May 22Liked by Justin Rosario

Excellent. Nailed the reason the real terrorists are coddled.

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May 22Liked by Justin Rosario

Awesome podcast

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Wow!! I wish this was a mandatory nationwide broadcast!

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Yay I agree… take note: Kyle Rittenhouse was a 13 year old boy when Trump took the office of President of the United States. With that role model, 3 years later (at 17) he killed 2 people at a BLM protest. He illegally had an assault weapon and crossed state line to do it. But he was acquitted and became a MAGA patriot. Why? Because he is white and privileged and will be going into politics because of his celebrity as soon as he is old enough.

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That judge really contorted himself. Disgusting.

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Since Saturday’s Libertarian Debacle, I am more convinced than ever, IT loses by 20+Million! And I’m listening to your podcast as the second ever podcast I’ve ever listened to behind the full series of Ultra by Rachel Maddow, which I listened to in my car between November 2022 and last April, on a couple of surgical road trips, road trips to get to and from surgery on the southern Oregon coast which was 3 1/2 hour drives one way

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The Nazimania fetish is something they are trying to normalize which would be tragic.

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