The GOP crybabies are having a public meltdown because Biden is still presidenting to his fullest extent and people are getting behind Kamala. I refuse to call the waaambulance unless they also hold their breath and turn Blue.

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SCROTUS is out of control. It needs more than what JRB proposes but it’s a good start. Can you imagine the uproar from MAGATS if he came close to what he could do with “presidential immunity” when in essence MAGATS have no problem with shitzinpants trying to get away with FELONIES with that same “immunity “ claim. No hypocrisy there.

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Republicans have noting BUT hypocrisy.

There isn't a single thing they condemn that they don't do, not a single thing that they support for themselves that they don't also condemn for others.

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I hope Biden is prepared to deal effectively with the Republicans on January 6, 2025 when they refuse to certify the election for Harris.

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The next Congress gets seated January 3. Assuming we take the House and Senate, that shouldn’t be an issue. Of course, that’s also assuming MAGA Mike doesn’t muck up the seating.

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Biden should quietly make it clear to Mike Johnson that if he tries to refuse to to seat the new Congress in any way, Biden will use the powers of total immunity that he now has to declare Johnson and his cohorts traitors and ship them off to Gitmo.

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Doesn't the sitting Vice President certify the election? (I am so here for that look of dawning realization on the collective MAGA faces!....)

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Yes, but the Speaker has to seat the new Congress first

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Dan, Biden will have sufficient power, ability and strong advisors to get any rebellion by the Felon-supporters a swift and proper reaction.

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Agreed. SCOTUS has to be reigned in but so does the process by which Congress approves Justices. One of the most egregious and infuriating things I've ever witnessed in politics is the power grab and hypocrisy of Mitch McFuckstick. First by stealing Obamas appointment for nearly a year under the pretense of "letting voters decide". Then when Ginsberg died a month before the election he rammed Amy Coney-Barret through completely and knowingly dismissing his "letting voters decide".

I figure if they're going to make some overdue changes to SCOTUS then add associated processes too. Maybe something like: A new Justice has to be approved by Congress within three months of the position being vacated or the current President may appoint without Congressional oversight or approval.

SCOTUS has become and has allowed itself to become a political entity. If it hadn't, reform wouldn't be needed. Not all of the Justices fucked it up, of course. For the ones who did...they brought this on themselves. They're not above the law either.

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No, he said “I’m not a Christian, get out and vote.” He clearly said, “I’m not a Christian.”

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Thank you Minnie. I swear that's what I heard too. (Of course, I'm arriving at a stage of life where people have started to mumble a lot.)

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I had to listen to the video again a few times, to make sure what he said. We listened to him again this morning to make sure.

Curious why, the corporate press is not talking about his?

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Because, chaos gets clicks and subscribers. They won't report negative stuff on DJT because they are afraid of losing his supporters.

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Yup. Not just that, but the ad revenue. And, they're praying that IF, IF he got back in the WH he wouldn't get just shut them down. I guarantee y'all that he'd do away with the FCC and arrest and imprison anyone news source that isn't aligned with him. This could all the way down to the carriers, and everyone in a print shop - remember he's against unions too. I'm proud member of the GCIU (I was a journeyman typesetter and pasteup artist when there was such a thing) and two other public utility unions in AK.

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We will loose all our Comedians, Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert, definitely Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers and numerous others will have to flee the Country if Trump gets in. Save our Comedians and Vote Kamala!!! 🎉

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Exactly! Any one of us, who've spoken out against him. Childless cat lady here for Kamala!

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Me too. I haven't really looked for the rally where he said it. I have better things to do with my time.

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Meidas Touch Network has a few YT videos this morning, with clips from the FL rally.

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The current GOP candidate can completely evaporate. Commit him to an asylum. Sweet sweet Karma

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I hear that Hungary is nice this time of year, if Russia is a step too far for the MAGAts.

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Somebody ought to tell the Bloated Yam that fable about "The Emperor's New Clothes."

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Love this article. Spells out the future in clear wording.

DUMP the Trump he is the Trojan Horse! His plans to rid of us of our Democracy in Project25.

Listen to the Weak men who want full control of us Americans. Women We're first to lose all the women in the 20s fought for. Get Out to Vote.

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Yes, the press covered the standard oh, Trump didn't mean what is obviously true and the tired response of Trump being Trump is the point, he has to go

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They act like every time he says something reminiscent of a certain Nazi leader that it’s the first time he’s said it and he was joking. This is exactly what VP Harris is talking about when she tells the coconut story. “Everything exists in Context.” The context is 10+ years of Nazi style propaganda. We are not ignorant of the past or the present. The media can stop acting like we are anytime now.

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"a problem they assured us was a critical factor for a presidential candidate just one week [AGO] but now no longer seem to want to talk about"


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Great article.

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I’m not digging on being older, I’m older, but if the age petard is going to be tossed around, the age of the SCOTUS Justices should be every bit an issue as it is for the media and their obsession with President Biden’s age. Moreover, impeachment for Alito and Thomas should be front and center. The rules must have teeth. Otherwise, it’s the same as having nothing.

Mitch McConnell is also going to be a huge threat to any chance at change. He needs to go.

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Fucking Mitch McConnell. Wapo editorial today is why he needs to go.

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The DNC needs to open those war chests and start buying full page adds in the papers. The NYT will bend the knee for money way before it bends the knee for the truth.

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You tell 'em, Ogre. Happy Sunday.

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Trump is going to be in total meltdown by November.

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