Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

Yes: A conservative says, “If it hasn’t happened to me, I don’t care.”

I would add,"...and if it happens to you, then you deserved it."

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Joe, good one! And so accurate!

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Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

My mother told me decades ago. "A Republican says you must have done something wrong. A Democrat says there but for the grace of God go I."

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Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

I like your mom

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Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

Just as they believed that these appalling jail conditions would never apply to them, they imagine that if Trump is elected they will be immune from his wrath.

Good luck with that.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

That's right✅️

The one thing I've consistently found in my relationships with conservatives is a lack of empathy. That's the tie that binds and a lesson hard learned that as soon as that red flag is waved in my direction I'm not going to question walking away immediatly ever again.

President Biden is the most empathetic President in U.S. history.

I believe that fact is a big reason for the right's hatred of him.

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Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

🎯ITS like people forgot he was VP for 8 YEARS and did NOT run for prez UNTIL the Donald somehow took the WH in 2016(thank God he did in 2020) Joe was fine being retired with his brillant & beautiful wife Dr. Jill .... HOW anyone can accuse him of being power hungry or a dictator is just a flat liar! We all should thank God for Joe Biden everyday!! 4 more Joe!!✌️💙🥳

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And I respect President Biden that he graciously accepted to be President Obama's VP, and (President Obama for his part didn't hold back for Joe's taken out of context comment on Mr. Obama being "articulate, bright and clean"), as well as stayed out of President Hillary's path in 2016.

Americans were fortunate to have had President Biden take over from desperate situation created by drumfp and his enablers,rethugliCons.

If it's possible to imagine we need Joe more now than in 2016 in the face of horrific declarations of drumfp revenge plans and cfcons' project 2025.

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Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

Never thought of it that way but it makes perfect sense. Thank you!

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Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

You are most welcome

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you must be delusional.....and you have nothing to support that statement.

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I didn't say all conservatives

I said the ones I have had personal relationships with in my life

So because you somehow seem to think you know more about my personal relationships than I do, I must be " delusional"

I rest my case

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I always laugh when I get fundraising emails that say….Trump humiliated. trump can’t be humiliated, he doesn’t have the capacity to care or think he could be wrong ever! And you need a sense of remorse or responsibility to feel humiliated. Nor does anyone in the Felon-loving republican cult recognize their culpability in deadly Sedition & full support of a CONVICTED FELON & RAPIST! They have a strong belief that they will get away with it all. That is why we must make certain they don’t!

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IF he somehow takes the election ALL the Jan. 6th conspirators will be pardoned and elections will look more like they do in Russia! Which is why I am offering rides to anyone in my neighborhood to the polling booths!😉✌️💙

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👍🏼 Good plan. And keep expressing your views while in public with friends. Let people listen in from the next table. 😄

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Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

“May you and yours be the victim of your ideology.” That is perfect. I will repeat this sentence daily, and there is now finally some glimmer of hope that we’re seeing it happen.

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well it's certainly true in California, N.Y., Chicago, detroit...

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Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

C'mon...Bannon can pull himself up by his boot straps...oh, wait...no boot straps in prison...umm...bed sheets...yeah! Maybe, they'll even give him a couple of orange (his favorite color) jumpsuits to wear at one time in place of shirts. Oh and lets not forget toilet wine...he's gotta relax at the end of hard day of looking over his shoulder, inspecting his food, and being forced to shower.

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I am cracking up picturing TWO orange jumpsuits.

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Jun 25Liked by Justin Rosario

I want a t-shirt that says “A conservative says ‘If it hasn’t happened to me, I don’t care.’ A liberal says ‘This should never happen to anyone, and that’s why I care.’”

Mind if I steal this to have it made? I’d be happy to quote you on it.

At the bottom:

~The Opinionated Ogre

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Go for it!

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Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

I’m sure Bannon will find his cohort in prison. Aren’t there plenty of fat sloppy drunks who will find him appealing? 🤮

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Love this!

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Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

Your beginning paragraph about the difference between conservatives and liberals is so awesome I had to immediately copy it for my upcoming letter to my local paper. Hope you don’t mind. Excellent post. Somehow I don’t think Bannon will learn empathy in jail!

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I don't think so either...he thinks knows it all...

Perhaps comes out even more dyed in the wool...

Lost causes...are LOST causes.

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Maybe this experience will make them support prison reform.

Actually, a corporate bigshot named Gerard Finneran once got drunk and abusive on an airliner flying from Buenos Aires to New York, and demanded more booze.

The flight attendants waid, “You’re beat.” So he took a poop in his seat and spread the stuff with his fingers on airline seats.

The flight attendants had to cut off ALL food service doe to the health issue and that made all the passengers mad, including the President of Portugal, up in first class, headed for the United Nations from a visit to Argentina.

When the plane arrived at JFK, the US Marshals greeted Finneran with handcuffs and he spent the night in jail.

Sober and wiser, when he faced the judge, he pleaded guilty. Finneran paid the massive fine, the costs of the passengers’ tickets, the costs to clean the plane, and got three years’ probation and alcohol counseling.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. A few years later, Finneran died of a heart attack. In the obituary, it said that mourners were asked to donate to a program to help re-entering offenders get jobs in lieu of flowers.

I saw that, and said, “No coincidence there.” Finneran obviously sat in probation offices and met with offenders and officers alike and saw firsthand how hard it is for re-entering offenders to get jobs, and must have used his funds, new awareness, and corporate power to help his fellow probationers.

I was impressed by that commitment. He clearly learned something.

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Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

Thanks for your impassioned, well-written posts. But you're preaching to the choir - we know that everyone here will vote blue. We need to get undecided voters in swing states to vote blue. If you want to stop the far-right takeover of our government, look at https://www.focus4democracy.org/ - They have proven plans to get more Democrats to actually vote - and they also educate undecided voters as to how they can help protect our democracy. I'm supporting them, rather than just randomly flinging donations at various Democratic candidates. Even people who can't afford to donate much can forward the info to everyone they know. Too many people feel helpless and hopeless and aren't doing anything. But this is something we CAN do - and we must act. Please take a look at focus4democracy. We're in an emergency. No ranting without action!

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Thank you, Jen

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Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

I’m glad I’m not a fascist.

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Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

Minor correction: his four months aren't up til the end of September, and since his trial is in New York, he may get a few weeks of squatting in Rikers.

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Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

I would be saying those motherfucking Republican assholes fuckity bye 👋

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Jun 24Liked by Justin Rosario

I’d also say “see ya wouldn’t want to be ya “!

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