Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

I have to wonder if the Haitian derision is meant to, by ignorant proxy, associate Kamala's heritage with the bogus story of pet and geese harvesting in addition to being anti-immigrant. I know Kamala does not have Haitian ancestry, she has Jamaican ancestry. Does MAGA/Racist Bumblefuck really care? Can they even find the countries on the map? Odds are likely that to them they're the same place or the same kind of place and, hence, the same people. Ergo, they think of Kamala as Haitian adjacent who will help immigrants eat pets and geese in the park.

Sounds like frooty-loopy world ignorant "logic", right? Sure it does. That's why it's totally plausible with these bigots.

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

Of course it is. This is Trump/Vance hitback to Kamala Harris being “black”.

But isn’t it ironic that the Federal Prosecutor handling the “attempted assassination” against Trump in Florida is from Haiti 😹

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Love Jamaican jerked chicken.

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This post is absolutely absurd and completely baseless. First of all, Kamala Harris does not have Haitian ancestry—she has Jamaican and Indian heritage, as you’ve already pointed out. Yet the argument seems to hinge on some nonsensical idea that people are confusing these two countries or that they somehow think of them as "the same place." There's absolutely no evidence to support this wild connection between Harris's background and an outlandish "pet and geese harvesting" conspiracy. The suggestion that her heritage would lead people to believe she supports immigrants eating pets and geese in the park is not only fact-free but also ventures into pure fantasy.

What’s even more puzzling is how this supposed confusion is somehow being linked to racism without offering any tangible proof or examples. Associating complex political and racial dynamics with something as absurd as "eating pets" is not logic at all—it's a caricature of an argument that simply doesn't hold up to scrutiny. If there’s any "frooty-loopy world ignorant logic" here, it’s this incoherent rambling that fails to provide even a shred of evidence to back up its claims.

In short, this post is a textbook example of stretching reality to fit a narrative that has no basis in fact.

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Nice attempt at deflection there Sean… now go back to whatever narcissistic place you came from, we’re not interested in your manipulation.

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Another whiny white boy.

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Isn't that racist? My feelings are hurt, I think.

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Frankly Iris, I really do not care what you are interested in. Got it?

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I don’t care you don’t care, I can still call out your ridiculous games.

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

but was it a slip-up actually? or just said clearly but with an attempt to make it look like one?

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

I got an "accidentally on-purpose" sense too.

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No. My adoptive mother was racist. She confused Negro with the Nword all the time. To her they meant the same thing. And she was from South Dakota, not the Deep South, so she had no excuse.

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RemovedSep 17
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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

This is hitlerism.

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No slip-up.

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

Fuck an A, right on man! This is a banger, and Lowry is a despicable scumbag racist fucknut.

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Well said Geoff!! Scumbag racist Fucknut totally works!!

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Kelly is gross. Eww…

And fuck that clown she’s talking to.

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

Kelly is a piece of shit. The only audience she can get is right wing kooks. NBC paid her millions to go away after she tried legacy media (post Fox, of course) and failed epically.

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Two human beings who will soon become irrelevant. We will demand that J6 Congress members are impeached & removed as well as SCOTUS judges and ginni Thomas. That is why this election blow out must succeed…and we know it will. They scream loudest before going down! And it’s getting real loud!

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From your mouth to God’s ear please!!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

MAGA knows how to whistle up the dog. There have been many racists in American politics, but Trump-land is using race as a gauntlet. They are throwing it down for all to see, likely hoping to generate big support from the KKK amongst us. Who picks up this gauntlet will determine the winner of the election, and we decent humans need every single vote.

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

Repubs have been honing their dog whistles for decades. Remember shitheel Reagan and his welfare queen stereotype? They didn't specify race but clearly implied African Americans. Conservatives are motivated by hatred., now more than ever. Pathetic, small, dissatisfied losers who have to bully and punch downward at others who have less stature and influence.

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We all have a computer in are hands to easily verify facts and check data that wasn't available when Reagan was being an asshole.

We have no one to blame but ourselves *when we pretend to believe the bullshit* because the lies are the fuel for the hate that gets us out of bed.

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This kind of inflammatory rhetoric is precisely why some people now believe that extreme actions, like trying to harm or even kill Trump, are justified if they think the "ends justify the means." When baseless claims are made about a political figure deliberately courting hate groups like the KKK, it stokes irrational fears and encourages dangerous thinking. Suggesting that an entire political movement is built on overt racism without evidence only serves to dehumanize those you disagree with and can push people toward radical actions.

The notion that violence or extreme measures are somehow acceptable to achieve a political goal is the natural, yet dangerous, progression of this kind of divisive and fact-less narrative. We cannot allow such reckless statements to take root. If we want a healthy, functioning society, we must focus on facts and engage in civil discourse, not promote fearmongering that justifies dangerous outcomes.

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Harming or killing a politician - or the attempt - can end with martyrdom, boosting the political cause. The Dems I know are a lot smarter than that.


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Give it a rest whiteboy: In your hero's first campaign he remarked that someone should punch a journalist in the mouth. He also mocked a journalist with a disability. Your hero will never die cuz Satan has barred the door.

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So, you're a broke, lesbian social justice warrior who feels guilty for being white—am I right? You mention Satan, but do you believe in God? You seem lost and searching for meaning. I'll pray for you, Deb.

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

This confirms Lowry is a racist shitweasel and Megyn is a racist shytweasel by proxy.

She could even put that on her business cards!

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She’s always been a shit weasel, Marc.. I usually just call her a skank. Both work!

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

I've been saying for weeks now, since KH got in the race, that something like this was inevitable. It will happen again...

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

I am not surprised by this at all. If you’ve been paying attention to these bagger nutjobs this shouldn’t surprise you.

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

Racism and MAGA, and now the GQP, are inextricably linked. So even if many trump voters would deny it if confronted, they are undeniably either actively racist or at least are okay with it.

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario



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If it is not clear to you by now who the “twatwaffles” and “shitweasels” are, maybe you shouldn’t vote?

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

100%! Or go get psychotherapy?

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

Thanks for calling this out. Shocking in this day and age. But I guess not for some.

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

Well, that was rich coming from Rich. Showing what we always knew, but saying it out loud for the world to hear. Can’t put that ugly racist twaddle back in the bottle.

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

I quit the times months ago for their shoddy reporting on the presidential election, their clear bias, repeated lies, and their ass kissing of a rapist, felon running for president.

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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

65 years later and this is what it comes down to.


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Sep 17Liked by Justin Rosario

I celebrated when Lee Atwater & Rush L. died. Spewers of hate, beyond disgust. Rove, Gingrich, Alex Jones, their voices are fading out, but will celebrate their absence too.

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And Antonin "Fat Tony Scalia, he who gave us this gun-filled violence, all because he was a sadist, who liked to blast small animals on canned hunts!

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