Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

I used the hashtag #PresidentKamalaFuckingHarris and boy did that piss a couple of people off! And, you know what? I don’t give a fuck!

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Love it! 😍

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

Biden's timing for all of this was utter fucking genius. Apart from doing this after the Republicans had their parties hate-rally where they embraced a criminal/rapist/fascist/cockscab/dumbfuck his (near) immediate endorsement of Kamala Harris after his announcement was his "fuck you". He snookered MAGAs, Alt Left, Alt Right, Democratic Step-Downers, and, as was pointed out in the article, The Collective Media. They were hoping for a bloody brutal contested nomination and Biden single-handedly took away their red meat and gave them crybaby soup. Not just that, he shot 1.21 gigawatts into the voters who ALSO went full on Kamala Harris and did so while rendering Trump-Vance comically impotent.

Biden is the savviest politician we've ever seen in the modern era. I look forward to Kamala exceeding that.

Kamala Harris for President!

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

I think Biden had this all planned out in advance and secured the cooperation of party leaders, and then he quietly put out his press release on a Sunday without much fanfare. I am elated to see the Democratic Party behaving like a winning team.

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I don't think he had party leaders.

I think he went around them so they couldn't push him out and then knock Kamala Harris out of the way.

But Joe Biden is the smartest man in the room and now she is THE FUCKING NOMINEE!!!

When this is over I want statues erected to Joe Biden.

But first we have to win in November.

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

I think he had to get some people in high places, such as Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, to agree with him on how this would proceed. I could be wrong, but I think he agreed to step down in return for cooperation from them. He absolutely did not want them to jump over Harris, as some of them were speculating.

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I think he set it up so Kamala was already building momentum before Pelosi and others could talk about mini primaries or a floor fight.

If they had been with him, I think there would have been a press conference and a united front with all of the Democratic leadership behind Joe as he handed it off to Kamala.


This is Joe and Kamala pulling it off, sharp, disciplined and working with the base.

Hot damn.

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

THIS is just the BEST!!

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

Well, anything is possible, and we might never know, but I could not care less. I’m just glad it happened the way it did and that the state Democratic Party chair people jumped on the bandwagon and endorsed her very quickly.

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Agree. The most Patriotic President ever…Joe R Biden! Statue needed for sure!

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Janet, Same here! The Democrats strategized very well on this one. The timing…right after the Rescum Conference to steal their thunder but also to let them waste time & money on dissing Biden and purchasing merchandise with anti-Biden rhetoric! HaHa!

Then there won’t really be enough time to officially challenge anything before the upcoming Democratic Convention. It is high time our SMART Democratic friends & strategists pulled this off like repuke! 😂🎉

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I couldn’t be happier about this, and I’m sure that he had to talk to others in the party and warn them not to create a situation where they had to go through a process of choosing someone or have a contested convention. That would have been political suicide.

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It's even better than that. He did it via a sterile letter (no video for the R's to misrepresent), and on a Sunday after the usual taint washers appear on the morning political shows.

Yeah, that was next level baller moves right there.

Listening to the Fox hosts whinge about why he didn't do a personal plea to the country is just ear candy.

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Every time FOX and MAGAts are bitching an angel gets it's wings.

Kamala Harris for President!

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

Your description gave me goosebumps!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Spot on assessment 💯👊🏼💙

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Thanks! I appreciate that!

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

I’m grateful I belong to a party that, even though multiple factions like to argue amongst themselves, pulled together fast and furious. Our first woman president wasn’t something I was sure I’d see in my lifetime.

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Me neither. I'm happy to be alive to see this. A small sliver of hope exists for me now. 🙃

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

Same with me!!

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Looks like we'll be able to stay in the US after all. I'd been looking at places to set up as refuge for our vulnerable family members. Now I'm ebullient!

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I jokingly asked my friends in England if they were accepting American Refugees as a stand-by. 😄

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Suzanne, I sure hope you’re right. Even so, just in case, my daughter and her spouse are taking up residence in a European capital in the early fall. They will be safer there until the dust settles here. IF it does.

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Yes, even wonderful leadership doesn't shield us from magas. We have at least one group of them in our own neighborhood, and it concerns me. Before I leave this earth, I'd like to live in a place where those brainwashed dopes cannot be found.

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Agree Kay-El. I was pissed at the way some people publicly called for Biden to step down one day, and the next day I requested my Pres Kamala sticker from Move-on! 😄

It’s always been about getting our country back and crushing RescumliCon Fascists for good!

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

Phenomenal column today. I LIKE you fired up in this positive way. I fucking LOVE the crestfallen media slopes who are bemoaning getting caught flat-footed. Dark Brandon's slick move of his announcement falling too late on a Sunday to generate a "breaking news" cutaway on their end-of-the-news-cycle stroke fest shows was Lex Luthor worthy.

And, I am sleeping better than ever. It feels GOOD.

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

Go Kamala Go!

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Great column.

The "Scott Tenorman Must Die" episode was one of my favorites in "South Park." I wanted to pull that very same stunt on several bullies who tormented me in middle school.

In April 1945, a Swiss newspaper had a headline about the Allied victory in Europe: "Events seem to be succeeding one another with great rapidity." That they are.

The media is playing catch-up with the American people. They cannot grasp that the DNC will be Kamala's Koronation and the closest we will see to drama will be who she picks as running mate.

Personally, I like Mark Kelly: Navy Captain, naval aviator, Space Shuttle Astronaut, US Senator, anti-gun activist because of his wife Gabrielle Giffords' horrific encounter with a crazy "blaze of glory" shooter, New Jersey native. But I'll leave that to Kamala.

And, yes, I'm waiting for someone to blame the Jews. I'm sure it's been done already. I should see what the Southern Poverty Law Center's web page, which tracks the alt-right's human monsters, has to say.

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$250 million now, the way I heard it. As recent as Sunday I thought there'd be blood on the ceiling at the convention--more fool me. I cannot believe the sight! The party I thought of as a box car stuffed with cats turns out to be drilling like they were on the parade ground at West Point. BTW, I don't want to read Douchehat, but I am curious if Michelle Goldberg was optimistic.

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

Douchehat is great, I always read it as Doucheshat.

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Dang that autocorrect! "I doubt that, Doubthat!"

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I would read it for Goldberg, but I really don't need to see anything by either Douthat or French. They both can eat my ass

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

I feel so excited and relieved-I want to live long enough to see MAGA assholes disappear!

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Yes Susan, I don’t just relish watching us win, I want to be certain we wipe the R fascists out so completely that they don’t pull the party together for a generation. And forever crush the Fascists into never ever showing their faces in public again.

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I couldn't see why this bruhaha was needed. It was Biden and Harris and if Biden was sick Harris would be in. This was a manufactured crisis by the Corporate Media and I am eliminating the NY times, WaPo, CNN, NBC and most of the Mainstream Media from my life. I want factual reporting not manufactured soap opera.

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This is just perfection:

"If I could bottle the feeling of watching the plans of ratfuckers crash and burn, I'd inject it right into my veins and ride that high all the way to January 20th as President Kamala Fucking Harris gives her acceptance speech in front of a beaming Joe Biden while Donald Trump gets ready to flee the country."

Fuck all those fucking fuckers

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Agreed it is perfection Geoff and I’m fucking mainlining this shit!!!

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

“Joe Manchin is allegedly thinking about it, but like I said, ‘No one of note.’”


Genius. Keep ‘em coming.

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Ha ha ha Drink his tears! LOL

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That scene was one of the rare times I backed Eric Cartman in "South Park," having been a victim of bullies in school.

John Rave -- I'm not afraid to use his name -- karate-kicked me home from Intermediate School 70 at 8th Avenue and 17th Street in Manhattan to my home at 7th Avenue and 13th Street on a Friday afternoon, while his entourage cheered him on.

He only stopped when I ran up to my father, standing in front of the family car, waiting for me, in tears. Dad ran after the bunch. He caught a grinning member of the entourage, and chewed the tween out. The kid stood there grinning. Then our whole family went off for the weekend, me in tears.

On Monday, Mom, Dad, and me went to school to confront John Rave. He was absent. The entourage was there. They sat grinning. Nothing the worthless assistant principal, Ralph J. Letizia, could do to them. He was a former bartender who became a teacher for the pension plan.

John Rave lived in Westbeth, the former AT&T industrial complex at Washington and Bethune Streets in the West Village, converted to ritzy artists' housing. He suffered from Hodgkins' Disease, and his response to it was to organize his pals into a little group of bullies that tormented younger kids and "f******."

This was in 1973, when Greenwich Village gays were still often stereotypes, and they were unable to fight back. However, John and his pals bounced a gay couple emerging from a gym, who were into leather and weight-lifting. These two guys had no tolerance for kids half their age punching them. They sent the entire group to St. Vincent's with "lacerations and abrasions" (the official police term for "cuts and bruises").

All except John Rave.

He saw his army being defeated, and did not "withdraw" from the battlefield like British troops and Royal Marines...he ran like hell, back to Westbeth.

That was the end of his little gang, of course. He spent most of his time after that sitting in his darkened bedroom, listening to something called "Quadrophenia" and smoking marijuana.

When we met again in high school, he started bullying me again. I complained to a more valuable assistant principal, Harold Lehrman, who yanked John Rave out of gym and told him, "You harass this student again, you're going to jail." John Rave did not want to go to jail. He knew he would then get introduced forcibly to sexual practices he claimed to despise.

"What's your problem?" Lehrman barked. "What did he do to you?"

"He took a swing at me in the eighth grade," John Rave said. I had. He'd been taunting me.


I apologized to John Rave for taking the swing at him and expressed sympathy over his Hodgkin's plight. I did not mention that my brother had Crohn's, and was taking it better.

He never bothered me again. Years later, a mutual acquaintance told me that John Rave sent my family a pizza as a peace offering. I never saw it. Obviously it had arrived on an evening when our family went out for dinner, so the doorman and the delivery boy assumed it was a gag in poor taste.

Decades after that, when I was telling this story to my daughter, it hit me that because I'd never thanked John Rave for the pizza, I had missed an opportunity to "bury the hatchet," to use that dreadful phrase. He probably was steamed that I never thanked him.

It didn't matter. I remained afraid of him, even though he never spoke to me again.

I'm told that he should be dead from Hodgkin's, now. I doubt it. The Bloated Yam is obese, but so stuffed with preservatives, he'll live to be 180.

Meanwhile, my brother's Crohn's did not prevent him from living a positive life...marriage...raising a daughter...traveling the world...going to Winter Olympics...Yankees season tickets...even riding in a balloon over France.

Recently, he got Stage Four Colon Cancer. He didn't let that turn him into a bully, either. He just retired on disability, started making ship models, playing with his pet kitten and tortoise, and says, "It is what it is." No karate-kicking enemies du jour.

As for John Rave....to this day, nearly 50 years later, I am afraid to walk around Westbeth alone.

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I'm sorry that happened to you and your family. Bullying and cancer are not fun. -_-

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I spend as much time as possible with my brother.

He’s taking it as well as can be expected.

His wife is great.

They have lizards, fish, three cats, and Prilba the Russian Tortoise. “Prilba” is Slovakian for “helmet.” My sister-in-law is Slovakian.

Prilba lives in a nice little Tortoise Hut in their apartment and wanders around the apartment during the day to dine on vegetables at her feeding stations. Neysha the Gray Cat and Sherman the black Pounce Kitten like to pretend to stalk and pounce on her, but she isn’t bothered.

My sister-in-law found Sherman on Sherman Avenue, and took him in. He rapidly domesticated. His favorite thing is sitting on the couch behind my brother and pouncing on people.

On Saturday, I went up to his place and we popped Sherman in the kitten bag and Prilba in the Tortoise carrier, and walked to the nearby park. We put Prilba down and she spent the next hour-and-a-half walking up and down a grassy hill, eating plants. She’s quite agile.

Usually, she stops after half an hour, but she knew I’m a reptile person, so she kept going. Then she just stopped walking. That’s her signal for “I’m tired, pick me up and take me home.”

So we did. I put her in front of her Tortoise Hut, and she climbed back in.

My sister-in-law made her a skateboard, so she can get on a roll, and here she is on it.

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I went in search of Mr. Wood’s article to more fully understand his rationale. First, he entirely misreads the room when he gripes that the rapid, full-throated endorsement of Ms. Harris “felt like a game rigged by insiders to favor a candidate of their choice.” He failed to anticipate the grassroots ‘endorsement’ of thousands of voters making millions of dollars in first-time donations to her campaign almost immediately after President Biden withdrew.

He then makes very plain that he and his employers wear their wallets on their sleeves when he complains that “between the time Biden announced his withdrawal and the time he broke the seal on Harris endorsements by bestowing his, the contest felt thrillingly, bracingly wide-open.” Obviously, the media industry (thank you for that term, Mr. Rosario) wanted nothing more than a bruising medieval joust leading up to the convention. I am absolutely delighted and a bit verklempt that we brutally disappointed that expectation when we all stepped up and declared, “This is our candidate now, in whom we are well-pleased!”

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

Make the media bored again

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

Now that we have a different candidate, it's time to change the tenor of the campaign. After all, we're the party that believes in democracy, that believes government exists to promote the common welfare. We're right, and we know it.

Let's usher Ms. Harris into the White House with the joy and optimism of people who believe in the rightness of their cause, the value of their mission.

We need a campaign song. Maybe we should resurrect "Happy Days Are Here Again."

Keep smiling and laughing, Ms. Harris.

We got this.

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Beyonce has given Kamala and Co. carte blanch to use her music; any of it or all of it, for her campaign. I hope she does use it.

That's a much better endorsement than Kid Rock or Ted Nugent, no?

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Would love to see Taylor Swift do the same

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Jul 23Liked by Justin Rosario

Dear Mr. Ogre, we, at Spoutible.com have been rejoicing in your substack for some time now. This week, you have surpassed expectations! I know you are making an impact, since I’ve earned some free months of your fine content. Keep up the great work!

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