Sep 4Liked by Justin Rosario

Almost 20 years ago I was watching tv with my 93 year old grandma and a dark actor was on (maybe Indian from India) and she just came out with “I hate Indians. I am one but I hate them.” I said, “Why is that Nanny?” She answered, “I just do.” It went on like that but I couldn’t get anything definitive out of her. Being raised in rural Oklahoma in the early 1900’s, I think it was just that they all hated the “dirty Indians” along with the blacks (dirty N-words) and Mexicans (“dirty s-words). These are all good Baptists also.

The racism is deep and wide in this country.

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Sep 5Liked by Justin Rosario

The existence of Native Americans reminds them of the atrocities committed against First Nations throughout the history of the United States. It “offends their sensibilities” to be faced with living representation of the crimes this country is based upon.

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Sep 5Liked by Justin Rosario

“Them” being republicans/conservatives.

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Sep 4Liked by Justin Rosario

I’m right there with President Harris for it too! Let’s obliterate the GOP!!! Can’t think of a more deserving organization.

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Sep 4Liked by Justin Rosario

The term fetus refers to a woman’s “baby” before it is born. Calling it a baby is a prize to the pro-lifers. Language matters. I LOVE YOUR WORK! Thank you

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Sep 4Liked by Justin Rosario

You did not mention this, but I wonder if it is because he is afraid of getting shot again…

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A possibility but he also wasn't campaigning much before the assasination attempt. The press ignored that, too.

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Sep 5Liked by Justin Rosario

Maybe it's because they can't accuse the Indigenous people of being "immigrants" and know that the Indigenous people are the "real" Americans (and Canadians for that matter) and that they, themselves are the immigrants. Ergo, they can't use that argument against them. Another thing is that the immigrants abused and wiped out most of the Indigenous population when they invaded North America and are the ones responsible for the sad state the Indigenous people find themselves in today.

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Exactly! Bullies are always guilty cowards

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That explains a lot, my dear, because he’s not avoiding the campaign trail because he might be shot at again -he’s avoiding it because he’s falling apart at the seams

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My only question is how come Trump smiles only for pictures?

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Because he only knows how to mimic human emotion. He doesn't actually experience joy.

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I think most of his publicity photos are Photoshop

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He doesn’t show emotion and he never really laughs. That is a hallmark sign of a psychopath. It’s called a shallow affect.

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Sep 4Liked by Justin Rosario

The Gray Old Lady is dead.

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Sep 4Liked by Justin Rosario

Used to say f*** t rump. Well now it’s f*** NYT.

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I want to get to the transcript, but you refer to a picture. What picture. Give me an url not a cryptic clue.

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Sep 5Liked by Justin Rosario

I never use the app. I get everything by email

From there I click on ❤️ or at least “comment” which takes me to the website comments page.

Then at the top of that page you can click on the “listen ->” (in red) link.

That will take you to the web page where you can listen to the podcast. It starts with a picture “On Air”

Right underneath that picture is the word “transcript” in small letters!


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Sep 5Liked by Justin Rosario

Thanks! I'll give that a try.

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Please give me the web address. Old person here, can't figure it out how to find it. Thanks!

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Sep 4Liked by Justin Rosario

look above the picture, where it says "transcript"

it took me a minute to find it

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Sorry, there's no URL for the transcript. Substack doesn't work that way. If you're on the app, you just can't get to it. -_-

You need to go to the substack website and you can see the link to the transcript on the podcast page. It's annoying. Sorry.

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Let us dreg the swamps , that’s where slime balls go to hide .

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