What a perfect exposition of the situation. I agree on all counts and am delighted that you came out and said it with such clarity.

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Exactly right. The third reason is the one that concerns me most, because of the probability of violence at the polls. A tiny minority of the MAGA population has proven willing to commit crimes on their masters' behalf, and it doesn't take much to deter a group of older folks (like me. Thank goodness I live in Washington, an all-vote-by-mail state!) As a younger woman, I'd have been happy to act as bodyguard, but those days are past.

Please remind people to check their voting status! Many states are attempting to purge voters from their rolls, with varying degrees of success. Check yours, now and a couple of weeks before the election, to make certain you're voting status is still active.

And make a plan to vote! Go in groups, with bodyguards if necessary. The GOP is "hiring"

people as voting place watchers, and we all know what that means!

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I'm in Oregon, an entire Vote by Mail State for over two decades, which I'm quite comfortable with and my County Elections Officer is as solid as they come. I'm not sure about every County in Oregon but I do have some faith with our Sec State. I'm only worried about Post Office shenanigans, and keep wondering why Louis DeJoy hasn't had can tied to his tail long before now.

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Seriously! I've probably signed more than a hundred petitions in the years since the Orange Malignancy installed Gooey DeJoy, and followed it wherever I could find stories. The Board of Governors that controls the USPS now numbers equal parts Dems and Reps (last I read, about 6 months ago), but apparently the allure of privatization and ALL THAT MONEY is too attractive to just be left behind. It didn't appear that our (institutionalist) President Biden was willing to interfere too much, although that could be because there were more immediate emergencies. Hopefully, Vice President Harris will find it more of a "now" problem, because it definitely is.

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I believe that replacing the Governors which takes time since they have overlapping terms has been the sticking point not any reluctance by Biden to make changes..


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I agree, thank heavens for Washington’s vote by mail ballots, and multiple drop boxes! (I’m in your age group, too)

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Dropped my WA ballot for the primaries in the box at my city hall.

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Mine went in the box by the YMCA. Safe and sound.

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hopefully there’s security at sites for voting And for counting the votes…

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Security by trustworthy people

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I, too, am worried about violence. Especially after watching this.


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Oh God... I stopped watching after a few minutes because this is scary shit! 😳😳 Many brainwashed crazies out there willing and ready... 😲😲

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yes. thx for sharing the link. per The Guardian -news agency- the terror group known as The Base is activating cells in the US. (this report has not been carried widely.) . from personal experience the infiltration into police, sheriff etc. is real. military shows “faux” “news” to the soldiers.

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I voted in the primary so I better not get any shit or they tell me there is no Democrat candidate🤬

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Aug 6Liked by Justin Rosario

Well, trump’s got his sofa guy and his pillow guy, so he’s got his lazy naptime covered.

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LMAO! The GQP can't fight the "weird" comment because they know it's true.

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The real truth is that he thinks his plants in state election positions will refuse to certify, delaying the results long enough off to send it to the state legislatures, which will put him back in power. They’re counting on their plants in the judiciary to slow walk and delay election challenges. They may be right about all of these things.

Americans have to be ready to take to the streets in massive protests, call general strikes and shut this country down until our votes are counted. Don’t relent for a single minute.

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I think people are so riled up that they will protest by the thousands. We have the military on our side if shit gets REALLY real.

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Do we really? I don’t even trust the FBI or CIA after this BS assassination theater (minus the real murder and attempted murders notwithstanding) took place. We all know the ear was just fine and the blood was a blood pack.

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Excellent summary and I totally agree with what you’re saying. I just hope the Dems have their battery of lawyers ready to go‼️ Thank you so much for this post👏

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Harris was on the ticket in ‘20, and she’s a lawyer herself. I’ll be astounded if plans to fight the attempted coup aren’t already in the works.

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They are indeed in the works. Some of my fellow attorneys are working at it night and day.

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They are gaming out every possibility, doing research, and planning pre-emptive attacks. Those crooks will try anything and our guys know it from last time. In fact, I have come to believe that Trump doesn't believe he can win unless he gums it up in the courts and have either the House or the Supreme Court bail him out. It won't work.

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I don’t know if you can give any details on what you’re doing to try to stop it… but how do you make people certify election results?

How do you make sure people can vote?

What can you do if they do all the things they accused democrats of last time?? How can you counter that?

I’m becoming very worried…

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Mark Elias and his team have been working steadily and effectively over the past years to keep voting rights in place across the country. His organization is Democracy Docket.

Here’s the link to the website:


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Marc Elias is leading the effort and has a lot of great help. His site is well worth visiting.

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I'm not an expert in election law myself, but I know enough of from what they tell me. To stop them from refusing to certify, you go to court and force them to submit to a count and get a court order requiring them to certify it. On making sure people can vote, dozens of organizations are workingvon registering people and bringing them to the polls. On how to stop them, you use the courts and then if they don't do their jobs, it becomes mass civil disobedience. Shut down every major city. That is what it may take in the extreme.

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They will earn the thanks of a grateful Nation.

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Mark, please relay my thanks to them.

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Thank you soooooooo much for your efforts. You all are heroes!

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That’s somewhat reassuring

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I think it’s mainly what’s behind Door #3. Marc Elias is ready with lawsuits. If Harris wins by a landslide, maybe he won’t need to use them.

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The American Bar Association is anticipating his illegal shenanigans. They are mobilizing attorneys to fight the vote count issues. According to Democracy Docket lawyers they can’t continue to refuse to certify the results. There are legal remedies.

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That's right. And if we quash it at the lower levels, there will be no standing to take it to SCOTUS.

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When trump loses, he will have to flee the country 🙄

Vote BLUE 💙 💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Question: if an island off the Florida coast is in international waters, how would that affect the sentencing of a 34-count convicted felon?

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Sentencing doesn't require the felon to be present. People who flee the jurisdiction don't get to say "Nyah, nyah. I'm not there so you can't find me guilty or pass sentence on me!"

They get convicted, they get sentenced and, if they ever set foot in the jurisdiction (either by being extradited or stupidly returning on their own) they get locked up.

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He becomes a fugitive and the story and lack of apprehension becomes the story no one will talk about. He will hide in Saudi Arabia or Qatar or straight up Wussia.

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as long as the Secret Service agents are removed from duty. otherwise taxpayers will be charged for their food, lodging etc.

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For the first time in years, I’m excited about an election.

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Aug 7Liked by Justin Rosario

The excitement is real! 🌊🎉💕

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Aug 6Liked by Justin Rosario

Thank you, wonderful Ogre!!!

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All of this. Thank you, Justin.

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Aug 7Liked by Justin Rosario

Very well expressed Indeed. This is in line with what Rachel Maddow has been hollering as well. Good news is that, as you stated very well, we are ready for it and there are several agencies preparing for it, like States United!

And the main stream media is complicit in what is going on - unbelievable, and not to mention twit-X

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Aug 6Liked by Justin Rosario


My first thought was that those #%!* installed election denying Magas onto election boards. They’ve already declined to certify other elections within their states.

This is the plan. States cannot certify without every county’s certification.

I hope the Dems have a plan.

Vote out every single republican. Bury them so they don’t pull this shit again!

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Aug 6Liked by Justin Rosario

I read on Marc Elias’ site DemocracyDocket that if they refuse to certify, in some states they can be removed and the certification will be done by another official. In other states it’s court ordered (https://www.democracydocket.com/analysis/what-happens-when-election-officials-refuse-to-certify-results/)

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Oh this is great info !

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Yep, all you have to do is look at the picture of the orange stain at the top of this piece to see he physically can’t endure the campaign. And the money issue will come out eventually. The beauty is that finances might affect down ballot candidates almost as much as his. The part that scares me is the third reason. But the positive is that we’ll be ready for it now. Even though they’ll have planned their insurrection more effectively our response will be much more effective as well. Think positive!

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He can’t endure his own rallies.

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Aug 6Liked by Justin Rosario

Thank you for this post. I agree that it is probably “Door 3”. Like you, I agree that an overwhelming blue vote will count for something. We had the problem of 2 white, election officials deciding to not certify the vote in Wayne County Mi in 2020 after receiving calls from Trump and Ronna (Romney) McDaniel. There was a question of the state elector’s who were Republican refusing to certify the Michigan vote. Fortunately, one man decided to do the right thing and agreed to certify the election per the will of the people of Michigan. He was condemned by his fellow Republicans but the Republican Party in Michigan has been decimated. They attempted to steal the election from the majority. I have stated in various places that Michigan is a 2nd Amendment State. It’s also a Union State. We don’t like people who try to steal our votes.

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Aug 7Liked by Justin Rosario

Maybe he has Covid and that hits a lot harder when you are six years older than the last time.

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If he did and the press found out. It would be a page 10 story at best.

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