Jun 12Liked by Justin Rosario

Thank you for wading in and excoriating both Tur and the bottomlessly execrable Loomer. I had trouble understanding what Tur was gassing on about, until I saw Loomer’s tweet which spelled it all out. Extraordinary, the whole mythology the right has woven around Joe and Jill Biden, whose blameless family life makes that of Cheeto Ceausescu look doubly depraved.

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Jun 12Liked by Justin Rosario

How much hate does Loomer have in her? What a vile, despicable thing to say. Who says, without a shred of evidence, such horrible things?

I hope she’s sued for defamation.

Somebody shut her TFU.

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MAGAts have brains?

That's the biggest news in this essay....

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Jun 12Liked by Justin Rosario

Republithugs couldn't STAND it that Barack and Michelle Obama and their daughters were excellent examples of a decent family: no vile sub plots! Or anything underhanded, subversive, immoral. Jill Biden’s decency, Joe Biden’s decency is offensive to them for the reasons you list. Only grubby and sordid fit their view.

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Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

So, if I’m understanding this correctly, Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict is a ploy to make it look like tit for tat for Trump? Lololololololol. That takes some deranged thinking to think this is some kind of contest and winner gets to be President.

Hunter was guilty of being dumb in the moment. Um, where is Cokehead Jr’s indictment for being a known drug user and gun owner?

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This is precisely why a case like trumps should have resulted in the death penalty. Hs Fascist followers gather steam instead of worrying about what their prison term will be. Justice delayed is justice denied, and justice denied opens the door to Fascism. Timeliness matters.

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ALL of this is true. There is no bottom to the levels of their depravity. It gets more and more disgusting when they attempt to out-maga each other. It’s all about being a transactional shell, with a “what’s in it for me” attitude. Every person for themselves. The repubs who stay silent and play along, don’t they understand that all of the kids are watching? Do they not give a s***? The folks who should know better are modeling this for younger generations. I shudder to think of the Mad Max-esque society that could materialize in the next 20-30 years 😬

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How does one break that which is known not to exist?

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

Republicans would absolutely use the DOJ as a weapon and rig trials. So they have no problem believing Democrats would. In fact, they simply cannot believe Biden hasn’t. Because he must have. Because they would have.

Fact of human nature: People expect others to behave as they themselves would behave.

It’s how the person who will betray their companion justifies it. Because they would betray, they assume their companion would also. So they have to act first. It’s not their fault. Their companion made them do it out of self-preservation.

(Justification and avoiding responsibility all in one go.)

Unfortunately the flip side happens as well, the companion, who would never betray the first guy assumes (wrongly) that the first guy is equallly honorable. It leads them to overlook signs of the coming betrayal and not take steps to protect themselves. They wouldn’t break their word, so can’t believe the first guy would either. (It’s why Democrats are often wimpy in their responses to Republican crimes.)

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Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

Hit right on the nose, Justin. Projection is a key part of the Fascist GOP DNA. The crimes they commit are always the ones they accuse the Democrats of committing.

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Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

Going with the “it’s all a smoke screen, Biden crime family, blah, blah, blah reminds me of the battle of wits in the Princess Bride. IRL we’ve built up a resistance to the poison, which are the never ending baseless accusations. “Every single accusation is an admission” should be on bumper stickers. Anyone not part of the cult would see loomer is just a skeevy gutter snipe. As much as I want them to stfu, I hope the undecideds will see her unbridled vileness and reject the hatefulness.

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Laura Loomer is a very sick woman who is full of self-hatred, drowning in despair, and hanging on by a thread mentally and emotionally.

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There is SO MUCH to unpack here.

Potential voters have to be educated about the detachment from reality spewing from the mouths of MAGAts. There is no hope for the hard core cultists but those who still have an open mind about the election need to be educated.

As for loomer, you have to wonder what kind of parents she had, or if she just crawled out from under a rock or out of the slime in a sewer somewhere. No one who had decent parents who taught positive morals and difference between right and wrong would say garbage like that. But then when you’re propagandized like that whatever your childhood was like wouldn’t make much of a difference. The bottom line is that she’s sick and blinded by her hate.

The best line from your post that said “every accusation from republics a confession is SO TRUE! All people have to do is see MAGA propaganda through that lens and ever else makes sense.

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And vice versa with Trump. What a farce.

Who can believe these are our two main choices?

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So, lets stipulate for the sake of argument that there IS a Biden Crime Family.

Which would you rather have as president, a sloppily incompetent and obviously bribable grifter (and family) in the white house, or the head of a crime family so clever that no hint of corruption can be pinned on them?

Which crook would more ably serve in office?

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On the Republican adoption note, I never forgot the Black kid adopted by Amy Coney Barrett. Wonder how he’s doing; maybe speaking in tongues by now.

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