Before the civil war, slave states gave rights to send slavers into abolitionist states to retrieve “property.” Women have entered that “property” zone

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I love your analogy of selling alcohol, since that hits where so many can feel it. No bud light for you bubba.

There are counties and jurisdictions in Texas that have outlawed using segments of federal highways for the purpose of transporting someone out of state for an abortion. I am completely unclear on whether or not anyone can restrict the use of any public road, so I’m interested in replies here. I’m especially interested if this can be done with federal highways. (I couldn’t find a map that showed both these restrictions and locations of airports so I can’t tell if those are specifically targeted.)

Next, women will need permission from their husband or father to travel at all? What about a dress code, outside of schools or jobs? Will these red states decide “immodest” clothing stored in an Amazon warehouse in their state can’t be shipped to another state?

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Well a federal highway does not require permission from the state since they don’t pay for it. Since they don’t want women to be free. Let’s stop all women from working, teaching, being doctors or nurses, fuck it put them all in convents make them wear clothes from little house on the prairie. Cover their heads with those ugly ass hats. Better yet put them in chasity belts and put the keys in the local mayors office. Since stupid ass Elon has a program about brain implants. Put them in women and make them sex slaves, that will fix everything.

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Well here come the "so lifelike" depraved AI sex robots, and I'm serious. Get ready for that to go mainstream and be normalized. Already is, surely.

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I guess it's all cool, cool with the goddamn Taliban, too then. F*ck these haters.

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“One wonders, though, if these rules can be applied to things that Republicans like?”

That is absolutely what should be done. Republican fascists (redundant term, I know) need to be shown swords cut both ways EVERY SINGLE TIME they try crap like this.

Ban a book just because one person says they don’t like it? Fine, I don’t like the Bible, Art of the Deal, and every single book ever written by a Republican.

Make it really easy to get a gun? Excellent, let’s get every person of color and every member of the LGBTQ community fully armed.

Say your state laws apply to the actions of people *outside* your state? Let’s do it. We’ve passed a law in our state requiring all cars meet our standards and since every car contains at least one component built here, we declare every car in your state illegal.

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HELL YES. Hell yes! And a massive sick out of female workers everywhere. Sick out, few days, the world economy would shudder and we could make a statement that way.

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Lysistrata had the right idea!

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Sex of course, but also just our labor. We are everywhere doing the work!! World needs to FIND OUT.

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If Steve Marshall had his way, he would put ankle monitors on all the pregnant women in this state. They are the property of Alabama. The GOP has crossed saw far over the line, that they have normalized this bullshit. There is no line anymore.

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All the women, just in case they might be pregnant. Or else mandatory weekly pregnancy tests.

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You’re right and people that think this won’t happen better wake up for all of our sakes.

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It took me a day to respond to this fine piece because I couldn’t find the key to unshackle myself from the ball and chain and find my phone. Just kidding. I don’t have a husband that did this to me. It’s to prevent myself from another trip to the cookie jar.

I live in a free state (for now). Legal weed for any reason, abortion with no restrictions and I can travel wherever I want, pregnant or not. However, I’m not under any illusion that the Republic of Gilead isn’t close to my doorstep. Vote Blue 💙

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Idaho (my neighboring state) is the Alabama of the Northwest.

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Little know fact, Idaho is an abbreviation of 'Idontknow'

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Gawd is it ever. Beyond the pale.

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A federal judge in Alabama informed Mr. Marshall that his theory violated the Constitutional right to Travel and was not valid.

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Goddamn colonialist ghouls. Death worship, I mean it! These asshats would absolutely SCREW the elderly and disabled, along with women. Remember when Paul Ryan said the GOP quiet part out loud and how scary that was? It ain't nothing.

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A landslide blue win in November is not enough. They are organized, funded and they have a plan. It is already in place in many states. The Alabama Supreme Court is a perfect example. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is another. The right of SCOTUS particularly Alito & Thomas


There will need to be action, in all seriousness, they must be made an offer they can’t refuse. I am not joking. I’m serious as a heart attack..A big blue win is not enough.

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States' rights only apply when they want to ignore the supremacy clause in the Constitution.

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And during the Civil Rights Era, these same jerks wrapped themselves up in the 10th Amendment...

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The United States of America is a misnomer. There's absolutely nothing United about it.

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Dear lord, no!!!

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Thank you, Justin!

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