My friends in my area don’t believe me when I say that the RNC has no ground game. They see “Trump Force 47” shrines pop up in parking lots and think that that’s what GOTV is. It’s not. I had to explain to them that GOTV includes getting undecided voters to the polls, not just hardcore MAGAs who were going to vote anyway.

When I voted in the primaries recently, I saw no Republican precinct delegates on the ballot at all. But the Democrats had five listed on there to vote for. Thats just wild. AND to make matters worse for them, the person (singular) who has canvassed in my neighborhood in the last month for Trump was handing out Trump vs. Biden flyers still! No mention of Kamala Harris. They don’t even have the right election on their flyers!!

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19 hrs agoLiked by Justin Rosario

I recall reading that his campaign had closed field offices. This was close to when Lara became co-chairman of the RNC and swore on tv they would make sure every penny went to Trump.

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Yeah. It’s weird.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Justin Rosario

SHHHHHHH! You'll give the secret away, and the LAST thing we want to do is have one of the few remaining sane Trump acolytes figure this out and try to get some worthless down- ballot MAGA moron elected to the House or Senate!

Seriously, though, friends i know who are working on campaigns have mentioned this for a couple months now. Orange Julius Ceasar is using the ground-game funds to pay his shitty lawyers in a feeble attempt to keep his shitty ass out of jail. Hopefully, in addition to giving progressives full control of the mechanisms of gum'mint, this will hasten the final demise of the not so grand old party.

Fingers crossed! Let's encourage Donold to spend EVERY dollar on himself, and impoverish his "fellow" RethugliKKKans!

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Excellent and encouraging essay, Justin! Time for me to donate to Harris again this week. Let’s keep building the momentum!

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Be sure to donate to down ballot races too. Just gave to several this morning.

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Yes! Those too! 💙

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Very informative. Sadly for Trump, a ground game takes time to build. You have to get staff, then you need volunteers. Then you need to train the volunteers and organize the canvassing routes. It is all vastly time consuming. Even if Musk has hired another group, it will take time. And aPAC is unlikely to get canvassers who can relay a heartfelt message. It all matters. And the money matters too. I hope the Republicans overweening pride ends up being their downfall. Hubris is always a bad idea.

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However, he's HAD time.

He's been running for re-election since he handed over his plastic missile control card on January 20, 2021.

Even earlier....as soon as he lost in 2020.

He should have had a ground game by now.

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Yes, of course. But he thought he was the miracle man who knew more than anyone else about everything at any time. Presumably he a) thought he had an easy task with Biden, and b) got tired. Going from 70 to 74 is I think different than going through the four years between 74 and 78. I could be wrong. I’m not quite that old yet. But the old bod does tend to decline toward entropy as you approach the great hereafter.

I don’t think Biden would have been that easy a mark. But Trump never counted on someone who could charge round the country meeting people the way Kamala has.

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The lack of GOTV funding will REALLY hurt the GOP this year. Their voters may see Trump and Kamala ads and decide to sit it out because they don’t like either. Which hurts the GOP in state legislature and Supreme Court races here in NC. I’ve seen a robust Dem GOTV campaign, thanks to the new party chair, more funding and EXCITEMENT.


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Oh, he's basically saying out loud he's going to cheat. Will he succeed? Hard to say. He fucks up EVERYTHING he touches, so there's a very good chance his stupid ass is fucking this up, too. WHEN he cheats and is caught red-handed, he and his enablers MUST pay the highest penalty allowable by law, both as a deterrent, and for closure for all of us who've endured this fucking nightmarish joke of a seeming political epoch. JFC, this shit has to end!

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YES it does!!!

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They're going to fail. They were counting on the sense of inevitability of their victory when Biden was still in the race to cow weak-willed leftists into submission.

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A lot can be known about a man by understanding where he came from. Trump is no mystery. This look at Trump's draft-dodging pimp immigrant grandfather says a whole lot.


He doesn't care if the campaign loses, no. There is a plan B. B for Beware.

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Over and over I have heard that there are only about 150m to 160,000,000 regular auteurs in presidential elections. I really feel like Trump is going to get less votes than even Hillary Clinton got in 2016, which puts Trump at about 62 million for 2024. That would leave Kamala with anywhere between 88 to 98,000,000 votes.

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From your lips to god’s ears.

Don’t discount how many cult members there are though. Granted, I live in a very red state but they are as rabid as ever.

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I know I have written extensively about the Nazi next-door to me, that I landed next-door to after buying a house here a year ago. I left the southern Oregon coast because Maga world had taken over up there.

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You didn't mention Melania getting $247,000 to show up at a campaign event. Is this just a rumor?

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She did.

That will pay for a lot of Giorgio Armani gowns and plastic surgery.

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But Justin, you’re forgetting Trump’s national media pool at his beck and call - for free!

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I don't mind one bit that he's too lazy to campaign I can't wait until he gets destroyed on Nov. 5! I don't know why but I have this feeling that the polls are all way off and this election is going to be something close to Reagan in '84 but beautiful BLUE!

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Having Kamala Harris win a Reagan sized win this year would have me deliriously happy. If that’s even close to that, the Senate stays blue and the House flips back.

I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around that. Anything is possible.

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Trump is advertising a lot in Michigan. Especially during daytime - noon news. Can’t get away from the SOB’s ads. His campaign is here constantly too. Also had door knockers here.

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Your writing is a joy to read.

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FDT. Harris/Walz 2024.

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They aren’t even trying to win the votes. He is relying on election board stunts to fix the count!

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Not that this is going to work.

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He's relying on his vote-counters, "electors," and Proud Boys to put him back in office.

He knows half the country hates his guts.

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