May 22Liked by Justin Rosario

All of the factors you mention appear valid. As while the motivation the create a horserace and keep things close )and profitable for them) as long as possible explains some of the WP, NYT, and other MSM clearly slanted coverage, have you considered the effects of the IRS's fully-funded enforcement division and the focus on the many uber-rich who have simply refused to file tax returns for years? The impending visit from IRS tax enforcement must have the owners of these MSM entities (and their 800+ billionaire buddies) in a lather over the cheek of the Biden Adminustration's effort to enforce the law against them - as if they were the "little people" who Ms. Helmsley told us decades ago are the only ones who pay taxes. Oxes are about to be gored - and this time it isn't us. "When you are accustomed to privilege, being treated equally feels like oppression."

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May 22Liked by Justin Rosario

I apologize for the typos in the message above.

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BEST ARTICLE OF THE DAY! Justin….🎯🎯🎯🎯 I’ve re-Stacked this and will reference it as much as possible. These are the facts that include Katie-Porteresque charts! Love it! The lies put out by the media are intentional and the very reason the ultra right billionaires bought out most of the media. Another reason to clear out the corporate Democrats along with the corrupt rescumliCon party. We also need to put these facts out instead of perpetually giving attention to trump’s stunts. We need to keep an eye on him but we also need to acknowledge Biden’s historic successes. (And maybe talk to his admin about a more appropriate response to Netanyahu!)

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May 22Liked by Justin Rosario

I also think on addition to the collective amnesia shown by many that there may be a tendency for people to focus on micro indicators in their own lives without thinking about the reasons why. For people who didn’t lose their jobs at the start of the pandemic, they weren’t spending as much because they couldn’t. Most of us spent a lot less on gas during the shutdown because we couldn’t go anywhere. We didn’t go out for meals or to bars or dancing or on vacation. We didn’t get haircuts or go to a nail salon. We shopped online but there was no trip to the mall or a bookstore. So I think there was a perception that things like this cost less then. Of course they did, we weren’t doing them. And dining out costs a lot more now, at least where I live. Eggs are a lot more expensive. So people see this and not the bigger picture and think they were better off. It’s nonsense but I think it explains some of this blindness. Which doesn’t explain the MSM and the willful misinformation campaign you report about here.

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May 22Liked by Justin Rosario

Like James Carville says… “ it’s the economy, stupid.” And it looks like Biden would win according to that. The stock market is doing so well. And the press just doesn’t acknowledge it.

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What is interesting about the disconnect between personal financial satisfaction and satisfaction with “the economy”… since this has never happened before, we don’t even actually know which one voters were responding to!

Doesn’t 2022 suggest it’s the former?

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To put it another way - people vote on how the economy is, not how they think they feel about it.

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Great piece, thank you. Don’t forget the worldwide inflation that Biden single-handedly caused. That’s got to be my favorite stupid comment ever. Muricans will shoot themselves in the foot and then wonder why it’s bleeding.

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May 22Liked by Justin Rosario

It’s amazing to me that people can think they’re doing well while the economy is supposedly tanking*. This isn’t 2008 when the economy really tanked and people lost big chunks of their 401k, owed more on their homes than they were worth and those set to retire had to continue working.

*Textbook definition of cognitive dissonance.

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May 22Liked by Justin Rosario

There really needs to be some kind of accountability for the press. The must be made to tell the truth, and lying must be penalised in some (financial?) way that will make a difference.

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May 22Liked by Justin Rosario

The media in the US is generally owned by hyperwealthy assholes (individuals and corporations) in the tank for "Agolf Shitler" (thanks, Jeff Tiedrich). They're all about the Kleptocratic Oligarchy and definitely not fans of government for the (little) people, by the (little) people.

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May 22Liked by Justin Rosario

…and for real, who are the a**holes that are being polled? Do they call the same 10 Repugnants and 4 Dems every time a poll is taken?

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May 22Liked by Justin Rosario

There are plenty of other stories that could be reported besides the horse race inanity. Investigation into who is responsible for these news agencies manipulations, political corruption, corporation’s and individuals tax evasions, how disinformation is spreading through ill intended foreign and domestic actors would sell papers. Plenty of people want information about these types of issues, but laziness and cheapness are pushing journalists to become “reality” tv presenters. I know there are serious and decent people working inside of MSM that could shine a spotlight on the dishonesty. I hope they find their courage soon.

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May 22Liked by Justin Rosario

I’d Ike to have just one inkling of why MSM is so mesmerized with Trump! I just don’t get it! Bet when, if he’s reelected and media is government controlled, they might change their hearts - too late after we have a dictator!

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That's why, 1st, MSM is owned by the billionaires. 2nd, Trump news sells papers, sensationalism =$$$$.

3rd, they are sucking up to him in hopes the will be able to stay alive after he is King.

Don't expect them to congratulate Biden's Win...

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CNN had Representative Donald (R-Fl) on this morning spewing Trump propaganda!

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Great, one of your very best. Thank you!!!

"Once we get through this, again, *we have to hold them accountable* for what they’re doing. I don’t know what that looks like but we need to figure it out because if the press is throwing in with fascists, we need to respond accordingly."

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the press knew about Alito's flags for 3 YEARS before reporting it!

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WHY goes unanswered???

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