You are right. MAGA Mike can’t be trusted. He goes to Mar a Lago, trump tells him to pass the Ukraine deal to lull the Dems into a false sense of security. In exchange, Johnson refuses to swear in any duly elected Dems in January. I don’t know why Dems decided to save Johnson. Guaranteed there will be fuckery by him, all the way down to the state level, even if Biden wins in a landslide.

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Johnson is the devil they know. Maybe there have also been some private conversations with intelligence officials where Johnson has been enlightened as to just how legally doomed Trump is going to be in the documents case. If Johnson wants to pull his own fat from the fire, he may be well advised to do his job as he is supposed to, no matter how big the tantrum Trump throws, because that tantrum, will most likely be from behind bars. Johnson knows which way the wind is blowing and he doesn’t want to share a cell with ol’ von Schitzenpantz.

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The fact that Johnson was able to sleep at night as he alone held up military aid to Ukraine for months and months, I could definitely see him refusing to confirm democrats in order to steal the election.

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Thank you for this perspective. I haven’t seen anyone else talking about this and while it’s a terrifying scenario, it’s also a very plausible one. So, what are our next best steps?

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I agree with you. I hadn't even thought of this as a possibility. Man, I hate having to lower myself to such despicable thoughts in order to anticipate and outsmart the evil among us.

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It is so very sad and discouraging that half of America no longer believes in the idea of America anymore. I’ve been reading Tocqueville who said he was so amazed (in the early 1800’s) that ordinary citizens he met here were so informed and proud of their government and involved in it. I am ashamed that people now are either apathetic or have no passion for the Ideals of liberty and justice.

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I really need us to clean House (capital and pun intended) and get rid of all the seditious fucks in Congress. That should have been done in February 2021. In a functioning democracy, it would have been, and likewise Trump would have been barred from office. (Fuck, even Brazil—fucking Brazil!—had the fortitude to bar Jair “Samba Trump” Bolsonaro from holding office.)

And we can never, ever count of Republicans to do the normal, right and/or moral thing. We may just be fucked.

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MY VOICED FEAR EXPRESSED OPENLY!:..."if I were the Democrats, I would not trust Johnson as far as I could throw him with concrete blocks tied to his feet. At the end of the day, he’s a Republican and no Republican can be trusted to do the right thing when it comes to democracy and the rule of law."

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I’d like to think Hakeem Jeffries and Nancy Pelosi are preparing for all contingencies.

I think that’s why Pelosi stayed on. She knows TFG and his republican enablers are not to be trusted. Ever.

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The GOP will definitely cheat because it's the only way they can win.

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As has been the case for literal decades.

It’s why they have a looong history of gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Actually doing things that benefit their constituents, actually adopting popular policies? Those never occur to them. Why would they when their objective isn’t to govern, but to make things worse for people they hate so they can feel superior to them?

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Seriously considering volunteering as an election judge….

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Please do. We need more poll workers in most counties it’s a volunteer job that you may get paid a flat rate for the day.

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I reached out to my county. Couldn’t find anything on the voter website.

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Applied this morning!

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I am guessing President Biden and advisors and lawyers are well aware of this and are preparing.

Democrats are on alert. Don’t give in to defeatism. Joe will be in charge this time.

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This is the scenario Dems must anticipate and take whatever action they can NOW. Find every single way to foil the cheating. Biden has big campaign dollars. Some should be paying for a massive team to rake through every law that they can tilt, the way RepubliCons do. Not breaking it, finding ways around it. Advertise the massive corporate profits of companies supporting trump but underpaying employees. Get this in the public despite right wing media ownership.

Dems-listen to your BASE only!! For once, learn your lessons! There is no olive branch for Fascists!

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I’m just glad here in AZ that the fraudulent electors are finally charged. Their guilty verdicts can’t be pardoned by djt. And we’ve got to hold our democratic executive branch, to see justice done. Now if we can just get rid of Gosar and Lake at the polls!!

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Are you suggesting someone tie concrete blocks to Johnson’s feet?

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My personal impression is that Johnson has realized that Democrats would remove him even before the elections if he kept his initial hard line.

If you ask me, they should remove him as quickly as they can.

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I'm sure the GOP will do everything in its power, legal or illegal, to ensure the Bloated Yam's ascension to power.

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Well now that the Republicans are appearing in court to support their dictator including the short sighted speaker of the house. Little Mick will not approve the new house on Jan 3rd. What you see is the worship of dear leader. We are in deep 💩. We must make sure our votes count. Bring all of your friends & family to the polls. Check now that you & yours are registered to vote. The Republicans have been “ cleaning” the voter registration rolls. Throw voting parties! Write your elected officials on all levels & let them know you want a clean & fair election & how will they protect your vote! 🗳️ 💙👍🇺🇸

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I’m nervous because the states don’t have to give their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote in that state. It is state law in some states that they do but it’s not in the Constitution and not covered in federal law.

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