Sep 16Liked by Justin Rosario

George Will is a GOP dinosaur whose main job at WaPo is talk about baseball and bothsiderism.

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I hear he is way better at baseball talk than politics. He'd have to be.

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His baseball write ups are a snooze fest.

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I’ll take your word for it! I find him pretentious and odious!

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Sep 16Liked by Justin Rosario

George Will wrote a disgusting narrative about the 1619 project. Every time I pick up this book to re-read a portion or get a fact correct, I review George’s condemnation of that book. He is a huge asshole, in my estimation. But event though his remarks always underscore his despicable comments and opinions, I am grateful that he sees the light in this situation.

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Sep 16Liked by Justin Rosario

How much of this uniparty nonsense comes from the Russian trolls?

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It is new to me. Had to google it. I don’t participate in social media at all unless you count my carefully curated SubStack writers.

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Sep 16Liked by Justin Rosario

It's an alt-left thing, so yeah, you're probably right.

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All of it, but it makes some feel clever, like Greenwald who has a massive crush on Putin. Taibbi also has Russian connections, he lived there in the 90's when he was in his 20's. He is a good writer but got # me Too-ed for being gross and sexist to the women that worked with him, so he went to the dark side.

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Sep 16Liked by Justin Rosario

If one uses that “uniparty” bullshit, I automatically discount anything they say. It’s such nonsense and shows me they aren’t serious people.

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Sep 16Liked by Justin Rosario

They might as well utter "libtard"

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They are! Just the term has changed.

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Sep 16Liked by Justin Rosario

Great column, Justin!! So true--the monster that George Will, Dick Cheney, and the other Republicans have created from decades ago got unleashed by Trump and the idiots the Repubs cultivated. Now the monster is out of control and Will, Cheney, and the old schoolers are coming over to vote against that monster. You are absolutely correct. We are happy to get their votes, but they are not friends.

They are directly responsible for the dire straits we are in now. The enemy of my enemy is a temporary "ally" until the common threat has been vanquished. Then they will most likely be an enemy again.

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Sep 16Liked by Justin Rosario

Justin, you are feisty, feisty, feisty today. More please.

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Sep 16Liked by Justin Rosario

👍👍👍 Excellent as always!

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Sep 16Liked by Justin Rosario

Exactly my thoughts

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Sep 16Liked by Justin Rosario

Alt-left > sanctimonious Stalinism.

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Sep 16Liked by Justin Rosario

Glenn Greenwood & Matt Taibi are only in it for the money & the false pretense that they’re being honest journalists unlike the fake news.

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Sep 16Liked by Justin Rosario

Don't know who Greenwood is, but I remember the days long ago before Taibi sold his stinking pile of 💩 soul to the Russians & whoever else. He was an insightful, excellent reporter decades ago.

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Sep 16Liked by Justin Rosario

I agree. His fame went to his head. Greenwald is similar. He did the Snowden whistleblower case (& others?), has won awards and gained notoriety. Now he thinks he’s always right.

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Greenwald is a founder of the Intercept, who is a publication that can do good work, when their bias doesn't get in the way. Greenwald burned Reality Winner, and Chelsea Manning, who were bringing him classified information (that he solicited, and asked them to steal more.) He gave up both of them, to the authorities and eventually moved to Brazil with his gorgeous husband from a very wealthy family. He loves Putin and I believe was soliciting classified sources on his behalf.

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I was just reading Steve Schmidt’s post today, and it left a bad taste in my mouth. His article was about Trump’s violence and hate, but started with this paragraph:

“The age of malice has been the vision, work and achievement of Donald Trump, whose rottenness, low character, meanness and faithlessness were long decried by the conservative movement until it became their anthem.”

Which, I’m sorry, but that’s just horse shit. Only if you ignore everything the Republican Party, and their media arm Fox Propaganda, has done in the last 40+ years, can you lay all the blame for the last decade at Trump’s feet.

And I skimmed thru the comments and saw virtually no push-back to the idea that the Republican Party was the party of angels prior to Trump. So I felt I had to comment with the following:

“I’m sorry but there is so much more to this than Donald Trump.

The Republican Party has been in bed with the NRA for many years, fighting safe gun ownership laws at every turn. Even now, with the latest school shooting just a few weeks past, they offered “thoughts and prayers” and balked at questions about gun laws saying it’s “too soon to be making a political thing out of this.” They do this every time, as if the questioner were a terrible person for even bringing it up.

Fox Propaganda has been promoting hate and fear for the 40+ years they’ve been on air, and they’ve done it as an arm of the Republican Party. Every Republican politician, pundit and such have used their air time to tell lies about the Democratic Party and their policies, to sow division amongst Americans based on racism and bigotry, and to stoke fear and anger directed at “others.”

It’s why Fox Propaganda was created, so Republican voters would never need to think for themselves. It’s by Roger Ailes design, along with Rupert Murdoch, and the Reagan Administration who helpfully eliminated the Fairness Doctrine, which meant news organizations were no longer required to show a fair and balanced picture to viewers. They took that newfound freedom to lie and ran with it.

In 2015 Trump simply took what the Republican Party had cultivated all these years, and he turned it up to 11 and rammed it even harder to the extreme. But he certainly didn’t create or envision it. He’s not that smart.

I’m glad that you and many other Republicans have drawn a line where Trump is concerned, and have said “no more.” But it took his extremes to get there. Everything that’s gone on before didn’t seem to be a problem.

It seems most Never Trump Republicans, and even recent No More Trump Republicans, are just waiting for the Republican Party to “go back to normal” once Trump is gone, and they don’t see that there was ever a problem within the party to begin with. I fail to see how they could fail to see that.

If the Republican Party doesn’t fully accept responsibility for what they turned their Voter Base into, as soon as Trump is gone, some other MAGAt will take up the mantle and they’ll follow that person. If that doesn’t happen, and by some chance main stream Republicans actually re-take control of the party again, they’ll go right back to all the usual tactics of the last 40+ years.

And those tactics wrought nothing but the mess we’re in now. More than just hateful politics and a fearful, angry Republican base, but a handful of ultra-wealthy jackasses calling all the shots and buying their preferred government, while the rest of us fight each other for crumbs.”

And that’s it. I just couldn’t let it pass it bothered me so much.”

And that was my push-back. I mean, am I wrong? This didn’t start just with Trump, yeah? It’s been building for years, from what I’ve seen.

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Sam, you wrote a great response. All of what you said is true. Since the Raegan years, I’ve been calling out these points. Like shouting into space; no one listened until the last few years.

In addition to your comment, I’ve had the same luck alerting about the Russian influence in the US. Now people are starting to talk about it but I brought up the subject in 2015 that we were facing a foreign interference crisis. Not only Russia is involved. Any nation that wants democracy subverted. Russia appears to be the ringleader.

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Sep 16Liked by Justin Rosario

Goddamn, a fine rant!

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Researching the term “alt-left” & all I get is that it’s an invented term by the right to gin up hatred.

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If you envision the political spectrum as a circle instead of a line, the Right and Left meet at the bottom, and are virtually indistinguishable.

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Great, but on balance, fuck George Will.

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And the horse he rode in on.

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"With" the horse he rode in on.

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Thank you. When I go home, I have fox news family members and alt left family members. And yes, things are said (especially the alt left members) to provoke an argument. I hope it is OK if I use some of your points next time something is said to me.

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Hot damn! You nailed every point. They spent decades curating this monster and lost control 🤦🏼‍♀️ These are terrible people and no matter how they hold their noses for decency today…they WILL revert to their unrepentant douchebaggery as soon as they can. 🙄

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trumputin is merely a symptom. The racist ASSHOLES that make up his "base" have always been here. The fact that McConnell and his ilk have lost the control they never had amuses me to no end!

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Absolutely, they want us to save them, as usual.

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