Color me clueless, but if the GQP thinks that only voting in person is the legal way to vote, how the fuck are Americans overseas supposed to vote? Are they (Repubs) really *that* stupid?

(wait, I need to stop. I'm making sense)

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May 14Liked by Justin Rosario

I lived in Mexico 2021-2023, and Guatemala 2018-2021, and volunteered for Democrats Abroad in Mexico. I voted from abroad in Guatemala. The process for doing so isn’t difficult, but it’s challenging to navigate. As is the case here in the US, many US citizens living abroad (I refuse to call them expats, but I digress) don’t know they can vote. Even if they don’t own property in the US or have a physical US address anymore (many living abroad use mail forwarding services, the address for which can’t be used for voter registration). Instead, one uses their last physical address in the US.

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May 14Liked by Justin Rosario

Now it’s time for Ohio to make the same changes - with a ballot initiative in November to take the redistricting out of the hands of the GOP. An evenly divided state is badly gerrymandered red. Enough!

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May 15Liked by Justin Rosario

I’m collecting signatures for that very reason.

It’ll get on the ballot.

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May 14Liked by Justin Rosario

Positive, hopeful news for once! Thank you!!

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There has been positive hopeful news for quite some time. Sure, the main media outlets don’t want to tell you about it because they’re desperate for their horse race.

But Trump has been failing and flailing in primaries for months. Biden‘s poll numbers have been rising. Trump’s inability to string together a coherent sentence and say even his rambling ones without mingling his words has become harder and harder for those media outlets to ignore. Democrats have been outperforming in elections for years (what “red wave”?).

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May 14Liked by Justin Rosario

This is an excellent article! Thank you for pointing out what can happen when Democracy works!!!!!

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May 14Liked by Justin Rosario


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May 14Liked by Justin Rosario

Thank you for Good News Tuesday, Mr. Ogre!!!

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“That’s why yesterday’s news out of Wisconsin must have sent a whole lot of MAGAts diving for the nearest fainting couch:”

If by “diving for the fainting couch” you meant “coming up with even more ways to completely overthrow the election”.

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Wisconsin is a beacon of light in the darkness of the GOP mind hive.

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Thanks for the update. I wonder, have there been any cases of democrats gerrymandering, because I’ve never heard of any. I may be a very liberal democrat, but I wouldn’t want anyone denied their right to vote.

I live in Oregon, a state where all elections are conducted completely by mail - now postage paid - and we’ve been doing it that way for a long time. And while we are as a whole a blue state, somehow republicans continue to be elected, sometimes in statewide offices. Our voting district maps look like big blobs rather than a collection of alien sea creatures such as those created by HP Lovecraft. We’re not without political issues with a sometimes dysfunctional state legislature, but we have free and fair elections and the one instance of voter fraud I can recall involved an election worker who tampered with I think 16 ballots. In the electoral college count, we don’t matter much with our now 8 votes but we do make it work.

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I live there too and concur. GOP gets elected through all the little red counties as does California.

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Well I believe what I saw on TV on Jan. 6!! So they can watch their movie. I watched the documentary

The Sixth and cried!! So sick of people that excuse the hate and incitement that Trump and all his republicans have pushed since he was elected in 2016. Today they’re are Senators and the leader of Congress at the Trump trial. More intimidation from these people. I will vote for Biden again and hope more of Trumps lawyers, fake electors, Jan. 6 soldiers go to jail where they belong. Talk to anyone who has a open mind and explain we must vote to keep cults out of government!

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Ohio is a replica of Wisconsin. However, we are placing an issue on the ballot to finally strip away the GOP’s blatant and illegal gerrymandering. They too have a 75% majority and they’ve ignored or delayed 5 OSC orders to fix it.

Ironically, it’s a retired republican Ohio Supreme Court justice leading the charge.

With abortion rights passing, I expect this issue to pass as well.

Enough of their lies and hypocrisy. Time for the republicans comeuppance.

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How and when are we going to take back the court? I mean, I would throw a huge party if Alito and Thomas were to suddenly decide to retire or develop some disease that forces them to step down, but that’s wishcasting. I could also get behind adding justices but I don’t think that will happen. Like so many other things, the fucking Republicans broke the court and it will probably take at least 10 - 15 years to repair it. And it really pisses me off how this conservative majority is conducting itself. When the court was balanced or had a liberal majority, they observed the norms and rules of the judiciary. There was some respect for stare decisis, the idea that prior rulings should be respected unless there is a compelling case. The requirement that you only rule when there is a live case or controversy in front of the court - courts should not engage in advisory opinions,

and the corollary rule, make the ruling as narrow as possible to resolve the matter. Gorsuch’s “We’re deciding this for the ages” BS is WTAF and NO - you don’t need to decide anything “for the ages,” just for this situation. The - OMG - rules that you recuse yourself from any case where you have a connection with a party, or someone involved with the underlying matter, or a financial interest. Yes Clarence we’re talking about YOU. The observance of laws and norms about accepting money or gifts from anyone who might have business before you. Lawyers everywhere (except MAGA types) are watching this train wreck in dismay and yes, sadness, because we felt a kind of reverence for the court. It’s such a horrible mess. Mitch McConnell and Trump should be drawn and quartered for destroying it.

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May 15Liked by Justin Rosario

Corrupted and whining Alito and Thomas aren’t going anywhere if Biden wins.

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May 15Liked by Justin Rosario

True. In fact, I suspect their rich benefactors will try to find ways to help them live longer and pay for whatever it takes to keep their black, flabby evil hearts beating as long as possible.

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The MAGAts are going to firebomb a vote counting or vote storage place in Milwaukee or Philadelphia, they lack the wit to think of these things themselves but they’ll steal the idea of Succession and I guarantee they will try to do it, not saying they will succeed, but they will try

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Must be the only developed! country! America the freedom loving country; the "party of freedom" wouldn't give freedom to vote, well to vote out rethuglicons, so that makes sense. It's impressive though that they figured out decades ago that for them to stay in power to serve oligarchs and corporations would require to kill the voting rights, gerrymander and divisive politics to make ordinary Americans fight with each other on social, and political issues while gqp/putinsparty steal everything from the very people who support! them.

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Republicans are idiots !!!! F the Republican Party !!!! No, I will NOT apologize !!!

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I want gerrymandering gone. But historically- the left has done it when they were in power too. So it needs to not be replace right wing gerrymandering with left wing gerrymandering. Replace it with non- partisan, computer modeled but human in the loop, non partisan options. Yes- it makes it harder to keep power on the left. But it’s the right thing to do. I hope we see it, nationwide.

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