Reinstating Roe would be a good start and better than the status quo, but it is not enough. Even with Roe and related SC rulings (like Casey which included an undefined “no undue burden” standard) women didn’t have full access to abortion across the nation. Access was hampered by:

• Medically unecessary tests.

• Restricting abortions to the first X weeks — many limited to 6 weeks, before most women know they are pregnant, because the point is to deny an abortion to everyone.

• Waiting periods and multiple visits.

• Requiring all multiple visits to be with the same doctor (this makes it harder to get an abortion within the X week limit because the doctor seen on visit one may not be available for visit 2 before the X weeks limit expires).

• Prohibiting tele-health visits so that in-person visits are mandatory; this may require long distance drives and coupled with multiple visits may require overnight stays.

• Doctors required to have hospital admiring privileges and falsely claiming this makes women safer (it doesn’t); also hospital aren’t open to granting admitting privileges and the lawmakers know it.

The bullet points above aren’t a complete list of all the forced birthers’ nonsense, but you get the idea. Make it harder. Make it more expensive. Anything to delay and possibly prevent abortion access.

Republicans never met a burden they felt “undue”; furthermore, Republicans often knew the laws they were passing were unconstitutional (we know because they said so), but they were content to impose impediments and wait for lawsuits. In the meantime, clinics closed and lives were upended. They. Didn’t. Care. Cruelty was the point. And control. Republicans want to control women. Keep us barefoot and pregnant and out of the workforce.

Lawmakers (mostly white, male, and Republican) have shown us complete and total disregard for the health and well-being of women, pregnant women no less. Medical experts warned lawmakers what would happen, how women (and girls) would be harmed. Republicans didn’t listen.

The medical experts were ignored and abortion bans were imposed. Then the horror stories shared by real women started percolating.

Were the Republicans moved to fix the mess they created? No. Backers of abortion bans told us the bans were working “as intended” and they wanted national bans.

Now IVF is under attack and one state high court ruled it illegal. They’ve said they’re coming after birth control. In the interim, Texas is working to put in a travel ban to prevent pregnant women from using roads to leave the state for an abortion. Control. They have to control the women.

There’s much more to the forced birthers twisted tyranny, not room to recite it all.

My point is that lawmakers and the forced birther crowd have proven themselves incapable and unworthy to represent the interests of pregnant women by showing us they cannot be trusted to protect women. It doesn’t look like they’re going to change and suddenly respect women’s rights.

Donald Trump did this. He brags about his 3 SC appointments and how he got Roe overturned. He’s proud of stripping women of our reproductive rights! Donald Trump cannot be trusted to protect women; he was found liable for sexual assault, what the judge on his case called “rape” — so he’s not my idea of a protector of women. He’ll sign any abortion ban the Republicans send him.

Lawmakers should not be deciding who has an abortion. As I said, lawmakers cannot be trusted to make this decision. Roe wasn’t enough to protect access — because even with Roe in place there were many burdens placed on access — see partial list above.

You know who can be trusted? Women. We trust women to raise children. We trusted women for about 50 years to determine when, and if, we have children. We need to trust women. Why? Because it works.

I have a solution to this mess. We don’t need exceptions when we don’t have bans. And we definitely don’t need abortion bans. We need to elect Democrats to pass laws to undue the harm done by the Dobbs decision and fix Roe, so that women have access to abortion without all the medically unnecessary nonsense designed to prevent abortion access. We need to elect Joe Biden to sign those laws.

Abortion on demand and without apology. It just works.

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Goddamn right!!!

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I will never understand the women who believe the forced birth policy is good for them.

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They just haven’t had the experience yet, if it doesn’t happen to them, they don’t believe it. And sometimes, their hysterical belief system is so rigid, they don’t believe even when it happens to them. It’s about BELIEF, NOT rigorous medical science and years of experience providing sound data regarding optimal reproductive health care & optimal health outcomes for women, girls and babies.

Thank you for such a well stated position assessment.

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This is not pro-life. It is pure fantasy for Republicans to call themselves “pro-life” advocates. This is forced birth at all costs. The health of the fetus and mother is irrelevant - just let the womb do its work. And should this result in a healthy baby, they care nothing for the health after birth - because to do so would be socialism (in their feeble mindset). Returning to the pre-civil war south is revulsive to me.

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9 month fetus: true innocent, to be protected at all costs.

Same fetus, 12 hours later and newborn: tainted by original sin, therefore damned and not worth a second glance.

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Shocked, I tell you, absolutely SHOCKED.

❤️, an RN who believes in the right to choose

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Republicans proved they are Not Pro-life, they proved they are “Pro-Control Freaks.” Alias Authoritarian Theocrats. Addicted to making others live by their beliefs and rules. Ironic there are More infant deaths, since they forced their misguided, so-called pro-life laws.

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"If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament."

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And, the the Gross Old Prunes care not that the mother may be killed by sepsis or left unfertile.

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💯% Agree!

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