You're doing it right! Reach a goal and stay around that for a while then reach the next goal. My hubby has lost 36 lbs from the high of his weigh-in thanks to Mounjaro (the other Ozempic) and all his readings have come down to normal and he's adjusting his meds too. He's having fun trying on clothes that haven't fit for years and shopping for a new clothes too! Congrats!

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Go you! I hate how the media covers Ozempic as though it’s somehow cheating. But it improves cv risk by 25%! I also have been on a journey for the past 5 years with surgery and then meds including Ozempic. Total game changers for me too. Keep at it!

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Right? It's always some way to shame people who are overweight. Screw that.

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

That's pretty exciting! You've probably added years to your life too.

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Congratulations 🎉 Awesome…

I used to have lower back problems too, I have 2 sisters that are physiotherapists and was given a small book of exercises to do for it. I procrastinated and then one day decided to just try the first (single) exercise to get started. I lay down on the carpeted floor (or towel or exercise mat) as prescribed, face down, arms down along your sides palms up, face facing left or right as you wish. Now the hard (soon to be easy peasy part), RELAX and let every part of your body sink into the floor. I found it difficult to relax (or know if I was) so I squeezed my buttocks & let go, focusing on the letting go sensation.. Stay as long or as little as you like.. Slowly push yourself up & you should already be feeling much, much better! That is all I ever did, (didn’t do any of the actual exercises) and very quickly was completely fine, had my husband do it (you men can be so reluctant sometimes 😉), he’s completely fine also. Showed it to others who also never complained again. That was close to 20 years ago! I can’t encourage you enough to try it.. 🤸🏼🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️

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Not was given, one gave me…

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Sorry, but what if you are large-busted? I could never lie down in that position.

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Actually, you could use your forearms on the floor/carpet or towel, with arms tucked in close to your body & hands on the floor, that way your back will curve downward with your belly to or toward the floor. That way gravity still pulls away from the back muscles. It was the second part of that exercise in the book, but, as I said, I hadn’t even needed to use it but it’s also how you would get up of the floor, therefore still helps!

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Yah, sorry, don’t know how to work around that.

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

You’re on the right track for sure. This becomes a lifestyle change rather than a diet. I did similar trying to lose the baby weight from kid #2. No ozempic then, but the change in my habits became forever. I’ve weighed the same weight or less for 26 years.

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Actually, no, it's not really a lifestyle change. For many people, obesity is not caused by a lifestyle issue. In your case, you are fortunate to be able to keep your weight steady and that's fantastic. That's how all of us would love to be. From what I understand (I don't have access to this medication) this medication makes obese people feel normal levels of hunger (among other effects).

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I absolutely get that. What I meant was that keeping the weight off requires that change. I’m assuming ozempic isn’t a drug that one would take forever. I could be wrong.

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My understanding is that you DO have to take it forever, or the weight comes back. And it's far from cheap.

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Right. And the long-term side effects remain unknown. 😟

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Thanks for the correction!

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

Sincere firm congratulatory hugs to you and your newfound world of health and happiness!

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

Well done! If I could afford one of the new glp1 drugs, I'd be on it too. I love when old clothes for again.

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

*fit again

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

Yay, you! I’m so happy to hear you’re taking control of your health issues. Congratulations on setting and achieving your goals! 🥳

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

Congratulations and imagine you sleep better , feel better and are happier person!

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Sleep is a work in progress. That's an entire article in and of itself. My back is soooo fucked up.

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I have four bulging discs in my lower back. What helped me is physical therapy. I am also taking pilates classes to build strength in my very weak abdominal muscles. I congratulate you on your weight loss.

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I have a screwed up back too. Losing weight helps but seeing a good orthopedic is key. The best PT that worked for me was warm water therapy. Walking and doing exercises in a pool heated to about 100 degrees F. Don’t have all the surgeries I’ve had!

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

I know this sounds crazy, but a very low carb diet, rich in real nutrients that are most bioavailable could transform your weight and health way beyond your current imagination. In 2010, at age 54, I was at 260 lbs, pre-diabetic with digestive issues and aches and pains all over my body. I was very physically active most of my previous life and followed the guidelines of a very low fat diet as prescribed by the “health”experts. But I continued to struggle with the weight. That wake up call, that year, combined with me being a science nerd, got me searching on nutrition and health and discovered the ancestral health community via Mark Sisson and his book The Primal Blueprint. The changes in my health were stunning over the following years. And a welcome side effect of the change was weight loss. Currently 68 years old, no meds, no pain, lean and strong 💪🏼 (resistance training) at 6’1” and 165 lbs. After a work-up with a cardiologist 1.5 years ago he told me I have the kind of heart that gets people well into their 90’s. Then he prescribed a statin😂. Told him no way! Turns out the cholesterol paradigm has been shifting and faster more recently. The ancestral health community has been onto this mistake for close to 30 years now, but institutionalized dogma is hard to overcome. Fortunately, the tide is finally visibly shifting. While not making headlines, recent studies show that older people with higher LDL live longer with better cognition, fewer infections, and lower all cause mortality 🤷🏼. Not asking you to just believe me, but definitely look this shit up on your own!

I LOVE your Substack!! Keep up the great work 🙏🏼


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That diet didn't do a damned thing for me.

I make almost everything from scratch from whole foods. I've tried cutting out all refined carbs, all added sugar and eating only lunch and dinner with no snacks. I take two daily walks. All I get is intense hunger out of the deal. Glad it worked for you.

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Congrats to those for whom a change in lifestyle works. Obesity doesn’t work like that. People with obesity have different hormones sending different hungry/full signals to the brain, different cellular function of transforming glucose to energy, and different patterns of turning glucose to fat. If it were as easy as changing diet and exercise, people with obesity would have been thin forever bc all of us have tried all of those things over and over. As a society we need to get over the calories in/calories out BS and start understanding that obesity is far more complex on a cellular level than just eating too much. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario


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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

Congratulations! It’s so hard to lose weight. Good for you and your family.

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

Congratulations! That is so awesome!

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

Amazing Justin, great work!

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

Congratulations!!!! It’s not easy and unfortunately is a life long struggle. Thanks for the inspiration and please keep us up to date. You got this!

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Jun 19Liked by Justin Rosario

Congratulations! 👏🏽🎉 That is an awesome achievement. You will be around a lot longer for your family 🥰

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