Those scribblers make me ashamed to have been a journalist. You incompetent fuckheads, why aren’t you demanding an immediate press conference with Trump, just like you did with Biden? Rhetorical question: it’s because the Dems will tax the people with whom your publishers golf.

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Jul 22Liked by Justin Rosario

Always a “follow the money” situation.

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We don't have to follow it very hard, it's pretty obvious where it's coming from and who is getting it.

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Yup. 💰💰💰💰💰🕵️‍♂️

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Permission to borrow "Vivek RamaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!" please!

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Jul 22Liked by Justin Rosario

you can borrow him if you promise NOT to bring him back

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Jul 22Liked by Justin Rosario

yesterday was such a difficult day accepting that Biden had been pushed out by his own people. But this morning, the fact that we are going to have a woman president is wonderful! The bonus of having a woman of color, makes it even better!!

President Kamala ( Fuk the old, white, racist men) Harris!

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Jul 22Liked by Justin Rosario

And, the money she brought in through act blue just literally half a day after the announcement is phenomenal. It was well over 50 million as of last night. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s over 100 million by now. That is enthusiasm!

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50 million !! Wow!

Sounds like a winner to me!!! Go Kamala Go !!!!!

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In fact KCBS announced that she has raised $100 million and had all the delegates. The party I associate with conducting themselves with all the savior faire of Howard, Fine and Howard is currently out on the parade ground drilling like the graduating class of West Point. Just took my pocket flask out, stared at it, and tossed it over my shoulder.

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I heard about this development last night before I stopped paying attention. In fact, my understanding is that she now has more delegates than she needs. Tristan Snell said something like, “We have never seen anything like this happen in such a short period of time.” I could not be more elated.

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I was pissed 😤! Then it occurred to me how SHE can really focus on women's Fundamental Rights! Yeah!

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AMEN Alexis 🙌🏽

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I'm one of those old white men, not racist though and I agree 100%.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

I wasn't happy that President Biden ended his re-election campaign. He was tracking to victory. I wasn't sure what the plan was from the nay-sayers if he did end it. Why? Because they never offered one...to my knowledge...ever. All they did was say he should stop. What happens after? What's the road to victory? Nothing...they gave nothing for that next step. They were asking for a change without knowing what it would be. It was political hogwash.

For about an hour I was both furious and disappointed.

Then Biden endorsed Kamala...so did many others in the Democratic Party including others that had called for Biden to step out. Hrm...my heart and mind hit the zen moment and considered a few things.

This was done AFTER Donnie picked his personal sexist brown-shirt and AFTER the RNC. That can't be an accident or coincidence. At least in my mind. This frees up Biden to go full Dark Brandon while Kamala reaps the benefit of the Biden-Harris war chest for her campaign. Now Donnie is the old guy and criminal running and his mental fitness and ability to talk is obtuse on a good day. Honestly, he's a fucking chocolate mess (in his pants too) and he ain't getting better. The Trump camp has to completely change tactics now that they shot their load towards a candidate that isn't running...tsk tsk...all that merch is now a give-away at his groupie rallies.

Biden has proven to be a master statesman. I don't think he'd have stepped off the campaign trail unless he had a solid plan in place (unlike the aforementioned) that would work. Was it the plan all along? I honestly don't care. I'm with Kamala....Kamala Harris for President!

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I’m hoping Joe spends the next six months kicking GOP ass. Was mad as hell and just plain sad he dropped out, he deserved better. But I’ll happily vote for Kamala.

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SCOTUS has given carte blanche to "official acts". I'm hopeful Biden uses that like a skilled surgeon to put things in place.

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"Because they never offered one...to my knowledge...ever"

That was my issue with the "Biden should step aside" crowd. They had nothing more than that. As President Bartlet once asked, "What are the next ten words?" and none, from Substack commenter to TV pundit to "senior Democratic insider" ever gave an answer beyond suddenly magic happens and everything just works.

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I love that Donny Fuckface is tweeting that he wants reimburse for campaign funds used fighting Biden!🤣🤣🤣🤣

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He is such a tool. Reimbursed from whom? The people that supplied products and services his campaign ordered? Or does he mean from Kamala's campaign. Guess he didn't use a 2 for 1 coupon.

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Someone should ask the contractors he fucked over the years how they feel about Donnie getting refunded. Maybe E. Jean Carroll? Trump University attendees? Need I go on?

There is a universal justice, her name is Karma, and she's tired of Donnie's shit.

Kamala for President!

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Nobody, NOBODY, is as much a snowflake as a Republican.

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Right on brand!!😅😅😅

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That’s hilarious.

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Like he actually paid any of the people who created his political campaign.

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Well said. Now the attacks will begin. Republicans can’t find the guts to admit they are racists, so they hide behind petty sniping. It will backfire-turnout will be through the roof-women, minorities and the young will respond with outrage.

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Probably a super helpful point as they won't be able to help themselves - the racism will be rampant. I always find it strange to think that there are black republicans and women republicans. I expect I am wildly ignorant of the basis for that but it seems odd. Maybe just the very rich and/or very religious go for it.

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Black retrumplicans are not-black-identified (witness Clarence Thomas and Tim Scott) and female retrumplicans are not female identified (witness Usha Vance). They reject their biological identities for that of the dominant and most powerful “species,” white males.

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They have to hit the black side of her mixed race heritage because they can't really hit the South Asian side very hard, can they?

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“Outrage” I like the sound of that !!

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General Mark Milley as VP would put the last nail in the coffin of the Repubs. He's got the credentials, would round out a Harris administration and is a wildcard for which the Grand Old Party has no Plan B. The guy would OWN JD Vance. Imagine a split screen with Vance on one side and Milley on the other. Any questions?

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I really like this suggestion and hope it receives meaningful consideration if, and this is a big if, Gen. Milley were to agree. He is very well educated, balanced intellectually and emotionally, has international contacts and experience, and the knowledge of the inner workings and motivations of the T administration from the inside. He is the embodiment of duty, honor & country that serves as the backbone of our military and exhibits none of the wild-eyed, judgment-averse martinet features of those like Mike Flynn or the raging incompetence and sycophancy of Ronnie Jackson.

Anyway - the field of good VP candidates is deep and broad. May the Ds take the time necessary to fully consider and vet those candidates in the process.

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Love Miley!! But I also love Mark Kelly..

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Do hero’s govern well? I have no idea !

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Miley And Kelly are military and they know how to handle troops they know how to inspire and they know when to actually give direct orders. They also know the buck stops with them. This is who they are.

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And we know Milley doesn't suffer fools.

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George Washington, Grant, JFK, Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt

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Why do people keep suggesting someone in the GQP as VP?! Not gonna happen. They made their bed. It’s not even a “nice try.”

It’s as absurd as these idiots who won’t leave Michelle Obama alone!

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Because Corporate Dems are melding with Bush Republicans to form a new Conservative Party. At this point we have 3 actual Parties: MAGA ChristoFascist, Conservative Bush/Elite Dems, and Progressives including Biden. Biden was a true Patriot and doing what was good for the entire Country and not just Corporations and Billionaires. That's why he was under attack by the establishment.

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No one in 2020 would’ve described Biden as “progressive” but he was.

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I didn't think Biden was Progressive and voted most unhappily for Him. But he seems to be undoing a lot of the problems he contributed to like Student and Medical Debts. He's the most Progressive President since FDR and LBJ. He also seems to have followed some of Bernie's suggestions which was a excellent change from the usual Democratic hostility.

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Is, not was.

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They did not like it when he said he didn’t care what millionaires think. One of the main he’s out

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Lots of talent to choose from

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That's a good suggestion.

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I was sad to see Joe go, but respect his decision and know he made it thoughtfully. And now I'm supposed to resubscribe to the NYT and WaPo because "things just got interesting?" I have better things to do with my disposable entertainment dollars than pay for news media that thinks I'm stupid. Like subscribe judiciously on Substack and send a donation to the campaign of Kamala Effing Harris.

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Goodness. Calmness. Kindness. Respect. Competence. Normalcy. Courtesy. Virtue. Manners. Rule of Law. Quality of Life. These don't sell newspapers. "Yesterday, 99.6% of all humans on Earth did good things and were kind and courteous to each other." It's the meddlers, the bullies, the crooks, the book burners, the slime balls that get the headlines. Rupert didn't make his $19 Billion on being an honorable good guy. He made his dough by fooling the gullible into believing that crime is a virtue. Same goes with the New York Times and the other pro-oligarch media.

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I do kind of understand one guy who was just a bit disappointed that he would not get to see Harris wipe the fucking floor with Vance in a VP debate. That would have been a sight. But I definitely prefer President Kamala Fucking Harris!

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Mr. Ogre, you say that like you mean it, AND I couldn’t agree more!!!

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The lugenpresse is getting what it damn well deserves and on top of that Biden is being almost deified to history. Let the Rs deal with the"age" card not to mention the fascist card, the felon card, the rapist card, the traitor card and the Russian operative card. Boom!

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Lugenpresse is such a great word. Sehr shoen!

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Wenn der Schuh passt…

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Laut auflachen! :)

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Doch wunderbar und unmöglich!

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It really is!!

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If the shoe fits…

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"Vivek RamaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! I can’t even finish typing it!" THATS HILARIOUS! Great piece today...well, every day, but this is a great one! 💙✌️

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Never were more odious words penned than “media industry.”*

Nor never more true.

*okay, “President Donald Trump” is more odious.

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100% support Kamala Harris for the win!

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Amen, Sister!

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Amen Amen

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It is tragic how much money is wasted on never-ending electioneering. Seems like admins are only working for 2 years (having spent the first 12 months getting settled in) and then they start campaigning again. Imagine all the good that money could do. Also interesting about the griping around student loans. They don't bother reporting the predatory nature of lot of them. I guess a lot of journalists have forgotten about the ethics courses they had to take.

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Exactly!! I’d also like them to discuss the fact that teachers are required to have a 4 year degree - and then we pay them nowhere near enough to live on those wages for a position that I might add, is crucial to ANYTHING in the futures of the children that we teach.

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