May 20Liked by Justin Rosario

I was already planning to contact my Senators as well as limp Dick Durbin later today to demand they support hearings into Insurrectionist Alito.

Now I have something else to bitch at them about.

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May 21Liked by Justin Rosario

Why on earth would Durbin make this suggestion? Does he really think the GOP will uphold their part of the deal?

Have the Dems learned NOTHING? You cannot trust republicans. They lie. They cheat. The words Merrick Garland and Amy Comey Barrett should never ever be forgotten!!!

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Correct. They won’t. They follow the rules.

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The Republicans didn't cheat: they blew up previous norms because they could, because Democrats lost elections.

If more Dems voted to keep the Senate in Obama's second term, and if 70K more Dems in 3 states voted for Hillary, we're not in the mess we're in.

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I think there are other “ifs” that are more salient at this point, Stevens. How many millions of people vote in America? 154.6 MILLION.

Our elections are non-competitive. We have to reform the electoral process. Americans shouldn’t have to live in anxiety for months on end, worrying about RFK and his spoiler vote campaign.

With electoral reform, spoiler votes / vote splitting would not be a problem. It CAN be fixed. Ranked choice voting can be implemented in many different ways. It’s the fastest growing electoral reform movement for good reason. Elections come down to math. SCOTUS green-lit partisan gerrymanders. The state legislature in NC has a supermajority even though the state is about a third GOP, Dem, and unaffiliated.

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Frustrating as all hell, isn't it?

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May 20Liked by Justin Rosario

This is mealymouthed Republicanism at its finest. I'm still angry about Merrick Garland. Even if the results of the 2016 election weren't affected by his appointment, there would still be one less seditious clown on the SJC today.

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Great writing Justin. I am putting out more lists of Biden’s accomplishments and I’m seeing many others do the same. I’m tired of hearing people cower about what the right wing media puts out. We need to promote these writings and the facts and let them take on a life of their own. That will have the rescumliCons shitting more bricks! 😀 Keep it going!

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May 20Liked by Justin Rosario

Why I democrat would be "open" to this is incomprehensible, particularly after what DEMENTIA DON and his sycophants did to our judiciary. Beyond that, it’s contrary to everything we’re taught to believe in to allow the 2 senators from each state to veto a judicial nominee all by themselves. This is the way that the CORRUPT senate works, allowing a minority of members to obstruct action through filibusters and other odious techniques.

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"a", not "I".

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Durbin is the kind of Democrat who thinks we’re supposed to be the loyal opposition even when we’re supposed to be in charge. What a fucking wimp.

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May 20Liked by Justin Rosario

WTH is wrong with Dick Durbin? Hasn’t he seen and had enough of GOP bullshit? Anything Fright Wig Blackburn is against, I’m for. She is idiocy personified.

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May 21Liked by Justin Rosario

I think a lot of longtime politicians are so entrenched in the old models of politeness and uncritical bipartisanship that they cannot recognize what they're dealing with. It's almost as bad as having leaders who are intentionally evil. We need people who can react appropriately to the perfidy of magas.

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May 21Liked by Justin Rosario

Absolutely! Yes!

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May 20Liked by Justin Rosario

Illinoisans need to reconsider supporting Mr. Durbin.

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I sure am.

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May 20Liked by Justin Rosario

Trying to recall how Butch Cassidy handled that knife fight…. 🧐😏

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May 21Liked by Justin Rosario

And when alito gets ousted and Thomas is shamed into retirement Biden can appoint to legitimate judges.

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But only if the Dems keep the Senate.

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Yes and they will

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That sounds right 🙌🏼

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May 20Liked by Justin Rosario

It seems a pretty safe bet that the rethuglicans would simply turn around and remove it again if they had the power. Limp Dick must be demented if he can’t remember how rethuglicans work. There is plenty of evidence visible to all, so maybe Limp Dick is vision impaired as well.

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May 20Liked by Justin Rosario

It’s a pretty safe bet like betting that a dropped rock will fall downwards.

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No no no no no. When Obama had an appointment to the SC six months before the election he was asked by republicans to do the decent thing and waive it. Two weeks before the election Trump used his. Democrats need to stop playing nice and doing the decent thing because Republicans never ever will.

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I may not be remembering this perfectly, but I remember the "gentleman" from Kentucky swaggering about and refusing to hold a vote on any Obama SC nominee. Democrats didn't control the Senate in 2020, so they couldn't return the favor.

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I'm not sure they would have even if they had controlled the senate, at least not for all of them.

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Perhaps it's my bias, but I'm also convinced that democrat appointees to the judiciary are more thoughtful and less likely to put their political biases to the fore. You'll have a fair judiciary all round.

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May 21Liked by Justin Rosario

Excellent post, I saved it.

I personally disagree with a civil war centiment because there aren't 2 warring sides. The current is the case when if usurpers are allowed in they'll control things for decades, many decades. Unless they go full Hitler which is possible given narcissistic, egomaniacal and psychopathic characters involved.

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May 20Liked by Justin Rosario

Drain that ReThug swamp!!🤬

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May 20Liked by Justin Rosario

Great stack today, Justin. This was a good one!

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Stupidity is their brand.

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