Mar 28Liked by Justin Rosario

When I go to vote and I don’t recognize candidates (usually lower-visibility local elections), my defaults are:

1) Vote for the Democrat

2) Vote for the woman Democrat

And I’m a pasty white male.

It is almost a 100% sure bet that a woman will do a far better job representing our interests.

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Mar 28Liked by Justin Rosario

I’ve never understood how MAGA men think that dominating a woman is the way to her heart. Insecure men love to say “you’ll die alone” like that’s some kind of threat. We all die alone and I certainly don’t need anyone to tell me how to dress, how to act, but most importantly, how to think.

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As a mediocre white man, myself, I fully support the current trend of women voting Democrat and not getting married. They deserve so much better than what is currently offered.

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Mar 28Liked by Justin Rosario

My grandfather stressed over and over again when we were little that strong men want strong women. Both of my grandparents believed they were a team and they were each more likely to brag about the other than put someone down.

His rule was no daughter or granddaughter of his should be bringing home some little capon bragging about being superior.

Real men didn't need to brag.

(OTOH, girls also didn't get away with claiming something was too hard. You did your best or you did not do your best, and God help you.)

I do think the Tates of this world need to study the Irish elk. A lot of good being the manliest of all manly males does you when no one wants to sleep with you.

Evolutionarily speaking.


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Mar 28Liked by Justin Rosario

“Call it the Brethern Strategy:4”

The Snowflake’s Scheme. The Wimp Whine. The Gilead Game Plan. The Misogynist Master Plan. The Pedophile Proposition.

Robert Ludlum would be good at this.

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All of this? YOU SO ARE GODDAMN RIGHT! Thank you for voicing a LOT in this good piece. They should be very grateful women are asking for equality and not SEEKING REVENGE.

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2045? I don’t think they’ll survive the end of the decade

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It's time to realize that most Hispanic men are white and many are from cultures that imitate the misogyny of white American men.

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Yup, the editorial board of the Washington Post, not even just a random right-wing columnist but the fucking editorial board, with several women on that board. I’m afraid educating women may still not be enough. Internalized misogyny and self-loathing in general are truly horrible to behold and difficult to remedy.

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The other day I read a post written by a woman called “can’t we just go for a run?!” About yet another woman murdered in her area while going for a jog. The Chernobyl like fragile male meltdown in the comments section was telling. One troll literally commented on EVERY comment written by a woman agreeing with the post. If that doesn’t scream incel in mom’s basement, I don’t know what does.

The way I see it is, if you get offended when women point out that males can’t stop raping and murdering us, that’s a YOU problem.

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The Penis Plot? The Scrotum Strategy? The Teste Tantrum? The Prostate Plan?

I think it might just be testosterone poisoning, but I could be wrong. My favorite is “The Teste Tantrum” since it does seem like the “movement” is more of a tantrum of petulant man-babies crying about not having women want to be domestic servants + baby machines + sex slaves + nurturing mommies for their fragile egos. Oh, and those women must also be a “10” since that is what they deserve. Interestingly enough, those men tend to be “3s.”

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Good men are raised not hatched. Since women are still the primary caregiver, perhaps they are raising men with toxic beliefs that they are victims of women and superior to women (seems contradictory but look at the whiny MAGA cultists.) I have a wonderful 48 year old son who proudly identifies himself as a feminist. It’s because his father (also very pro woman in the best sense) and I taught him the rules for behavior, respect, honor, equality and friendship. He in turn has taught his twin sons the same (along with this feminist grandma’s attitudes). These beliefs are part of theor character and will be handed down through the generations.

Education plays a vigorous roll in raising feminist men. The educational divide with women out numbering men often equals to fewer children. While MAGA and other toxic males typically are raised by women who do not self-identify as feminists and tend to have larger families. The result is on average more men who are misogynistic.

I’m not proposing that feminists have more children, just that the children they do have (boys and girls) need to carry on the progressive values of people who embody equality. Our public educational system must mirror this equality and status. More women represented in history classes, girls taught that being good at math or science doesn’t mean thst boys won’t like them and boys must be taught that smart girls rock.

Economics affects these dynamics. Economic advantages segregate us into the castes which then segregate us by political beliefs (i.e. Democrats vs. Republicans). These political identities have become moral, ethical and gender determiners. These are all broad generalizations but they point us into how women can make social changes.

Women’s rights groups (aka feminists for us baby boomers) and women’s issue groups need to concentrate efforts into broadening their memberships. During the “bra burning” era, there was significant talk and concern about the majority white middle-class and above. We must not make that mistake again. It’s critical that all women be represented - Black, Asian, Native American, immigrants, low income, high schoolers to wise elders.

To close: we need to make sure we are modeling the behaviors and teaching the ideas we expect from good men that know that their place is along side good women. Not as oppressors.

P.S. This doesn’t address any LGBTQ+ issues because that’s a whole additional treatise. Toxic masculinity is a big problem for these people and they need our support. But good men are’t frightened by people who march to the best of a different drummer nor do they disrespect or bully someone different.

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Thank you for getting it. What’s disappointing is that it’s not just white men anymore, there’s an increase in men of color joining the Women Haters club because they have more in common with white misogynists. It really is a war of the sexes.

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My favorite Little Rascals episode.

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Keep going. Appreciate you.

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