Apr 15Liked by Justin Rosario

Netanyahu’s ego wouldn’t have it any other way.

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Apr 15Liked by Justin Rosario

Here’s this bit of cheery news: Israel will Respond to Iran’s Missile Strike Over the Weekend:


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Depends on the response. If it's a "We're going to blow up some of your planes, here's advance warning." That might be enough for Iran to ignore. If they hit hard and kill people? Ugh.

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The more I read about drones the more I become a Luddite. But thank you for providing this in-depth background. Your final exhortation to vote blue may reach the modern technocrats.

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Serious question: If domestic mass drone attacks are being speculated about in open forums can the actual reality be far behind?

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No, it can't. And that's a problem.

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Like the highly choreographed drone shows?

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Had not thought about that aspect, but possibly. I was thinking more about an attack like 9/11 except with drones. The article mentioned Miami, etc., but there are many similar potential targets. What isn’t clear if we we equipped to handle such events, assuming, of course, the necessary planning and deployment, etc., escapes NSA and our other security watchdogs.

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It would be painfully easy to stock a warehouse with hundreds of drones purchased on Amazon within a couple miles of a venue and use them to carpet bomb the place.

Doesn’t even need to be a warehouse or 100s of drones. 2 to 3 dozen in an apartment could be sufficient.

How many anonymous locations are within 3 to 5 miles of the next Yankees game, or Taylor Swift concert, or political rally, or the Oscars ,or people hanging out on a spring day on the lawn in Central Park?

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This is a scary prospect. I hope someone in DHS is looking at it.

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“Are” equipped…. My seeing eye dog proof reader failed me again. 🥸

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“far-right and alt-left … Honestly, it was difficult to tell the difference between the two groups.”

Well, of course. It’s impossible to distinguish between a thing and itself.

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It’s always interesting to me how an armchair warrior such as yourself can provide so much mal-information about warfare.

And be so complicit and complacent about delivering it too! I chalk it up to the sad commentary of how this country continues to move past prelude and chapter one of fascism..onward to the tragic conclusions.



How many aircraft carriers are parked off the coast of Haifa? Go study some maritime war doctrine in order to fully understand what boots on the ground means. I know that’s hard to do without skin in the game. But amuse me, please.

How many US boots are on the ground in the Middle East right now? Start with Jordan, where you blew off the fact that we have already had three US KIA’s related to the proxy war you only view as a “remote” or Israeli fight.

How long has the US been involved in the Iran - Israel proxy war? It’s main player!!

Where were CENTCOM forward operating command staff boots located this past weekend?

Your false equivalence comparing warfare strategy between Ukraine and Israel is shameful. Not as shameful as what the GOP is doing; once again holding Ukrainian aide hostage for their fascist proclivities and the speed bump Putin needs for regrouping. But for you to hold court at any level for discussion of operational or strategic warfare and planning, comparing Israel to Ukraine would be kin to comparing canoe waterborne operations to the aircraft carrier operations you ignore, ongoing in the Mediterranean. The years and level of detailed planning and funding go back to 1948 when the UK brexited the first time and Israel was squeezed onto the map. Until Putin invaded Ukraine, US military investment there was little more than a few annual low key joint exercises.

Holding ground in Afghanistan and Iraq? Once again, only a commander such as yourself from the 82nd armchair warrior division would conflate failed strategic foreign policy with operational and tactical mission set successes. Let us know when you start to draw your straw man for tying Soldiers following lawful orders to Dick Cheney lying to an American public for the sake of Halliburton stock.

Israel “ending” Hamas? No surprise what little foreign policy intellect you have would be hijacked by AIPAC talking points; probably without your knowledge they were hijacked. An ignorance inflamed by not being able to see the connectivity between the US-ISIS-HAMAS-HEZBOLLAH-IRAN-ISRAEL-JORDAN-PALESTINE…well, if you don’t get the drift that one is connected to all, you really have no business spreading your mal-information. You say Iran is not a friend without really understanding why you parrot that. What would Barry Obama say?

I would look forward to being entertained by your next screed on the ME quagmire, if it weren’t so dangerous and irresponsible.

I will say though, you have been right about one thing. This latest chapter with Iran does provide some unfortunate hang time for BiBi. And you are proof positive that wars are indeed a distraction; in your case a distraction to not even being able to see the war we’ve been in for like…forever. So spare us what’s fine with you about when and where our military commitments need to be. Especially since you lack the requisite attention to detail required in understanding the commitment. You’re more helpful as a Star Wars drone Sci Fi aficionado. An adult knows his limitations.

Since I have been cowardly blocked from responding directly to Justin, here’s my response to his below:

Censorship and deflection will get you nothing, Justin, except the points ($$$) you are seeking from your soapbox. How much am I charging for subscription? How much do you charge for a subscription?

I am not on a soapbox. I never have been. I don’t see the requirement. It’s too self absorbing and boring.

What I said had exactly everything to do with what you wrote here and as cumulative to your myopic interpretation of ME US strategic narcissistic foreign policy. I have lived with it my entire life. I have lived in the genesis of the military industrial complex Ike warned us about (Dwight, not Turner), and our ally in genocide Israel Isreal has made scary and remarkable advances with. So you deny saying Israel must “end” Hamas? You deny conflating “Global War on Terror” tactical, operational and strategic framing to suite your own narratives? I strongly recommend reading Timothy Snyder’s book titled “On Tyranny”…start with chapter 10.

Good luck during the impending purge.

You’ll need it.

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You know. It's fascinating how little of anything I said actually had anything to do with your rambling screed.

I get it. You're on your soapbox trying to score points. Good for you. Now go do it someplace else. Bye now.

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There is zero appetite in this country for another war in the Middle East. Anyone—maybe especially Netanyahu—who thinks that the United States can be manipulated into a war with Iran is either fantasizing or downright delusional. Plainly, Benji does grasp just how thoroughly W poisoned the military intervention well.

Overall, the whole of American military history says that American public opinion is satisfied only by wars with continuous clearcut victories on the battlefield. Otherwise, it turns against the war quickly and permanently.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15

“There is zero appetite in this country for another war in the Middle East.”

Did you miss the part where Justin was pointing out the attitude of the far right and alt left on Twitter?

In certain (uncomfortably large) portions of the population in this country there is very much an appetite for war in the Middle East.

“American public opinion is satisfied only by wars with continuous clearcut victories on the battlefield.”

Didn’t stop us from sending troops to Vietnam, or invading Afghanistan, or most of the other conflicts we’ve sent troops into in the last 40 years.

The American public might like clearcut victories and might object when we don’t have them, but that’s why Bush ordered all the caskets containing dead service people hidden from public view. So they could keep us involved in a war that public opinion wouldn’t support.

Public opinion may help us start to get out of a conflict if enough information comes out that the general view turns against the conflict. But public opinion has never stopped us from going into one.

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I stand corrected. Accounting for the far left and far right who are not isolationists, there’s about a 2% appetite for another war in the Middle East.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15

I don't have empirical data at hand (as you don't) but, based on what I'm seeing online and in the news, I'd put the percentage a lot higher.

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