So many reason to despise the convicted felon. I seem to recall videos of Der Fuhrer where he’s likely at least spitting in outrage…maybe CFT thinks he looks more like Hitler. If we’re really lucky, he’ll stroke out soon.

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Dare one say TFG is the spitting image of Der Fueher?

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LOL!!! He has no mustache, but who needs that when he has the awful rug and orange spray tan!

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Jun 10Liked by Justin Rosario


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Jun 10Liked by Justin Rosario

Looks like rabies shots will be mandatory before the debate.

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Jun 10Liked by Justin Rosario

About Trump and dementia...

Looking at some of the recent memes, I noticed a couple where he looked angry, but his eyes were flat. This reminded me of a video of Robin Williams taken shortly before his death, at some public function; there was no light or animation in his eyes, and there was clearly something bad happening.

I don't thing we'll get the truth about Trump's mental status any time soon, but we should be looking clearly at his cynical elite supporters (those that are mentally competent) and get them out of our political arena completely. And maybe into license plate manufacturing.

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I think after he dies the coroner’s report will be hidden from the public. Then the conspiracy theories will explode all over all media.

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Jun 10Liked by Justin Rosario

I’m guessing Trump’s foaming could be due to an overdose of Adderall or whatever he’s sniffing to stay awake. Foaming at the mouth:

“Causes include drug overdose, seizures, pulmonary edema, and rabies”. I hope it’s all of those.

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Jun 10Liked by Justin Rosario

So this is what we’ve come to? One candidate is in steep and painfully obvious mental decline. The other one, the incumbent, is busy doing his job and getting things that need doing, done. And somehow, this is a horse race? Really? Because the lucid, cogent, competent and compassionate incumbent is a few years older than the poor old convicted felon who really needs hospitalization and treatment?

Did I miss something?

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Nope. That's it. The press misses the chaos and easy $$$ of Trump.

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Jun 10Liked by Justin Rosario

I vote for all 5 of the reasons you listed.

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But I should add, they aren't mutually exclusive. I'm not sure all five can't be true.

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#4 AND #5.

Every day, someone needs to make sure he's somewhat drugged up so he talk right (but that's getting harder and harder to do), everyday, someone needs to make sure his diaper is changed and probably changed more than once. Everyday somenoe needs to fix the...um...'hair'. Everyday someone needs to spray the orange crud shit on him.

I could only hope they are paid well, but yeah, I don't see that happening.

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You're probably right about his comms team hating him. I honestly don't think anyone actually likes him anyways.

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Not even his family. They're ALL going to write tell all books about how abused they were. Especially Ivanka.

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Yep. She may be a wretched person but I still feel bad for her. The abuse she suffered through made her the way she is. Same with her brothers. They didn't stand a chance.

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Jun 10Liked by Justin Rosario


The campaign team has been infiltrated by one or more patriots willing to risk greatly to preserve American democracy. They're gluing an extra magnet under the compass card.

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The White House Pill Mill certainly helps explain such strange behavior as KellyAnn Conway’s kneeling up on top of one of the two sofas, legs spread nearly wide eagle (how patriotic of her)!

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6) that's exactly the look he's going for ?

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Jun 10Liked by Justin Rosario

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to laugh really hard during these difficult times.

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Jun 10Liked by Justin Rosario

Perfect interpretation!

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Jun 10Liked by Justin Rosario

I always feel a little better after coming here. Like I'm not the only one watching this movie and asking incredulously, "Wait, didja see that? Right there, just now! You didn't SEE THAT?!" while looking around desperately trying to lock eyes with ANYONE who saw what I am attempting to rationalize.

Whew. You see it too.

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Jun 10Liked by Justin Rosario

It’s gotta be rabies. He’s insane in the membrane.

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