Jun 27Liked by Justin Rosario

Why any woman, who has not swallowed the “Handmaid” philosophy whole, would vote for a Republican is beyond my comprehension.

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I had a friend who was a Xoomer a while back and I asked her, since she was one of those closet feminists who voted Republican and would talk shit about women like Sen. Warren, Clinton - but weirdly reflexively. And she confirmed what I had long suspected: the reason white married women of a certain generation or older vote Republican is because there was apparently an expectation that a woman would adopt her husband's politics when she got married.

Or he'd just beat her into it.

Women who vote Republican overwhelmingly cohabit with a man who votes Republican despite the overt misogyny of the party and I have no doubt that male pattern violence plays an outsize role in this.

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I agree. There was an episode on All In The Family where arch-conservative Archie Bunker couldn’t vote because he hadn’t voted in the last few elections and had been purged from the voter rolls. He then took his wife, Edith, aside and told her how to vote “their” ballot. He assumed that she had followed his orders, but she told her daughter that she hadn’t. I wish more women married to republican men would do the same.

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Yeah, I've often wondered why they don't just lie, and say they did, and then I found out that voter registration records aren't secret and some states don't only show the candidates for your party. (Also, we haven't always had secret ballots; they're an important from Australia, and a relatively recent feature - 1890. The lack of secret ballots lead to a degree of outright deadly violence around every election day, and this very real danger was among the primary excuses for denying women the vote until 1919.)

And then I realized that it's only half of married white women over the age of 40 who vote Republican. So the other half of white married women over the age of 40 who *aren't* voting Republican must be the ones who do, in fact, lie.

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Jun 27Liked by Justin Rosario

Amen, sister, amen. How can they live with themselves?

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It is almost as if Doctor Ronnie spiked up everybody with anti-reality pills or something.

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Jun 27Liked by Justin Rosario

I say this most respectfully: as a male, I sure hope women respond to this ridiculous attempt to control them and their bodies with less physical interaction with men, especially conservative men

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H12thDoc, I think that has been happening. These losers are angry that they can’t connect online.

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I hope it is. I hope American women pull their version of Lysistrata, just for a different reason. As far as the phenomenon of the right wing "alpha male" goes, seems like many of these are either incels or just bad at relating to women in general and probably not as successful as they think they deserve to be.

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Jun 27Liked by Justin Rosario

I’d like to know what those red states will do once they kill off all their women.

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Jun 27Liked by Justin Rosario

They may suddenly and belatedly realize that they did something incredibly stupid for their own self-interest. When China had that awful one child policy, many families aborted or gave up for adoption girls since Asian culture values sons more. Some years later, their grown sons found out there aren't that many available wives. Ooops

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Jun 27Liked by Justin Rosario

And no one to make them sammiches

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My son married a Chinese-American girl. She was born in China and moved here with her family when she was seven. She and her parents are naturalized American citizens, but her grandparents, aunt and uncle were still in China. They went to visit her family on their honeymoon and Chinese men were very upset to see them together.

A couple of years later her mother and I were with them for the birth of their first daughter. She reassured me that they weren’t disappointed to have a girl, that the preference for boys was a more rural thing. I told her that it was prevalent here as well.

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Glad that they are open minded, including to an interracial marriage, which is definitely an American commonality

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My daughter-in-law’s parents are wonderful. They love my son and me. Her mother and I really bonded over our granddaughter’s birth.

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The same thing those same men's ancestors did after they finished up burning all the women alive.

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The cattle?

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Nailed it.

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Justin, agreed, and I'm disgusted with folks who don't vote because they see no differences between Dems and Repubs. Look at the (with flew exceptions) cesspool of SCOTUS.

WE MUST ACT! It's not enough for Democratic voters in blue states to exclaim "Vote Blue" and pat one another on the back. Due to the Electoral College, sadly, many of our blue votes won't matter. We need to get swing states to vote for Biden. https://www.focus4democracy.org/ has a plan to educate undecided voters on why they must vote Blue to protect our democracy. They're focused on swing states. F4D is composed of a dozen or so seasoned campaign messaging experts (combined, they have many decades of experience) who can calculate the effects of different campaign messages on voting outcomes. I'm now donating to their programs (rather than random Democratic candidates). Even people who can't afford to donate can forward the info to everyone they know. Too many people feel hopeless and aren't doing anything. WE MUST TAKE ACTION. Please take a look at focus4democracy. We're in an emergency. I've got a list of nearly 200 friends, acquaintances, and colleagues I'm emailing about this. Will folks here join me? I'm waiting for a show of hands.

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I wrote a letter to Dick Durbin today (I’m an Illinois resident) and DEMANDED that he address the out of control SCOTUS NOW! He has authority to start investigations and he damn well needs to do that or he will not get support to stay in office anymore!

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Where are those SCOTUS Sucks bumper stickers available?!

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I’m still hearing these younger Democrats, in the office where I work, continue on with Biden bashing over GAZA. One young lady said, Biden said this in 1992…I asked, why would your attention be drawn to something he said 30+ years ago? Think about it. They should hear what many politicians said 30 years ago that they now like. Time for a reality check. I think TicToc and the like are putting AI videos out with Biden saying whatever they want him to say.

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My adult kids aren’t happy about Gaza but they’re not stuck in some weird time warp. They’re also not idiots. Third party candidates this round aren’t viable. They’ve flirted with them in the past and may in the future, depending. They’re voting for democracy in 2024, they’re voting for Biden.

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I hope most of these people ultimately understand they must vote for Biden despite their displeasure with Israel/Gaza/US involvement.

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Abortion on demand and without apology. It just works.

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…with a baseball bat. 😡

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Oh, whoops! Fuck SCOTUS!!!

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