Jul 1Liked by Justin Rosario

We'll Biden definitely won't step down now! 🥳 he's got immunity he can do whatever the heck he wants thanks to SCOTUS! 😉 I guess they forgot Trump isn't president at the moment.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 12Liked by Justin Rosario

I’d LOVE to see Biden order the US Marshalls to forcefully drag exactly half a dozen Supremes (you know which six) into the street in front of the Court and then have Seal Team Six mock execute them. Biden could then say “You ruled I could do this and have immunity. Re-issue your ruling or maybe next time it’s real.”

Of course he wouldn’t ever abuse his power that way, even though he now absolutely could, because he’s a decent man. And that’s the problem. The Republicans know they don’t have to fear Biden using this SCOTUS decision against them (but are eagerly looking forward to using it themselves).

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I remember a quote from awhile ago Bill Maher said, "Dems have no balls, & Repubs have no brains." Does it still apply?

No-Biden is too decent to do such, but wish he would doing something strong & lethal (not advocating harm in the physical sense). Love your seal team scenario!

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Yes-Prez immunity. Lock 'em up!

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Jul 1Liked by Justin Rosario

Of course his team thinks he is a loser. He’s a convicted felon who has also been found to have raped a woman, screwed a porn star and lied to the people. He is the one who should drop out of the running. Not Biden!

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Jul 1Liked by Justin Rosario

You're absolutely right - they're always preparing for a loss just exactly the way you said it! All the talk about "rigged" shows that. Do you remember Trump saying it even just before he won because he didn't expect to win....cover their butts always.

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Jul 1Liked by Justin Rosario

I sure hope there is someone working on plans to block these guys. They have played a long game and they are awfully close to getting the theocratic autocracy they have been working towards for a very long time.

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I hope Biden is ready to take some steps with the immunity the Court just gave him to prosecute the Justices accepting "Gratuities" right now. This crosses over the 3 branches of government, but then the Court has already violated it by legislating and they've broken their Oaths to defend the Constitution, Separation of Church and State, and Common Laws against bribery and corruption. To restore the 3 branch system, Biden needs to step in under the Immunity granted him.

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And now that SCOTUS gave President Joe Biden immunity Donald better take cover!!

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Justin Rosario

Why? The Republicans know they don’t need to fear they’ve handed a loaded gun to someone who will point it at them.

They know Biden is far too decent a man to ever use the immunity he now has in that way. Which is why they had no problems with getting this SCOTUS decision made while Biden is still president.

But, boy, they won’t hesitate at all to pick that gun up themselves.

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I think everyone has a limit, Joe Biden won't lay down he will fight!

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Sure. But not by ordering Trump assassinated or the SCOTUS arrested. Things he could now do.

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looks like Congress is finally going after Thomas & Alito! I'm cautiously happy🤞

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It's a great step and just emphasizes, again, why we need to make sure there's a Dem majority in the House. The Republicans are not interested at all in holding criminals to account so as long as they're in charge nothing will happen.

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Jul 1Liked by Justin Rosario

You always give me hope. Thank you, Justin.

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Jul 1Liked by Justin Rosario

Nonetheless, the Supreme Court decision clears the way for Biden to throw the domestic terrorist leaders & their judicial protectors into Guantanamo Bay as an Official Act ... but he won't, of course.

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Aye, there’s the rub. Biden has too much decency and respect for the rule of law to do what SCOTUS now says he can.

And the lackeys on the Court know that, which is why they were willing to make this decision while Biden is still President.

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hopefully he will stack the court with more democrats!

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Actually scratch that put some Independents on the bench!😉

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Jul 1Liked by Justin Rosario

I’d be happy to see the Gang that Couldn’t Shoot Straight (liars every one), having morphed into the Clown Car Brigade (hearings where they look like the chumps they are) continue their marching orders from Trump straight into Guantanamo. Put DeSantis in charge but he has to wear a ball and chain. This is all doable now that SCROTUS gave the green light, right?

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Jul 1Liked by Justin Rosario

BECAUSE our lives depend on it!

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“One has to ask why this is. Why is the press always so eager to have Democrats get out of the way? “

Much better question: Why are DEMOCRATS always so eager to have Democrats get out of the way?

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The old guard Dems did like to play fair. Now, they need to realize that Biden is no longer viable.

Love him, but he needs to endorse RFK jr. I've posted links on this site, but re-sharing for individuals to take another look with an open mind, as the MSM has crucified Rfk jr.

1 mo ago re RFK jr, Biden, tRump polls:


34% RFK jr


Re "vax conspiracy" here Rfk jr speaks with Dr Phil re conflicts of interest w/big pharm, etc:


The sensationalist media stories of the Kennedy family not supporting Rfk jr is not true. 6 of the Kennedy clan do work directly for Biden. They, of course, believe in their mission. But they do not divorce from their family (tho there can always be disagreements).

Kennedy comes from a very large family who love & support him, even with different political views. It should also be noted, that

the Biden family has been old family friends with the Kennedys. There is respect among the differing opinions.

In mind & many others, is time for Biden to pass the baton to RFK jr.

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I was looking forward to reading your rationale for replacing Biden. But when I got to "he needs to endorse RFK jr." I realized you're not a serious person and stopped.

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Ouch-I’m so hurt! Too bad you aren’t that you can’t even bother to read or educate yourself.


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I have. It's why I know RFK Jr. is a terrible human being and would make an absolutely terrible President.

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A few RFK jr qualifications:


Rfk jr in 2014 Goldman prize ceremony


(ie-not antisemitic then not now!)

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You need to qualify terrible human being.

I find Rfk jr admirable, as he has been fighting for clean air, water, soil, health for years. He understands how govt works & wants to make a difference.

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Christopher Foxx-suspends all critical thinking. Too bad.

Long interview, but perhaps it will educate you. But heavens forbid anyone confuses you with facts!


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You want critical thinking but you're pushing for the person who thinks:

- COVID vaccines were developed to target specific racial groups

- mass shootings are the result of too much Prozac being available (and guns being available has nothing to do with it

- that people are gay because of exposure to environmental chemicals

- that things which the evidence contradicts is true

Yeah, tell me how critical thinking is high on your list.


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These are misquotes, misleading & frankly a sad exposé of journalistic integrity being swayed by political/financial incentives.

In separate posts, I have gone line by line in refuting these. I try to pursue truth & fair play in doing so.

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Just to qualify, Rfk jr did not say these chemicals turned people gay. What he said was that there are chemicals which studies have proven that are endocrine disruptors. And that chemicals in water, soil, food need to be examined & studied.

But you see, Mr Kennedy is now pissing off big corporations like ag, pharm, etc.

I am saddened with lack of journalistic integrity. MSM has mostly become political posturing & tabloid attempts to manipulate readers.

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RE the GAY comment, again, totally misleading, not what he said.

What he said is that there are some endocrine disruptor chemicals that exposure could effect people. He cited studies re frogs & said:

“There’s atrazine throughout our water supply,” Kennedy claimed. “If you, in a lab, put atrazine in a tank full of frogs, it will chemically castrate and forcibly feminize every frog in there. And 10 percent of the frogs, the male frogs, will turn into fully viable females able to produce viable eggs. If it’s doing that to frogs, there’s..evidence it coul be doing something to humans.”

AGAIN, Rfk jr has spent his life reading science & trying to understand health. He is not disparaging anyone nor drawing concrete conclusions! He cites science studies & them reporters twist these words into tabloid headlines.

Some studies:

Atrazine induces complete feminization and chemical castration in male African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis)


“The herbicide atrazine, one of the world's most widely used pesticides, screws up the sex lives of adult male frogs, emasculating three-quarters of them and turning one in 10 into females, according to a new study by UC Berkeley's Tyrone Hayes.


A Common Herbicide Turns Some Male Frogs into Females


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RE MR FOXX’S repeating wrong assertions re Rfk jr,

“mass shootings are the result of too much prozac,”

When you listen to Kennedy, especially in long-form interviews, it’s clear he’s not claiming that antidepressants have caused school shootings; he’s saying we need to look into it. The fact that suicidal and homicidal ideation and violent behavior have had some documentation of potential adverse side effects of SSRIs is reason enough for an objective investigation into the issue.

Nine days after the shooting, CNN http://edition.cnn.com/HEALTH/9904/29/luvox.explainer/ that one of the shooters was on Luvox, an antidepressant in the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI)

Antidepressants and murder: case not closed


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Dear Mr Foxx. I asked you to go to the source. Or at the very least listen to Rfk Jr’s own words, rather than rely on a paper who’s obligation is to sell sensationalistic titles.

TO LOOSELY try to refute some of your tabloid points…You said per Kennedy that “COVID vaccines were developed to target specific racial groups”.

He did NOT say this. In fact, he was having an off the cuff, OFF THE RECORD, hypothesis discussion that a reporter apparently did not respect. Here is his refute:

“The @nypost story is mistaken. I have never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews,” Kennedy wrote on Twitter

“I do not believe and never implied that the ethnic effect was deliberately engineered,” he continued.

Kennedy said that “during an off-the-record conversation” he had put forth the hypothesis that “the U.S. and other government could possibly develop ethnically targeted bioweapons," and then he mentioned "a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows that COVID-19 appears to disproportionately affect certain races."

A few studies from which Rfk jr may or may not have been referring. You would need to check with him.

New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32664879/

ACE2 coding variants in different populations and their potential impact on SARS-CoV-2 binding affinityhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7439997/

Ethnicity and clinical outcomes in COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis


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Nothing more difficult to open than a closed mind! This is misleading & incorrect propaganda.

Do u believe everything you read w/o hearing from the source?

A challenge-How about listening to the full Dr Phil interview before you make judgement? I believe he covers all your "conspiracies."

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You argue against closed minds and then... dismiss a respected news source as misleading propaganda.

Of course, pointing this out to you won't get anywhere give, y'know, how closed minded you're showing yourself to be.

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Suspend all critical thinking, just like a Maga.

Or educate yourself.


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Too bad that you do not possess any investigative abilities to research his background.

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Jul 1Liked by Justin Rosario

So well said.

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Jul 1Liked by Justin Rosario

Yessirree, Mr. Ogre Sir!!!!

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Jul 1Liked by Justin Rosario

God, I hope you’re right.

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Agreed. Hpwever...

Though one of several thing(s) neither Biden or the Dems will do is anything about the democracy-destroying SCOTUS decision. There will be no aggressive actions toward the insurrectionists, Trump isn't getting locked up with Biden's new immunity, the court is likely never going to get expanded.

They'll be speeches, including Biden’s tonight. And then? The bully pulpit only works if RELENTLESSLY use it. Yet even if that could be the case, it's back to Biden should drop out bullshit, thank you, media. Anyone of any consequence still shouting about Alito and Thomas?

The Dems and Biden especially, are too genteel, too traditionalist, and too fractured to really take this on. Can you ever imagine a Dem taking advantage of a situation the way McConnell did, when not enough Dems voted and Obama lost the Senate in 2014, thereby denying Obama a supreme court pick? We did this too ourselves. Remember, we're in this situation because 80,000 people in three states couldn't vote for Hillary. Perhaps, finally, this time could be different. Yet even with crappy polls, 47% of the people think Trump should get another opportunity at destroying the country.

Has anyone woke up Dick Durbin about this?

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You’re right on every point. Were Biden to use his newly SCOTUS granted powers, the GQP would scream he’s acting like a dictator or monarch. Biden and Dems are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

The kid gloves must come off. But I don’t see that happening. Sen. Whitehouse said we need a supermajority so that in January the Dems can investigate. His rationale was that the current GQP of their respective houses will filibuster if the Dems dared to have hearings, investigations or issue subpoenas.

He urged us to vote in November. Do we need a supermajority, heck yes. Should Biden be re-elected? Yes, because there is no one else the voters are excited about. Newsome, Buttegeige (sic), Whitemore, all have less then 40% favorability with the American public, as per MSNBC last week post debate.

We must take to the streets in protest, to call our Representatives and Senators, write letters to the editor. We must be loud If we do nothing we are ‘obeying in advance’ to Trump / GQP President. Our nation is being tested like never before. We must rise and meet the challenge to our Republic.

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All promoted by the CORRUPT CORPORATE-OWNED lame-stream media .

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