Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

Do please note the irony of "no standing" in this case: this court is notorious for taking cases that clearly lack standing in order to promulgate a precedent-breaking decision that's not even required, or reasonably reachable, even for a plaintiff w an actually actionable case, to wit: the supposed website designer who felt his freedom of speech was infringed by having to design wedding pages for get couples. Except nobody had ever asked him to do that, and he not only wasn't (iirc) a web site designer, but he didn't even know about the case naming him as plaintiff. Nonetheless, the Axis of Alito granted certiorari, heard the case, and decided for the (non-existent) plaonriff.

You can be sure they will resume worse trickery after November.

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Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

If you’re a medical professional with these kinds of “deeply held religious beliefs”, put a sign on your office door, a banner on your website and a declaration on your name tag so that I will know to seek help elsewhere; and that goes for every thing from sprained ankles to brain surgery to orderlies and CEO’s of medical corporations. Having empathy is the most important skill a healer can have, if someone can’t prescribe Mifepristone to a rape victim they are simply too cold blooded for me to trust with my health, medical spending, or anything else in the world. I’ve just made an appointment for a new doctor and I will be asking about this, even though I am impregnable. I can’t think of a better way to screen for decency.

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Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

Same for pharmacists who won’t fill birth control prescriptions. You’re in the wrong profession if you’re letting your personal beliefs get in the way of your professional life.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 16Liked by Justin Rosario

Your personal beliefs can absolutely determine your professional life. I’ve no problem with that. They should.

Which means: Don’t pick a profession that will run afoul of your personal beliefs. Don’t become a pharmacist if you can’t dispense any drug prescribed. Don’t become a firefighter if you don’t want to put out fires on synagogues. Don’t become a soldier if you have an objection to killing. Don’t become a county clerk if issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples bothers you.

You *know* the requirements of the job *before* you take it. You don’t then get to object to what it requires you to do.

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Jun 14Liked by Justin Rosario

Yes, you can determine that ahead of time. If you decide once you’re in that you have issues, move on.

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My neighbors here in South Carolina would totally accept a Hindu line cook refusing to cook them a burger. 🤯

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Hat tips to your neighbors showing respect for another’s belief system. But that’s a distinct difference between that and, for example, a Hindu line cook imposing their beliefs on others.

“This job entails cooking and serving beef burgers. If you can’t do that then this isn’t the job for you.” Maybe an arrangement could be made for the person to only have responsibility for cooking veggies, or something. But then that would be them finding a job at that employer that doesn’t cause them issues with their beliefs. Which is what I was saying they should do.

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Do I detect sarcasm in that 🤯 ? 😎

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Damn. Missed that.

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Oh yes. They would absolutely throw my theoretical service worker in a hole.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

Sorry, I missed the sarcasm that Denise Heap was obviously better than me at picking up.

But I still stand by my reply. 1) Kudos to those who would accept the line cook not serving them. I don't think they should, but it shows they have respect for another person's beliefs, and that respect should always be acknowledged. 2) Shame on the line cook for putting their religious beliefs ahead of doing the job they signed up for. For showing disrespect to their employer and customers.

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And becoming a Supreme Court judge means putting your personal religious and political beliefs aside and adhering to the Constitution and the rule of law. For example, upholding Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector or President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof …”. They are so wrapped up in constitutional originalist thinking and in promoting state’s rights - up until a state tries to uphold Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. Per the clearly written words of the Constitution, DJT should not be allowed on the ballot in any state. Also, every member of Congress who was involved in this attempted coup should be held accountable and disqualified from office.

Just because Section 3 was originally intended to keep former Confederate officials from gaining power after the Civil War, doesn’t mean that it wasn’t also put in place to protect us from people like DJT, someone looking to re-gain access to the highest office in the land to avoid criminal prosecution for inciting an insurrection, while trying to steal an election and remain in power.

The man whipped up his base to attack our Capital. He told them big tech rigged the election, he pumped them up by calling them “American patriots committed to the honesty of our elections and the integrity of our glorious republic.” He went on to say, “All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by emboldened radical-left Democrats, which is what they’re doing…That’s what they’ve done and what they’re doing. We will never give up, we will never concede. It doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved.” His entire speech was a crescendo of false accusations including against the media - calling it the “enemy of the people.” He ended by enjoining them to walk down to the Capitol. “That you’ll never take back our country with weakness” …followed by repeated claims and details of how they possibly couldn’t have lost the election, and that there were warriors in the House who were …"studying the roots of the Constitution because they know....right to send a bad vote that was illegally gotten” He named 13 “most courageous members of the US Senate” followed by more rhetoric about the stolen election and the media and how Pence needs to “send it back” (the vote) and claiming that by doing so he is protecting the country and our Constitution. “The radical left knows exactly what they’re doing. They’re ruthless and it’s time that somebody did something about it.” He goes on and on and on with “details” about all the numbers of ballots and votes state by state that were wrong. “Together, we will drain the Washington swamp…. You have a lot of bad people out there.” Calls the attendees “Patriots” in between demonizing democrats and claiming indoctrination of their children in schools.. claiming “And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” Yes, he did tell them to “walk” down to the Capitol and he did use the word “peacefully” but the tone of his speech was anything but peaceful. The length, the vitriol, the fear-mongering, and the call to action to “save the country” - I’m sure there is someone more learned in the art of psychological brainwashing or hypnotic programming that could analyze the text; however, I know that the one word “peacefully” was drowned out by over an hour of inciteful rhetoric and lies. The after effect I believe speaks to the true intent of his speech.

We now know that DJT sat and watched the riot unfold on his TV screen, like we all did, Well, not all. At the Capitol approximately 140 police officers were engaged in medieval-like, hand-to-hand combat, eventually losing the battle to keep the mob from infiltrating what were our hallowed halls of democracy. They broke not just the spirits of some police officers (4 committed suicide in the months that followed) but one officer, Brian Sicknick died the following day, suffering 2 strokes after fighting through an over 4-hour reign of terror. The assault sent lawmakers and staff scurrying for their lives. At 2:24pm while witnessing the breech of the Capitol, Trump tweeted - repeating his lie about Mike Pence having power to change the votes but blamed him and claimed he lacked “courage” - which added fuel to the crowd’s chants of “Hang Mike Pence!” The rioters had a noose and had constructed wooden gallows. Pence escaped, but 4 Trump supporters were not as fortunate and lost their lives in the battle. It wasn’t until 6pm that Trump tweeted “Go home with love and peace.” and at 6:50pm Capitol Police gave an “all clear” for sweeps of the Capital (via public records). Lawmakers resumed their joint session at 11:32pm.

What we didn’t see live was the background conspiracy that was concocted to install fake electors to declare DJT the winner in swing states. Citizens pulled in as fake electors are being tried for their crimes. In Arizona the charging document states the offenders purpose was to '“..declare Unindicted Coconspirator 1 the winner of the election..”

You do know there was also an Unindicted Coconspirator 1 in New York State’s case against Michael Cohen that earned him a 3 year prison sentence, right? Though DJT did recently receive his graduation to convicted felon for those crimes.

And yet here we go again - - the presumptive Republican candidate, Unindicted Coconspirator 1 in Arizona, and convicted felon in NY State, stating loudly and clearly what he will do if re-elected (revenge and retribution) while loudly and incessantly sowing the seeds of doubt in the fairness and the outcome of the election. It’s Groundhog Day all over again. He was making these same claims ahead of the 2020 election.

How can we possibly expect an outcome other than what we experienced in 2020 - the incessant and relentless claims of a “rigged election!” with all kinds of detailed “facts” to gin up his supporters. Keep in mind, that’s not what they were saying behind closed doors in the courthouses throughout the nation last go ‘round. In court, over 60 cases were filed and dismissed for lack of standing or lack of evidence to support their allegations of voter fraud. Where truth is determined by evidence, even Trump appointed judges had to rule against him.

But this is a man who has no regard for truth - and the truth will be drowned out by the lies that foment the next batch of insurrectionists to take violently to the street. And how much more effective will their “protests” be now that the Supreme Court has ruled against the ban on gun bump stocks?!

As we head into the 2024 election, where are the moderating voices decrying the continued degradation of public trust in our elections? Instead, congressional members refuse to give a straight answer to reporters’ questioning of whether they will accept the 2024 election results. They deflect and eventually say they will accept the results because Trump will be the winner.

And where is the Supreme Court in upholding the rule of law and democracy? They are busy perpetrating the biggest crime of all by effectively blocking the DC case against Trump from being heard. They took up the case of Presidential immunity in a hearing on April 25, 2024. Rather than look at the facts that brought the case to them, they spend their time pondering the specter of “future” presidents being hamstrung in their duties if not granted immunity for crimes committed while in office. I would argue that a crime, by its very unlawful nature, would never fall under the category of a Presidential “official act” Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice Article 9, military personnel are prohibited per their oath of office from following an unlawful order from the President, their commander-in-chief. If they do not have immunity from being charged with a crime for following an unlawful order, how can the President claim immunity for perpetrating unlawful acts? He too, has sworn an oath to the office and the Constitution, has he not?

Listen to the 2nd Episode of the Ball of Thread podcast to hear Alito, Roberts, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch sell our Democracy down the river. Refusing to address the elephant in the room - that the former President of the United States had blocked the peaceful transfer of power by inciting an insurrection against the Capitol and Congress -

I would find it hard to argue that was an “official act.” By hearing the case and refusing to make a ruling - they have effectively ruled in favor of DJT as he is allowed to continue to spread his lies. His not being held accountable is effectively selling America down the fascist river. And how do you think your legacy will be seen? But I guess they are not worried. Under fascism history will be rewritten - heck it is already being rewritten in Florida and other states - trying to whitewash slavery into being some kind of mutually beneficial relationship.

This is my attempt to fight against the powers that are trying to rebrand this as a “peaceful protest.” Property damage alone was $3M in repairs. And there is no number you can put on lives lost or the cost of trauma endured. The least we should expect from our Supreme Court is to uphold the rule of law. They ruled against Colorado. The least We-the-People deserve is a trial with evidence and facts before November. Senator McConnell did not vote to impeach saying it was up to the courts. Now let the courts do their job. No one is above the law!

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“They are so wrapped up in constitutional originalist thinking and in promoting state’s rights…”

No they’re not. They’ve shown themselves quite eager to ignore the first and trample the second to render the decisions they want. Their sole goal is to promote their right wing fascist agenda and they give lip service to whatever they need to in an attempt to make their doing so sound legitimate.

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should have inserted /s after that statement of mine. Thought my next about their treatment of States rights with Colorado case kind of shed light on the sarcasm component. You are right - all they do is twist and twist and twist their interpretations of the law. It is quite infuriating, actually. I know they will never let Trump go to trial b4 the election. And I’m pretty sure they will help him get reelected. Ginny Thomas was doing everything in her power in 2020.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

I get the spirit of your post.

What if they change the rules after you’ve invested time, effort, and funds in support of that career?

If your vegan restaurant starts serving pork sausage, you might be able to find another job easy enough…

What if the FDA approves a new “less” addictive pain reliever that you know has a street value of 2000% over its retail cost and is fueling an overdose epidemic and you know people who had OD’d on it (or other drugs)?

What if they changed the law about who could marry in contradiction to your personal beliefs?

What if they changed the law on how income is taxed, allowing investment income to be taxed at lower rates than wage income?

Sure. All cases where you should probably look for another job, but the point is the rules changed “after” you decided to do it. After it conflicted with your personal beliefs.

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If the fundamental requirements of the job change so that it now comes in conflict with your basic beliefs, then you’re just presented with the exact same decision you had when you first considered taking the job. The only difference being that the question now starts “Can I continue in this job…” rather than “Can I take this job…”

For example, if you took a job as a county clerk then one of the core aspects of that job is that you agreed to follow the law in carrying out your duty to serve members of the public. If the law changes to something you can no longer follow in good conscience, then you cannot continue in that position of county clerk. Your conscience should prevent you from being able to do so. (And if it doesn’t, if you continue in the job anyway despite your beliefs requiring you to quit, then I’d seriously question what objection you truly have to carry out the duties of the job.)

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Change your job.

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Spot on

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Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

I was happy to see this ruling until I realized that the real question wasn’t answered. This was just a procedural ruling, so we can expect a repeat performance at a future date.

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Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

By ruling that mifepristone can remain available because the litigants didn’t have standing to bring the case, all they did was kick the can down the road. It’s an election year, after all, and they need to do everything they can to make sure tRump gets re-elected. This will again make its way to the SC, and you can bet they will rule against the continued use of this medication.

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Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

100%. Someone will try again. Not today, not tomorrow, but it will happen.

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Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

Yup, Alito talked about the importance of the Comstock Act (that highly irrelevant zombie law) and that will be the wedge to ban mifepristone pretty soon.

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Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

I'm glad they had the serial rapist deliver the news. Bet that wasn't at random.

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Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

I just said this to my aunt when the news broke: it’s an election year and they know abortion will make Rs lose. But we’re not idiots and we see this for what it is!

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Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

They should have called themselves doctors for hypocritical medicine instead

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Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

Let’s be clear. The Appeal to Heaven wing would have been just fine banning abortion drugs. They didn’t want to give this group standing because if this group has standing, lots of groups would have standing the Federalist Fanatics would not like to see inside a courthouse.

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Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

Why take the case at all if the plaintiffs had no standing? What’s going on here?

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Jun 14Liked by Justin Rosario

When they took it they thought they could decide against women. Then they began to realize what the cost of repealing Roe reallly was.

So they balked at outlawing the drug.

This time.

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Yup. They'll wait until after the election.

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It’d be great if the (when) the Dems win they do all the things you discuss in your “When we win” podcast including reforming (re- forming) the Court. But given Durbin et al are doing *nothing* right now, when it would help with a November win, does not bode well.

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Jun 13Liked by Justin Rosario

Thank you, Justin!!

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How I loves me some Hippocratic Oafs, especially the typical right-wing nutjob ones.

“I swear by Apollo Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture….”

Yeppers, the Hippocratic Oath is polytheistic. P…P…P…Pagan, OMGs! (Oh My Gods). Well that’s awkward, for them.

“I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” (Stephen F Roberts)


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Absolutely on target Justin. They've learned that they can't push too hard too fast, if they want to take all reproductive freedom away. And powered by religious fanaticism they WANT to take it all away along with LGBTQIA+ rights, contraception, and interracial marriage.

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They must have a bigger "solution" to spring on in fall on women and minorities. Can't trust them.

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One (of the many) things that enrages me about the fight to stop the use of Mife are the lies the plaintiffs tell about the drug — especially when they falsely claim they’re suing to protect the lives of women and are concerned for their safety.

It’s similar to the abusive husband who repeatedly beats his wife and tells her it’s her fault and he’s doing it for her own good, so she learns.

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You are correct in your anaylsis.

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Congrats Sean!

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You say extremists but that's not what you mean. I am against abortion UNLESS the mother's life is in danger. I don't understand why you are okay killing a human being for any reason. Economics? C'mon man!

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How about this? It’s HER body, not yours. This impacts her, her family, her significant other. Not yours. How would you like it if some nameless bureaucrat decided what you can and cannot do with your body? And by using THEIR religious beliefs.

I bet you wouldn’t like it one damn bit.

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Block him. I thought I already did. He’s a troll.

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I'm absolutely fed up with trying to reason with people who refuse to understand. It's baffling that you actually believe a woman has the right to play God and take a life as if it's some sort of right. Since the dawn of humanity, people have had the basic common sense to recognize this as murder. Yet, in the last 50 years, a group of miserable, godless individuals have emerged, claiming it's a woman's choice. Here are two suggestions for you:

Go to church.

Learn how to use traditional birth control.

Honestly, it's exasperating!

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Ah “godless”, “go to church”.

There it is.

When will you understand it’s YOUR religion, not mine?

You have zero knowledge of what a pregnancy is like. I do. You have zero knowledge of being raped and forced to carry a fetus that was forced upon you,

You have zero knowledge of being forced Ed to carry a fetus that has no chance to live. And that will endanger your life or your ability to have more children.

I do.

Get back to me without your religion and when you become pregnant.

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Sean is a known troll no one actually takes seriously except himself, who tries to overcompensate for no one else taking him seriously.

Mute, block, move on. Not an ounce of logic, juat god-botherer babbling and misogyny.

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(His profile even claims to be against government overreach but he claims they should be able to play God just fine - as long as it's not women doing it. Clown shoes.)

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Can’t reason with stupid like that. I’ve been trying for years.

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The only reason I even bother commenting on this nonsense is in the slim hope that a reasonable person might think twice before listening to you miserable beings. Once again, I'm clashing with some jerk who wants to defend murder. Seriously, find something better to put your energy into. You're wrong, and you know you're wrong, but you're so miserable that you either need or crave attention. I'm done here. You can't fix stupid.

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Nope, you’re proof you cannot fix stupid.

Bye bye hateful troll.

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MAGA wanted to hang Mike Pence and routinely sends threats, even I have had a threat since Trump, but you do nothing to rebuke your own. You have zero morality and no authority. Sin is a disgrace and you are meant to deal with those inside the church not those outside. Leave Americans in peace. We literally have had to deal with threats of civil war from y’all so we all see exactly how pro life you really are. You kick the rape victim and the bereaved when they are down and you slander people you treat with contempt. You lie when you say you value life. Go read more Bible.

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If only you would take half your own advice.

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If you had any proper, basic science education you'd understand that it's simple: Abortion is not murder. A fetus is not a baby. It's a fetus. I'm so glad I was properly educated! Maybe you can go back to 8th grade science class?

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Stop using the word “reason”; you have no idea what it means.

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you are the kind of person Marine Corps Drill Instructors aboard Parris Island (Kilo Company) taught us: "When you see a racist, prechy Mother Fucker like that in my America, you curb stomp that piece of shit like he’s a worthless Syrian rebel.” -Direct quote from SDI SSgt Hill. The United States Marine Corps does not defend you or your values, and yes this was during George W. Bush’s administration post 9-11, and “your kind” of white male is still viewed as subhuman to the Taliban et. other religious extremists.

You Sean, were the type of person who would typically be “accidentally” victim to a blue on blue firing incident. It happens, and the constitution is against the theocracy you are trying to enforce. Good thing there are true American’s loyal to the constituiton, not some church or political party, because when the first cartel bullet crosses the rio grande, or another plane crashes into a building, every republican voter cries like a little bitch and hides behind the 6% of us who volunteered to serve (including veterans) even fewer make the ranks of the 400k active duty Marine Corps.

Go to Russia and enjoy your fascism, take your cult and stop fucking up the country for the rest of the world. It could be nice without your blind view pf the world.

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Bye Sean.

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Hey Sean, better go back to your history books. For millennia religious authorities did not consider a fetus a child until “quickening” - when it's movements in the womb could be felt by the mother. That is many months into a pregnancy. Others thought the child was only a person following its first breath. For these reasons they did not obsess about abortion.The notions you posit as eternal are very recent.

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Sean- the US currently ranks 55th in maternal mortality, the worst of any industrialized nation. It is not your place to tell anyone what they can or can’t do with their body. Maybe learn about science and history and spend less time at church and telling others what to do with their bodies. Here’s some light reading for you on abortion in history. The first recorded evidence of induced abortion is from the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus in 1550 BCE. Many of the methods employed in early cultures were non-surgical. Physical activities such as strenuous labor, climbing, paddling, weightlifting, or diving were a common technique. Abortion was frequently practiced in North America during the period from 1600 to 1900. Many tribal societies knew how to induce abortions. They used a variety of methods including the use of black root and cedar root as abortifacient agents. During the colonial period, the legality of abortion varied from colony to colony and reflected the attitude of the European country which controlled the specific colony. In the British colonies abortions were legal if they were performed prior to quickening. In the French colonies abortions were frequently performed despite the fact that they were considered to be illegal.

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Hey Sean—fuck all the way off. And then go away. Permanently.

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Came here to say the same

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Get off your soapbox …you don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re not a woman …you don’t know anything about a woman’s body and you’re a misogynist pig.

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I had a miscarriage. The pills I took to avoid sepsis and have children in future are pills you fools would ban. Don’t you dare tell me to go to a church with people like you in it. You ignorant fools threatened civil war over the ProLife issue and you have not repented. How dare you think you have any authority over Americans when you have enabled and promoted a boastful rapist. Here’s a suggestion for you: REPENT.

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Sean, go fuck yourself sideways. The whole tough guy thing is bullshit. You have never been in a real fight in your life without punking out and you know it. Women have been having abortions for millennia and the only reason you even care is because you aren’t able to control their bodies.

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America first is all about promoting and defending a rapist. Sean should repent of that and learn the wisdom of humilty.

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Yes, you are definitely exasperating. You don’t have a shred of a clue. You and your “religion “ are the whole problem.

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Fuckity bye, asshole. I’m fed up with people who don’t mind their own goddamn business and proselytize on top of it.

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Sean Kelly: “opposing government overreach” except when it’s about controlling women, “pro fundamental rights” except when it’s a woman’s right. “Pro freedom”, except for women.

Gotcha, you show all your true colors don’t ya?

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But you believe MEN have a right to take a life.

Your misogyny is showing.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

“I'm absolutely fed up with trying to reason with people who refuse to understand.”

Says the person who out-of-hand dismisses any point of view that doesn’t agree with his.

“Learn how to use traditional birth control.”

Yes, let’s return to stoning the harlots!

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You don’t know the first thing about “reason”; you are a man of faith, and don’t even realize what an idiot it makes you. Talk about exasperating!

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Sean here’s how you solve Your problem: Control Your Self!

Do not have sex with a woman unless she agrees freely, well in advance of the act, to bear a child at the risk of her life and health. Mind that a woman would, and should, want a reasonable guarantee of quality health care, economic security, a caring partner and responsible co-parenting, and without giving up her education or career. And before you start with the fable of marriage, patriarchal institutions have taken that social contract and beaten it nearly to death, along with thousands of real women. (Leaving a link to reality at the end.)

Don’t hold your breath waiting for volunteers. By focusing on controlling women you reveal selfishness and immaturity. When you grow up you could consider adopting an orphan from a famine area or war zone. Saving a life might actually give you some credibility.


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Wow. Maybe we need legislation for compulsory vasectomies for any numbskulls who can’t understand bodily autonomy.

I have no idea who you are, but you sound like a whiney idiot.

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What’s even more baffling are the people who think making abortion illegal will end it. Before Trump became president and we started having more abortions, we were having fewer abortions than we had the last time abortion was illegal.

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Jun 14Liked by Justin Rosario

Government should have no dominion over people’s bodies, except where it affects other citizens, and an unborn fetus is not a citizen. It is a matter of individual liberty, something conservatives are supposed to care about very much.

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Well, for one thing, it’s not a human being, but a blastocyst.

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I hope you’re thinking beyond the immediate medical danger to the pregnant person. What about Kate Cox, the Texas woman who fought for abortion when her pregnancy was in danger of destroying her future fertility? Or the 10 year old who got pregnant due to rape. Both those needed abortion for serious reasons that would have severely impacted their life in the future. But anti-abortion activism routinely prioritizes the non-viable fetus or even a clump of cells over a living, breathing human being who deserves to live their life as they choose.

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Your guy is a boastful sexual abuser, so maybe deal with that and then we could have a sensible conversation about how much you really value women’s lives.

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Sean do you believe in the death penalty?

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I'll bet you a nickel he does. Also a big supporter of guns in every hand.

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