I’m copying something I posted elsewhere last night. When I had a full head of steam and zero fucks about observing niceties.

“Here’s a thought. Instead of acting like fucking titty babies and whining about “hoarse voice” and “low energy” and just generally buying into and aiding and abetting the fascist narrative, how about focusing on the substance and fighting to subvert the superficial analysis?

The substance is, President Biden answered the questions. Trump did not. President Biden has a recent and good record of serving the nation. Trump does not. President Biden tells the truth. Trump does not. President Biden understands the as yet unfulfilled promise of this country and cares about the people in it. Trump does not.

It’s about vision for the future. Hope. Or hellscape.

Or do we only subvert the dominant paradigm when it’s easy?

Heads up! Chins up! Push back! Fight! Don’t make me disappointed! You won’t like me when I’m disappointed!”

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You got that right! I added a monthly donation to the Biden campaign, also. I just texted a friend that god dammit I’m not going down without a fight! They’ve really got me good and pissed off now - Katie bar the door!

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GOOD JOB! IM doing the same!! Time to "fight the good fight!" ✌️💙

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Jun 28Liked by Justin Rosario


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Cookie Lady- Electric Shark I love you!

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Thanks, Cookie Lady! What a great commentary; you should be running CNN…

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I must admit my heart sank after listening to a minute or two of the debate (I don't have access to CNN but the BBC broadcast it on radio) and I felt pretty despondent yesterday morning but then I got some perspective. The last three Democrat presidents all lost their first debates, they were all bad. And sure, the right wing press is going to lay it on thick but it's a total no-brainer. Even if that's how poor Biden always is d'you want a traitorous, criminal, rapist, grifting conman who's incapable of telling a single truth, who's only motives for wanting the presidency are revenge, pardoning himself and lining his pockets out an honest, decent but old guy who's not as on–the–ball as he used to be? I also saw some interviews with young undecided Latino voters and every one of them said that on the strength of that debate they'd choose Biden.

BTW, according to CNN's fact check (too little too late) Trump told 30 lies whereas Biden got none of his figures wrong. I think the rehearsals concentrated much too much on getting Biden to remember those figures and I don't think he got them wrong deliberately. I hope his team will learn from this.

One final thought, what if it's a cunning plan? That Biden deliberately goofed to make Trump hungry for another debate and to give him a false sense of confidence?

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Jun 28Liked by Justin Rosario

Appreciate that you showed Olbermann‘s comment - he was on fire during the post-debate show about how Tapper and Bash completely punted on this shitshow.

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Keith is the man.

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Jun 28Liked by Justin Rosario

Thank you for writing this. Last night was not a debate. It was a shit show by the orange menace.

Joe should stand tall and carry on!

If we were to replace Joe it would give the 🍊🤡💩 an automatic win.

If Joe dies in office we have Harris as president, which is far superior over anyone the 🍊 menace could dream!

I'm donating to Joe TODAY and every month till the election, besides volunteering till the election! I hope many others do the same!

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Jun 28Liked by Justin Rosario

I watched the entire debate and some of the commentary after on MSNBC, made a donation to the Biden/Harris campaign, then went to bed to get what sleep I could. I am more determined than ever to see President Biden win in November.

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Thanks for pullling together so many great reactions. I don't even want to call it a "debate" because it wasn't.

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None of them ever have been.

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CNN is guilty of journalistic malpractice and should be shunned from being recognized as a legitimate News org.

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I was so infuriated last night that I almost did what your illustration at the top shows - except mine would also have been on fire! I could not believe the number of lies, gross untruths, egregious mis-representations that vomited out of the orange pustule’s mouth. I had never heard the expression “Gish Gallop” before last night, never having been a debate person in school, but it was a perfect representation of it. In fact, school debate teams should have to watch tapes of last night’s “performance” in order to learn how to counter it if they run across it. And everyone running for the exits with their hair on fire screaming, “OMG! Joe Biden is old! He isn’t fit to run the country!!!!” just makes me want to hit someone in the face with a chair! WTAF is wrong with people???:?:?

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Jun 28Liked by Justin Rosario

The first time I heard the term Gish Gallop was during the 2012 Obama/Romney debate.

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The media whores masquerading as journalists are grossly misleading the public, who are justifiably terrified at the state of democracy in America. As they should be! Protect President Biden’s back; he is standing between American the Beautiful and anarchy

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Jun 28Liked by Justin Rosario

You said all the things I was thinking of but more succinctly. We have to take that “pissed off” and turn it into energy and resolve to get rid that “orange FUCK”. If we don’t win on November it won’t be Biden’s fault it’ll be on us….for not working hard enough or, worse yet, bailing on JBR and caving to an emotional reaction and not taking strength from it. It up to us.

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Jun 28Liked by Justin Rosario

I too am donating what I can to reelect our President and maintain our democracy. It’s as simple as that.

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Jun 28Liked by Justin Rosario

Thank You for your outstanding analysis. I was so fedup with the cowardly Dems who created the usual Dem Circle of Pitchforks targeting Biden because CNN Moderators failed to do THEIR job! I had already sent funds to the Biden Campaign through ActBlue this morning and sent a donation to ActBlue. Your donation idea is awesome!!

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Jun 28Liked by Justin Rosario

Every word of this! Ive been on Twitter (f<%k Musk) all morning putting out hair-fires and pointing out some of what you just said. You said it much better. trump and his patron saint, Putin, are both losers. I want to double down on democracy, not throw our POTUS, a decent, experienced, wonderful human being, overboard. Still with him!

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Jun 28Liked by Justin Rosario


From Robert Bresson's film of the same name. I'm an atheist but I'm in such despair that I'm starting to think this is the only explanation for Trump's infernal power. (The idea of the sound effect is a steal from the original 1940s Cat People.) I donated to Joe's campaign, and I hope he buys some Dayquil. Of course they're opposed to Kamala--the rise and fall of the Trump Adventure is due to fear of a Black president.

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Jun 28Liked by Justin Rosario

Yes, she’s Black AND a woman!

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Jun 28Liked by Justin Rosario

What is it about modern American journalism that keeps them from using the word: liar? We watch 90 minutes of one man lying repeatedly, and the other man trying to answer questions. Everything else is posturing and distraction. WaPo, NYT at the very least: please report about the words and not the scenery.

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Jun 28Liked by Justin Rosario

Am I the only one who wants to scream every time TFG drags out his assertion that doctors are performing 9 month abortions? Not a doctor, but I’ve had two kids and when you reach nine months of pregnancy and have to go into labour in order for the fetus to leave your body, I and all of my female friends call this GIVING BIRTH. And how many women at even 8 months of pregnancy wake up one day and say yeah, I think I’ll get an abortion?? And what doctor would go along with that notion? I don’t have a frame of reference for what the former Virginia governor said, but I highly doubt it was “yes, we just yank a 9 month fetus out of a woman, slap it on a table in the corner and ignore it”. Rant over…

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I want to scream about that also! Where does Trump get such outrageous ideas? And why doesn’t everyone who hears him say it just state at him and say, “WTF man, that literally has never happened in the history of the world. Did you just pull that lie straight out of your ass?”

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*stare not state at him. Stupid phone!

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Jun 28Liked by Justin Rosario

Yes!! We need to remember what’s at stake! The “Biden is old” bs is a distraction.

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If it weren't "Biden is old" it would be something else, like "her emails". They tried to hurt him with Hunter, but he just showed the world what a great dad is, so it didn't work.

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Jun 28Liked by Justin Rosario

It was a disgrace. A very good and kind man vs a lying moron. CNN should just close shop and quit. The lying moron (through steve bannon) has said he is coming after them.

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