They are important in that he broke the law to conceal information that otherwise may have prevented him from getting elected if it came out.

As others have said in much more colorful words, that has impacted freedom of choice, reproductive rights, the number of people who died in the early stages of the pandemic and a whole lot more.

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Campaign finance fraud , once minimized, opens more floodgates for the abusers of it. Which is not bothsides. I dont want frauds on MYSIDE if they have to do it to win. Got that, trolls?

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Jun 6Liked by Justin Rosario

Even if you don't care about the specific crimes, or feel they are minor - this is still true: you have someone with no integrity in an extremely important job who is also not smart enough to do a 'routine financial transaction' in a competent manner which does not affect business as usual.

That he is a convicted felon tells me he should not even be on the ballot. That, and he is honestly too stupid to do the job.

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Jun 6Liked by Justin Rosario

That he is a convicted felon prevents him from travelling to dozens of foreign countries, including many allies of the US (Trump couldn’t have attended today’s D-Day 80th anniversary commemoration, for example, as France doesn’t allow convicted felons entry - not that he would bother to go anyway 🙄). See the speech from Rep Eric Salwell earlier this week for the full (and lengthy) list.

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Jun 6Liked by Justin Rosario

Hard to believe Sam Harris is going down the wascaly wabbit hole. Damn Sam!

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Jun 6Liked by Justin Rosario

The manosphere gives good funnel. 🤣

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Jun 6Liked by Justin Rosario

Ironically, Sam wrote a whole book about how even the smallest of lies are a bad thing.

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I would say most Americans do care about these crimes. Hilary Clinton won the popular vote and if we knew about his dilly-dallying Ms Daniels she might have won the electoral vote too! Most Americans care about the overturning of roe. This is just bullshit. Never heard of this dude before and now that I have I’m not impressed, 😑🥱 😴 is he saying most Americans think he was convicted for cheating on his wife? Or paying for sex? I can see that as being true. But that’s not what he was convicted of. Stupid Americans

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Jun 6Liked by Justin Rosario

You know what’s an unimportant crime? Stealing a loaf of bread to feed your kids. Jaywalking. A crime to get in power in order to fuck over a country is not unimportant. If justice hadn’t been served here, there, this will be rote for elections and we might as well not bother

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Jun 6Liked by Justin Rosario

If Americans don't care about election interference, are they really Americans?

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Most Americans still do. Those who dont , and ok with it , are doing it because its the only way they can win. They also see any removal of barriers to voting is interference, because they believe some citizens dont deserve to vote

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Massively disappointed with Sam. He's definitely smarter than that. Though, an important point, the money was to keep the affair with Stormy from going public, therefore it was election interference too.

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Jun 6Liked by Justin Rosario

The media has framed this case as "Trump's Hush Money Trial" since the beginning, rather than "Trump's Election Interference Trial" - seems like Harris believes most Americans took that framing to heart, and think Trump's crimes were on the same level as Clinton's ill-considered dalliance with Monica Lewinsky. I don't know whether he'd be right about that, but I hope a lot, if not most, Americans not in The Cult understand what the trial was about, and why the convictions matter.

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Yes, and how criminal of our media to wrap it up and wholesale it to the nation as that? How many more Americans would have opened their eyes and ears if in every single reporting of the words “hush money cover up” were replaced with the words “election interference?” Our mainstream media has been derelict in its duties by not framing this case in the proper text. Words matter! I am so tired of the news being hijacked by what could appear to be pure laziness (don’t want to accuse them of more nefarious subversions) on the part of mainstream journalists and reporters. Another word I would love to eliminate is “abortion” and replace it with “women’s healthcare”. Let’s reframe the narrative - because real women are dying due to the government being where it doesn’t belong! Remember the whole “land of the free” thing that gets thrown in our faces when anyone mentions guns?! The hypocrisy is so ripe that it’s ok for women’s healthcare to be invaded by the government - but don’t take away someone’s right to own a gun! 🤯 It’s a very sad day when our nation begins to make Idiocracy look like a movie inspired by real events.

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Jun 6Liked by Justin Rosario

Sam Harris cloaks his shit with a large vocabulary, never found it insightful or even interesting.

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His earlier stuff was good. Letter to a Christian Nation is important stuff. He just...drifted away from it.

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

This article makes me feel better for never getting into meditation 🧘‍♀️ 😆

Also Sam has a big enough ego and following that I feel like it’s only a matter of time before he pulls a Dr Oz and runs for Senate somewhere. Don’t his words feel like he’s starting something? Like he’s a mouthpiece for the voice of the people that only he can hear? Smells like it to me. We’ll see as his Substack evolves, after of course he explains his business model. 🙄

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Dr Oz once said you’d never see him endorsing products and supplements. He lied.

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Talking about Oz and supplements makes me miss the hell out of Claire McCaskill

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Jun 6Liked by Justin Rosario

THANK YOU, Mr. Ogre Sir!!!

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I guess I won’t be reading anything Sam Harris writes!

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Btw, so many trolls still claiming that documents “stollen” by Biden worse than what trump did , yeah! Because fbi had to come get both and they didnt even ask trump! And threatened to kill him! 😭

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Jun 6Liked by Justin Rosario

My thought on that has been that I don't see why Trump was so upset. Doesn't he have a matter currently in front of SCOTUS to affirm that a President can come in with guns blazing, shooting people and doing whatever they want because as President they are always right? With no repercussions? He should view the Mar-a-Lago "death threat" as just something Presidents do. By his own request.

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Not all presidents, just me.

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Jun 7Liked by Justin Rosario

how much do I love you??? VERY much!

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