What the hell are these big business crooks doing meeting with a CONVICTED FELON & RAPIST & SEDITION-INCITER? THEY should be removed from their positions immediately. This is what a corrupt/Fascist monopolized media does! It pretends this is just a normal meeting. What if they met with numerous other CONVICTED FELON-RAPIST-SEDITIONISTS? What if Democrats did this? 👈🏻There’s your answer. Swift punishment should be taking place. And it must be worded like this; Major executives, Jamy Dimon, Tim Cook, Jane Fraser etc, met with a CONVICTED FELON-RAPIST-TRAITOR to our country. And furthermore, these elites have no business determining anything for our government. Time to oust these people!

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

If HE wins, we are screwed. I’m 68 years old; I expect that the last few years of my life would be under authoritarian rule. More than likely, my husband and I will end up losing our savings due to several reasons (one of them being healthcare).

We are just one family in amongst many.

We absolutely cannot let HIM win in November.

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There are more of us. The right wing controlled media does not want us to realize we will win. Don’t go overboard with fear but keep a healthy amount in light of the fact that they announce their sedition, but nothing happens to them. It doesn’t mean we can’t shut down the US if we refuse to do ANYTHING until the criminal is permanently removed from society. We can get drastic if we want to. It’s time for them to be afraid of us!

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

I just want to let you know Justin that I really enjoy your writing. It’s like I already know you and your family. Keep up the good work. I read you everyday!

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Thank you!

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

Yay for less meds!

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