If you’re sick and twisted, it’s not a huge surprise that you’ll surround yourself with the same. The guy that wrote AZ’s 1864 abortion law abandoned his first wife to marry a 12 year old.

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It’s unfathomable that there could be ANYONE willing to reinstate this but watching the video of the Arizona representatives kneeling, crouching and almost writhing, on the floor of the House supposedly “praying” while people are rambling gobbledegook “in tongues” is horrifying and explains how this travesty has occurred.

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If there is a god listening to that gobbledygook, I’m sure they’re wondering what the hell it means.

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Absolutely agree! 👍🏼 👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼💙💙💙

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He sounds like a good republiqan.

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“Trump won’t do a deal unless there’s something extra — a kind of moral larceny — in it. He’s not satisfied with a profit. He has to take something more. Otherwise, there’s no thrill.” Village Voice

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This may be the best description of Trump’s motivations ever.

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Trump ONLY surrounds himself with criminally culpable people—he’s a mobster and he empowers monsters like him.

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The repubs are working hard to create a utopian hell-scape for all: normalizing pedophiles, axing child labor laws, banning abortion care with almost zero exceptions, banning books, guns-guns-and-more-guns, trashing LGBTQ rights, removing sex ed from schools and stripping voting rights from the people. All for greed and power. 🤮

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It’s so mind boggling! Too many people choose to ignore facts and reality because it’s confronting but it’s time to recognise the rethuglican party is completely out of control and wants to destroy democracy so they can have anything they want, which includes the freedom to abuse and torture women, children and anyone they see as the enemy. Rethuglicans see women and children as commodities not as human beings and only useful for the satisfaction of their warped desires.

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A hellscape 50 years in the making........


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Allowing child marriage in, shocker ... a number of red states!!!

They are a disturbingly lawless group.

I'm going to go barf now.

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If the right projected any harder, we’d see this on the moon

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I wish more people were pointing out this hypocrisy of the GOP. It’s like everytime they point their finger and start slinging accusations, someone needs to direct them to look in a mirror. How more people don’t seem to catch on to this recurring theme, is beyond me and frustrating. That, of course, does not even begin to address the most concerning aspects of what you’re addressing, the insane attempts to legally rationalize their behavior.

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It’s all projection with them

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Every accusation by the Republicans is actually an admission.....

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For years, the Daily. Kos has been keeping a list of Republican sexual predators and enablers. It’s an incredibly extensive list that is now up to Part 50. These are people at the federal, state, and local levels, as well as Republican influencers. It’s an astonishing compendium of depravity.


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Great link. Thank you. Reading it now and I just sent it out on my substack...... not that anyone follows me but just in case someone might see it. Lol

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I think it should be shared, and I’ve discovered that many people don’t know about this; but it’s really quite horrifying when you read these lists.

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Just one? Wow he gets better people than I thought.

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One that we know of.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 13

There is a violent, sexual torturer in Alabama who was arrested for murder recently. He is a Republican political operative among their 'top tier'.

Photo ops with Key Ivey

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Every accusation is a confession. I live in NH and have never heard about any of this. Thank you for your coverage. I’m beyond disgusted. Now I’m going to go throw up.

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What a disgusting piece of shit. I hope this is front page news in Alabama, because if this murderer was a Democrat it certainly would be front page news. Also, they only gave him a $60,000 Bond - if he were black in Alabama he wouldn't have gotten any bond. His whiteness and his GOP background in AL helped him...... but it won't keep him out of prison.

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Evil tends to seek out the evil in others and its ways join together. Not out of any comraderie, noooo, evil simply cannot stand alone. Whereas, folks just enjoying their lives, hanging with friends and perhaps smiling with strangers, good, kind people have no particular urgency to drag others into schemes employing treachery, so we tend to remain individuals. NO MORE!!! We haven’t abandoned the desire to be truly human…and, we must purposely dare to look in the strangers eyes, not to check them out, rather to find ourselves. #VoteBlue

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This has to do with the crap on tv, whether shows, news…about white men being “victims”. Which is why whiny white rePUGliCONs think they can rape, beat & terrorize women. They are so stupid, critical thinking has dropped down the toilet. And with the monsters in charge…texas, louisiana, all the red states. Women have to learn to defend themselves. NOW!

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I read your piece and now I want to puke. The GOP consists of the worst scum anyone could dream of.

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Those crickets 🦗 🦗 🦗 are from the Qball section of the gallery

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You mean besides himself?

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