I lost my wedding band once (I take it off nightly) and found it 3 years later in a place I’m SURE I looked before. Then during the brain fog of menopause, I put it on the wrong hand, and I couldn’t get it off no matter what I or the jeweler tried. Had to have it sawed off. But then I got a simple band I absolutely love and it’s been safe for the past decade! Good luck on your weight loss journey. I wish you good health and a long life!

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I can understand how you feel. I lost the nearly 1 carat diamond from my ring. No idea where, when, or how. We replaced the stone with a much smaller gem from my grandmother's band, but it is not the same. I rarely wear my ring now because I'm paranoid I'll lose it again. On a positive note, the marriage is still going strong!

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Great ring stories! After getting kicked out of our San Francisco rent controlled apartment (greedy new owners of the building kicked us out) and moving twice within 2 months after that, my husband lost his wedding band. He was beside himself about it. We looked EVERYWHERE, but it was nowhere to be found. We lived in our third apartment for a year before we finally bought our own place, and when it came time to pack up the items in the kitchen, I removed some dishes from a deep, large-ish drawer and there was his ring, in the corner of the drawer. You’d think I’d just come across buried treasure by the big deal I’d made of it! Almost a year before then, we’d had a replacement ring created by a jeweler/artist by gathering up old, inherited gold jewelry and having it melted down to keep the cost at bay. So now he has a replacement ring on standby, in case this ever happens again!

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You’re probably allergic to nickel. I have the same issue, it’s the most common of metal allergies. I can wear sterling silver, stainless steel, white gold, platinum and yes, titanium.

You’ll find your ring when you least expect to and in a place that doesn’t make sense. That’s the rule.

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When I lose things I usually find them somewhere that I was doing something out of the ordinary, I try to go thru everything I did & pay closest attention to when my inner voice says ‘no it can’t be there’, that’s often where it is. Just laser focus while looking, take your time..

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Bravo, my man. Your heart and family and readers celebrate with you ( I am big on assuming)

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We lose flesh on our fingers as we age. All of my rings are too large now that I am 73.

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I find the opposite. Arthritic fingers run in my family. Have “lost” rings in the sense I can’t wear them anymore. Except to put them on my little finger & then risk losing them in reality (as I almost did with my original wedding band; wore it visiting my hospitalized spouse to get a laugh).

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Congrats on the weight loss! Sorry about the ring, hope it turns up!

We knew my husband would lose his ring so he has had silicon bands the entire time. Even when we said our vows and he lost that one within 3 days after our short honeymoon 😂😂

I think he is on his 10th or 11th ring at this point and we have only been married 6 years!

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Lost my great-grandmother's engagement ring when I was playing dress-up at my grandmother's house aged about 9. I was heart broken, but my Nana took it very well considering.

It turned up when I was about 21 in my Nana's strawberry patch of all places. I'd obviously been helping myself when it slipped off...

It had lost the teeny tiny inset rubies, but it was still recognisably hers. And it's now mine (my own...)

Hope you find yours soon

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Dude! YOU ARE ME!!! down to the same high and low weights as me. And I lost my too-loose wedding ring about two months ago.

Best wishes with weight and blood sugar control 💜

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It will turn up I bet. I lost mine a couple times to my amazement and seemingly impossible odds it was found h

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Congratulations on the weight loss! That is huge! 🤗

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After wearing my ring constantly for the first years of my 33 year marriage, I had to quit wearing it due to extreme eczema. I was still happily married and didn’t miss wearing it. The eczema is gone and sadly, so is Gary. He died 21 years ago. I still feel married to him. My wedding ring sits in my jewelry box.

Way to go on the weight loss!

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Know anyone with a Metal Detector?

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When the "wasband, (ex husband/was a husband,) had his wedding ring robbed from out house; he never had it replaced...that was a bad sign.

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