Congratulations on your weight loss! You are clearly a fantastic father.

My husband has type 2 diabetes, and has heard about Ozempic primarily for weight loss. I’m going to have him discuss w his doctor. Because we’re on Medicare and meet the income requirements, if he goes ahead with it, I can get it from the manufacturer at no cost.

If you have people in your life who are on Medicare, the common understanding is that drug manufacturer savings programs can’t be used with Medicare. Which is not true. Some companies do have programs for Medicare patients—I was able to get another of his diabetes drugs, which has put him into the coverage gap this year, free. Which means next year, he won’t fall into the gap. These programs don’t go through Medicare. As long as the total household income is below a certain amount (for a family of two, it’s abut $80k a year), the patient will qualify. I wrote this as I wish more seniors knew this. I’m very determined and persistent, and I advocate for him (and me). Most seniors have no idea how to navigate this.

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I’ve been taking mesalamine (generic name) for my ulcerative colitis for the last three years. It’s terribly expensive — without Good Rx over $800 a month — but about a year ago I started getting it through MyAbbvieAssist at no charge. Last month the program called to inform me that their version of the drug, Delzicol, was being discontinued, good luck, blah blah blah.

Does anyone know of another program that provides this drug free of charge to Medicare recipients who meet income qualifications?

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If there’s another drug in the same class manufactured by a different company, you might be able to get help from that company.

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THANK YOU for that info and guidance.

As a senior but not to that stage yet i appreciate how beneficial this info would be. Some of the the elderly patients I see as a physical therapist will be able to obtain much needed meds that could be lifesaving that they wouldn’t otherwise.

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That was my goal with the comment.

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Really glad you did it

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This is true. I'm a licensed agent and this is a core part of my colleagues’ insurance practice as she specializes in Medicare and senior geared plans. We were just discussing how some of the medications are substantially cheaper if you use a discount program vs Medicare drug plans, and that it can be drug specific. I encourage people to ask their Medicare agent to help them find out about their specific list of medications and how to get the most appropriate Medicare drug plan and take advantage of these discount pharmacy programs. If their agent has no idea, look for an agent who does. My colleague’s agency is Lifemap for IN + LA residents.

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Unfortunately, our Medicare Advantage agent here in Oregon did not tell me this. I knew about discount programs because I’ve used them before with commercial insurance. She told me you can’t use them with Medicare. Which is true. But when you use a program through one of these companies, it’s not going through your Medicare. It wasn’t until I decided to try when he fell into the coverage gap, that I found AstraZeneca has a program for this particular drug. I’ve spent a lot of time on the phone with Part D agents trying to get tier exceptions. Which are difficult to obtain. That’s why I added this information to the common I made on Justin‘s original post about Ozempic.

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Thank you for clarifying for readers...it's surprising to me that it's become this complicated and there are so many moving parts but I'm.hoping the next admin will be able to capitalize on the Medicare drug negotiations and stabilize pricing within the program at some point. Our for profit healthcare system is a magical to navigate. We still wish there were Plan Fs...

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Jul 26Liked by Justin Rosario

Congratulations!! Really good work!

I don't know what your healthcare benefits are like, but since you are on Ozempic I am guessing that you would qualify for a consultation with a Registered Dietician. (Not a nutritionist; you want someone who has legit, scientific training.) They could review your meal plan and make suggestions for breakfasts that could keep your blood sugar more steady, and snacks that will not be too filling but will achieve the same end. Hope you can get that kind of help, and please keep us posted on your progress.

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Jul 26Liked by Justin Rosario

This is what I was going to say. Granola bars aren’t the best; candy bars are worse.

Perhaps protein bars where the amount of protein is higher than any added sugar would work for you. It works for me, and it makes you become aware of the nutritional facts of a given food.

Keep up the good work!

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Small bag of nuts might be a good idea to tide you over. High protein, not much sugar. Just a thought. A dietitian would obviously know far better!

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You’re right, but nuts are rarely my first choice for a snack.

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I’ve been on Oz for a few years.. I have a cluster of issues and my numbers are so so much better than before. I get full labs done twice a year. It’s not a magic bullet but it does help tremendously if you change your diet. And just FYI do not eat anything greasy on injection days🤮… I’m now on a maintenance plan and I’ve stabilized at my current weight🙌🏽 and been able to stay at this weight for 4 years.

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Jul 26Liked by Justin Rosario

It really is amazing what the new drugs are doing. My husband started on Ozempic about a year ago to help with his blood sugar. He's 6'4" and probably weighed around 270. He's lost so much weight and went from a size 40 to a size 34 waist. To the rest of us he's now referred to a the "skinny bitch" that's holding out on us.

My aunt had bone spurs and wore what she called her "Mickey Mouse shoes" to help with them. Back in the day they were big, clunky things and it sounds like that has improved if you can pick up Tevas to help.

Keep on getting healthier - your family will appreciate having you around for a long time (as will the rest of us).

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Jul 26Liked by Justin Rosario

You look AB-FAB!!! 😘💕

BIG Love to you, ogre-man…we love you!💖🎶

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Jul 26Liked by Justin Rosario

I've lost about 35 pounds so far on Trulicity, but my doctor just switched me to Munjaro, which she says will lead to even faster weight loss. Looking forward to that! And congrats on your progress!

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Yup! Trulicity was pretty good but Ozempic is crazy effective!

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Good luck!

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Jul 26Liked by Justin Rosario

In re: coping with low blood glucose, a handy quick snack is soft peppermints. My favorite brand is Bob’s Sweet Stripes. They come individually wrapped, don’t melt or get squished in your pocket, and absorb pretty quickly. 5 mg sucrose and just enough red dye for the stripes. This is what I use for low bg episodes, which I have more frequently than I like, but it’s an easy fix. I keep a ziploc full of them in the car, and one in my purse. Much less expensive than glucose tablets, and work just as well. Also, my grandson loves them. ☺️

Your tip for the day from your friend, the T1D.

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Jul 26Liked by Justin Rosario

Wishing you the best of luck! Yours is a great story!

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Congrats on your accomplishment! I happen to be a thin person, but started having Achilles heel problem & bursitis at the same site. Never thought about my feet much…hopefully, I get back to normal..seeing a surgeon soon. But I will always appreciate good shoes and healthy feet! Splurge for good shoes always! 👍🏼

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Jul 27Liked by Justin Rosario

Ahh, the classic Mae West (I believe) quote: always buy the best shoes and beds you can afford, cos if you’re not in one, you’re in the other!

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😂Never heard that one, but I love it!

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Good advice!!

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Jul 26Liked by Justin Rosario

Congratulations! That low blood sugar thing gets me from time to time, and it’s really not fun. The worst was a couple of weeks ago when it hit while i was walking the dogs- with no food or water and about a mile from the car. Now I make sure to have a quick snack right before I go. Keep on twinklin around- I’m happy that our technology is making a better life possible for people with health issues that were previously untreatable. We just need to work to make them affordable for everyone who needs them.

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Not just affordable but available. It's insane that there are shortages still. It's been years at this point. What company doesn't increase production to meet demand?

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Jul 26Liked by Justin Rosario

Hooray! Some very good news in there! I’m sure all your joints are feeling better without the extra weight. I also love that you’re sharing your journey. It’s inspirational and real. I hoping you’re also feeling great, too!

I was a natural twinkle toes myself when I was young, but since kids made fun of it, I forced myself to not walk like that. I still run on the front of my foot and bad things happen if I try to change that. And, thankfully, I’m barefoot as often as I can be, with few issues.

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My son walks on his tippy toes.. he’s 11 and it’s the funniest thing ever!! But if he’s barefoot he always walks that way.. unfortunately he does this at school too and he got trolled about it.. but he’s been doing it since he was a toddler.

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I didn't know it until I was an adult but walking on the balls of feet is really good for your balance. I hardly ever trip. I'd be surprised if your son does.

Haters gonna hate.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Justin Rosario

Exactly haters gonna hate.. he’s not that coordinated but he’s young.. he’ll be fine.. LOL I just remember an acronym for FINE.. Freaked Out-Insecure Neurotic and Emotional🙄

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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Good wins all around! 💙

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Wow! That's fantastic! And I have to say my mouth dropped because here I am quite miserable walking with cruches because... a severly sore left foot (what's with the left? 😁) and accompanying lower back pain.

Inflammation and/or a broken something according to the doctor.

One of my friends mentioned bone spur! I do have put on more extra weight ( not your caliber) for the last five years.

Probably several reasons why my left foot gave up, one might be the weight.

Ok, hit me but I call it syncronicity you posting this and me reading it right in this moment.

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Oooof. Sorry your dealing with that. The foot is bad, but I've found the lower back pain to be the worst. I've been struggling with that for years. I'll have to write a piece on it at some point.

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I kind of agree, as the back pain hinders me almost more in what I can do and makes me feeling a bit scared. Looking forward to your next article regardless of your topic 🤗

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Jul 26Liked by Justin Rosario

I’m so happy for you! Best wishes on your journey via Oz

I love Teva sandals as well. I can even walk my dog in them, something I would never do in any other sandal.

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Yeah, if they ever stop making them, I'll have a nervous breakdown!

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Jul 26Liked by Justin Rosario

Lol, same.

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Jul 26Liked by Justin Rosario

Congratulations. Your family must be so happy, this family too. Managing conditions that affect blood level are balancing acts.

It's good that you always figure things out and adjust accordingly.

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That’s great news about not having foot pain after dropping the weight! Onward!

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