Sweet! Now, tax the churches.

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I pay my taxes with little complaint. I want our government funded so life is better for everyone (even assholes). The cheats don’t care about that but are happy to complain. Everyone needs to pay in so things get done and not just on the backs of the 99%.

Fun fact: I blew my electronic filing twice, because I used a new service and couldn’t remember the correct pin (my previous service automatically rolled it over each year). I finally figured it out (it’s on the IRS site if you have an account), but it raised a red flag that someone might be impersonating me. Same with my state return since both are filed together. It all worked out, but I appreciate the IRS being funded so they catch this stuff.

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The IRS needs to investigate the wealthy's non profit charity scams. It's an elaborate tax cheat.

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What I wouldn’t give to see Elon Musk whacked with a golf club!! URGH.. sorry, that was mean. I wonder how many taxes he hasn’t paid🙄GO IRS!!!

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Why are you apologizing?

We *should* call them on their shit and should *not* ever apologize for doing so. Our being polite in the face of their crimes is what they count on.

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Yay! Tax the rich! Feed the poor! Vote blue all the way down the ticket! Lock him up! Eat more plants! Love animals!

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About effing time!!!

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“The greedy rich also forget that most important lesson … We outnumber them. By a lot. All the money in the world won’t protect you when the mob comes to drag you out of your palace and remove your head”

Actually many of them do know that. It’s that we have forgotten.


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People willing to die in a ditch for the right of their betters to rip them off should finally realize their dreams. Most of us were never bamboozled just outshouted by supplysiders and media apologists about jerbcreators

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The middle class buys a lot of the stuff the rich get rich selling to us. But, if the rich destroy the middle class, so that average people can only afford the bare essentials (if that), then who will buy all the crap the rich want to sell to us? Just a thought.

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Great piece, as usual.

AND, thanks for the "Money" clip from Stewie!

My short attention span hung in there, cracking up, for the full 3 minutes : )

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…you’re a “comment and block” coward, pathetic

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