Jun 26Liked by Justin Rosario

Sacre bleu - Oh Mon dieu - agent orange in a shit colored hue - perhaps his ill-fated candidacy should discontinue.

Sorry - I got caught up in the Hue-Manatee of it all.


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WE MUST ACT! It's not enough for Democratic voters in blue states to exclaim "Vote Blue" and pat one another on the back. Due to the Electoral College, sadly, many of our blue votes won't matter. We need to get swing states to vote for Biden. https://www.focus4democracy.org/ has a plan to educate undecided voters on why they must vote Blue to protect our democracy. They're focused on swing states. F4D is composed of a dozen or so seasoned campaign messaging experts (combined, they have many decades of experience) who can calculate the effects of different campaign messages on voting outcomes. I'm now donating to their programs (rather than random Democratic candidates). Even people who can't afford to donate can forward the info to everyone they know. Too many people feel hopeless and aren't doing anything. WE MUST TAKE ACTION. Please take a look at focus4democracy. We're in an emergency. I've got a list of nearly 200 friends, acquaintances, and colleagues I'm emailing about this. Will folks here join me? I'm waiting for a show of hands.

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Holy shit balls, Batman, we gotta get that Batmobile started

let’s go!

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Climate migration is a serious issue and the industrialized nations need to take responsibility. They are fleeing a situation that WE created, so yes, it’s our responsibility to help them.

At 3C warming, which we are headed for by 2100 at the latest, 2 billion people will have to migrate or die.

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Well, I say, “Confiscate maralardo and put the displaced there! But, one exception: NO Rich people allowed.”

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