I'm so fucking sick and tired of rethuglicans flaunting their narrow christofascist vision of the world. Bigoted, misogynist, homophobic, racist small minded white men (I'm not even going to say "not all men" because what's the fucking point...)

whose only goal is power and money.

I'm tired, bored, angry, frustrated, irritated, frightened, physically nauseated and sick, confused, outraged, and add about 50 other emotions I don't want to think about right now.

Hell is empty.... the devils are all here.

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The Dem leadership really needs to be screaming this from the rooftops. Why aren't they?

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Because the Democrats are wimps who refuse to recognize the threat they’re enabling.

Because Democrats are afraid actually calling Republicans on their shit would be seen as impolite.

Biden’s campaign has been doing some hitting back, but still in far too restrained a way.

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Thanks for this. I’m outraged by his conduct and baffled at why Chief Justice Roberts does nothing.

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That a Supreme Court ‘Justice’ would even consider displaying a symbol which has gained such a notorious meaning - in any context - chills me to the bone.

Consider ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, particularly the television adaptation, which I believe remains true to Ms. Atwood’s vision and provides the peripheral detail she was unable to include in the novel. The Commanders hold sway over every one of those ‘peaks’ in the world of Gilead; for me there is no clearer illustration of what a nation ruled under the ‘Seven Mountains’ doctrine would look like. I sincerely believe that were Christian Nationalists to attain their goals, the theocratic governments of the Muslim world would be unable to compete with them for sheer brutality, repression and religious tyranny.

We can’t allow this - we just can’t.

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We won’t

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Sam Alito only has two kids? Didnt adopt half a dozen more? About ten fewer than a good catholic should have. He must spend quite a few nights on the sofa. No wonder he has such a sour look on his face

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Call the Supreme Court 202 479 3000

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I wrote a letter to Roberts

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Look up Concerned Alumni of Princeton (comes up on googling “how old is Alito”)? Alito was a member by his own statement. Their agenda was appalling; limit the number of women and minorities admitted to Princeton, maintain the male only eating clubs, and more. It was brought up during his confirmation but is more important now given his voting record as a Justice.

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I can’t really add anything to the great comments above except, at least this exists: https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/samuel-alitos-moms-satanic-abortion-clinic

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Please ask your patrons to do this action proposed by Jessica Valenti of Chop Wood Carry Water.

She asked us to share.


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Sorry Jessica Craven!

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I am so mad at imbeciles like sam the sham that I have great difficulty “feeling good” when I am well informed. What is so frustrating is that we collectively have to endure the opinions of this jackass. Time to consider whether to truly accept or reject the decisions of 6 collective and partisan gop hacks. Maybe there is a way to ignore this arrogant collection of unintelligent kangaroos.

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But but butt Freeze peach!

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AH, great, just got notice of a new Seymour Hersch column; once respected journalist, now just one more tankie who wants to remind us that Biden has a case of the olds.

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I dunno...HAVE WE "learned our lesson", Justin?

Based upon what I am seeing and hearing, my answer would be a resounding: NOPE.

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