I never worried about RFK Jr taking votes away from Biden. I always thought he’d pull some of the republicans who have been to trump rallies and hear what a nut-case he is. Let RFK JR run! He’s completely in line with MAGA. I don’t know of ANYONE on the left who found him appealing for the presidency. He bashed the Covid vaccine and that ended any chance for gaining any votes from the left. We are really simply battling the media that puts out lie after lie and is SOLELY focused on Biden as the psychopathic, 34-count FELON Rapist is left untouched by this same media.

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I said back in October that he was going o be a problem for Trump and I was right.


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I’m gonna copy my reflection onto your original prediction. I love you. I think you’re one of the coolest riders on here.

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Oh darn it I don’t love you quite as much just and I can’t read that whole thing because I don’t subscribe and I’m so far in debt. I’m calling a bankruptcy attorney very soon.

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I don’t have a paywall, you should be able to read it?

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Oh, sorry, you're talking about the Banter article. I was on a different screen.

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Jul 8Liked by Justin Rosario

If they were counting on the Kennedy name to make Democrats swoon, they were about 40 years too late.

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Imagine my horror! I left Santa Rosa, California in 2014, only to return 9 years later to discover the lead singer of my former band family, plus a couple of other folks I once considered close friends, had gone all anti-Vaxx and Pro-NutBagRFKjr! Needless to say I no longer go to live music concerts because that whole experience has soured me. My PTSD runs deep (from stranger strangulation at my bedside in 1980 when I was 25), so I live what Maya Angelou tells us to live … believe them the first time, walk away, and stop checking back in to see if they’ve changed at all! They DON’T!

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That sucks. -_-

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Corinne, I am sorry you experienced such horror at such a young age. I hope we can all smile & cheer when we decimate the cult of trump at election time!

Like you, I rid myself of toxic relationships and people who support fascism. There is NO reason to make them feel welcome anywhere.

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I met a conspiracy theorist right after my husband died in 2001, to add to my ongoing record of surviving more traumas than … no matter I don’t wanna start sounding hyperbolic.

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Jul 8Liked by Justin Rosario

The amazing thing is that while all these horrible stories have come out his “poll numbers” have been flat. Because nobody ever actually liked him in the first place. Pollsters have just used his famous name as a stand-in for “other” and as a result we have to keep pretending this sad, weird, immoral man is a presidential candidate.

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Happy Birthday, Justin! Just got some happy news. My Mother-in-law is in a very nice retirement home. She was just telling me that all the folks in there with her are republican (she’s a dem), but that they’re all voting for Biden cuz they think the felon is insane! There’s a hopeful sign!

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Jul 8Liked by Justin Rosario

I am so done with the press - cancelled NYT, won’t watch CNN, and ignoring pretty much all but Substack right now. If there was any semblance of even coverage it would be different, but I’ve decided that since the only thing that gets through to them is through their wallets, then I’ll happily take my eyes and my money elsewhere. I live in Canada, and even on our news, it’s all about Biden needing to step down. On the plus side, I have time to read Substack and lots of books these days!

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Jul 8Liked by Justin Rosario

Kennedy has been a weirdo for years. I’m not sorry the GOP wasted a nice chunk of money trying to make him a viable alternative to Biden. I’m just really fucking annoyed that the press went there and when it was obvious that Kennedy is a psycho, flipped their script.

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Jul 8Liked by Justin Rosario

Brain worms, mercury poisoning, anti vax, conspiracy theorist and antisemite. What could go wrong?

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You don’t sound like you’re wearing a tin foil hat. Unless of course, I’ve also descended into madness myself.

The msm has stopped reporting news. They are just trying to create it. Sinclair absolutely does this and the rest are just falling in line. If you report on how concerned voters are on any given issue, eventually they well might be. And voila, you have redefined reality. Xitter and a number of publications on Substack do this. I’m not on Xitter or any other platform. I watch left wing commentary and news on YouTube but I’ll never be a creator there. But reading these Substacks by right wing pseudo intellectuals is wild! Alice in Wonderland always comes to mind.

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Jul 8Liked by Justin Rosario

All of the weird, disgusting things that tRump has done, is doing, is saying?? That should give pundits PLENTY to write about. "Maga in disarray" just doesn't appeal, I guess😤🙃

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Jul 8Liked by Justin Rosario

We don't need them (Legacy media) They aren't doing their job at all.

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Jul 8Liked by Justin Rosario

Renfield of dictators - very good

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Any problem for Trump is okay in my book. And you're right about the media. We have quite a cleanup job what with the paid for media, the paid for supreme court (sic), and the paid for MAGA party.

Vote Blue straight ticket like your life depends on it. Your freedom certainly does.

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Aren't we glad that msm is after rfk now instead of singing the same "how old are youuu and when are you going to drop off, Mr. Biden?"

In the mad ambition to get themselves annihilated by crowning otraitortutintool to WH forever, the msm is indirectly helping President Biden's reelection.

We won't be Jill steined this time. The russians will have to fund rfk to topple....drumfp.

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Kid gloves are made from a baby goat’s skin, thus “kid,” which is what one calls a baby goat. So the phrase should be “kid gloves treatment,” which means “soft as a kid glove.” I. e., uncritical.

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Please watch this video and share it.

Watch it on a big screen if you can. I defy you, at least for a moment, to not become a little bit buoyed and a little bit inspired to remind everyone what we risk. I'd love to see it as some kind of an anthem for all of us who are just so fucking dazed and confused and sickened by the crazies, greedies, meanies who seemingly run this country against our Everyday Peoples' will.

Remember who we really are and can be.

Campaign Song.

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