Mar 25Liked by Justin Rosario

“Vaccines and viruses apparently have a political agenda”

While covid spared no one according to political ideology, P01135809 and Kushner tried to change its mind, by hoping blue states with higher population density would have little to no access to PPE.

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Mar 25Liked by Justin Rosario

Tell it Justin. Love the article.

All key points most Americans don't know but should. The message is clear. Republican party has left us with only one option.

Vote 💙 to keep our Democracy as we know it or Vote ❤️ to end our Democracy.

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I love your work Justin.

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They have been trying to steal healthcare from you

for years. They have filibustered the ACA

or "Obamacare", 70 times:


They're still doing it yet.

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I can’t wait to get my “scratch n sniff” very own Trump bible.

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Ain’t that the truth. But this is the slow roll into autocracy. Right by the playbook.

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