where their genocide chant was manufactured.

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