Mar 12Liked by Justin Rosario

Greg Sargent getting shitcanned was not on my radar as I’ve been ignoring WaPo since my subscription will lapse in 2 weeks (willingly). He’s one of the best. I’ll look for him at New Republic.

Give me boring but a useful working government over P01135809 hysterics any day of the week. Speaker Jeffries has a nice ring to it.

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That would put him on top of the ladder.

That has a very nice "rung" to it!


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Touché 😂

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Oh it’s the cranky cunt. You need to be raped too.

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“Faced with accountability, Trump went even more off the rails, outraged by the very idea.”

You mean Susan Collins’s assessment of Trump was wrong? Who could have seen that coming?

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I hear she's very concerned.

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Mar 12Liked by Justin Rosario

Wow! And only 7 likes?

Well, thank you!

I have said this very things about the corrupt, crooked, two-faced MSM so many times, but felt i was yelling from Mars.

Very well wtitten, thank you! Gaining attention through comments is impossible, and I just discovered the sibstack beyond "likes"

While I found several critics of the media here, you are the only one to spell out they would turn 180 in a heartbeat. Russia is a great example.

Thanks again, best of luck!

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Mar 21Liked by Justin Rosario

Great ACCURATE writing.

I responded yesterday that the reason the press quietly quashed the Mike Pence " coming out" story was because it took away from their Trump narrative.

A former VP turning on this former Boss? Dead in the water, get rid of that fast. If Trump starts to tumble in the polls, Where is their story, excitement, DRAMA? The Media has to keep the tension,the outrage has to be amped up.

Bloodbaths, Catastrophe, Evil Democrats, Witchhunts, Communists, And so on and so on gives the Media what it wants, clicks, views, Readership.

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Exactly. A VP refusing to endorse his former boss is a first in our lives. Possibly in the country's history. It should have been front page news but that would hurt Trump and that's bad for business.

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Well, technically not the first in the country's history, since Thomas Jefferson did not endorse John Adams and in fact ran against him in the next election. But possibly the first since the Twelfth Amendment, which made the President and VP a team.

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The giveaway, as you alluded to, is that the Republican evolution (not takeover, evolution, because they were always headed here) into a fascist, ethnonationalist cult of personality is a big story. People would click on it! The ratings would be huge!

So it’s not just that.

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Forgot Christofascist ?

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I have a WAPO subscription and I’m utterly disgusted they let go of Sargent and Waldman. They kept George Will and Ramesh Ponnuru.

Seriously there’s no one left to read on that site.

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Time to cancel the subscription and spend the money where actual journalism is happening.

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What, you don't want to read another paean to baseball, our pastoral national pastime?

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I like Jen Rubin but not enough to keep paying for wannabe NYT.

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Try canceling and then going back! The WP and the NYT’s offer Deep Discounts to lure you back in! I did it for both. Was paying $20 a month for each.

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WP is now $4 a month.

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Now that I’m older and understand the nuances of how our country operates, I WANT to hear about policies and how they will help the American people. It’s sad that it is now considered boring to talk about those subjects. It gets harder and harder to find reliable sources. Many MSM outlets have become ugly $ machines, cranking out crap 24/7. If press reporters want to feed off writing about destructive drama in our society, they should they should reconsider their press careers and create fictional works (as books) instead. I believe the age of social media and clickbait has deteriorated our free press into an indiscernible mass of chaotic noises.

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If the GOP couldn't repeal Obamacare after how many tries? 60? More? And now they continue on their double standard medical and pharmaceutical chastity belt on women while the randy He-men menfolk poke anything in sight? They're not yet satisfied. They keep digging at it and digging at it. They learn nothing. It's not for nothing that the GOP has single-handedly pursued an dumb down the electorate for the last 40, 50 years. The dumber we get, they figure the better for them, and if they have to lock the doors to Democratic precincts? They'll do that too.

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Jennifer Rubin, who writes for the post, is the only mainstream journalist consistently telling the truth on government, the elections, and Trump. I suggest reading her.

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Jeff Bezos decided around 9 to 12 months back to “Take A More Hands-On Position @the WP”! It explains allot! I cancelled my subscription after I saw the Right Wing trend…Then WP broke a story around 3weeks ago that was only on WP, so I went back AT A VERY REDUCED PRICE FOR 2YEARS! (Try It!)

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Remember, it's all about the ink and profits.

Steinbrenner OWNED the Daily News's back page during his entire ownership of the Yankees.

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Excellent writing, proper conclusions as to venal, corrupt press, that has outlived it's benefit to the society and must be weeded out and compisted, so new press can grow, one that benefits the public.


Thank you!!!

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