Agreed with all that you’ve said, Justin! But the thing about those tumbleweeds: I had a friend back in the early 80’s a Jazz musician (pianist) named Hal Galper. He lived above a storefront on 34th Street in Manhattan. One day we were just talking and joking he said to me, “Laura! Look at my tumbleweeds under my furniture!” I looked. Yup. There were, indeed tumbleweeds! Clearly clusters of grayish balls that had probably been growing there for years! Ah, no matter! Hal was a great guy and a spectacular pianist! I just cracked up seeing the actual ones drifting, almost floating, it appears across a climate induced dead river..We’s in trouble, folks..

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Thanks ever so much, Justin! You, too—are a really great guy! My husband, Tito, was a VietVet 1968-1970. He passed away in 1993. We used to dance Salsa together in El Barrio e.g. Bushwick Brooklyn in the late 70’s early’80’s to all the great Latin Jazz Bands! Also in El Sule (Williamsburg, B’klyn) now inhabited by mucho cabrones y otra punetas! So sad.. In Coney Island, El Gran Combo, Tito Puente, et al! Mijo! Those were the fuckin’ days, mi compadre! I truly appreciate your approval to my understanding of what is REALLY goin’ on here now—but I think you’ve got an inkling! Bourgeoisie neighborhood killers, fake ass “I don’t have a fuckin’ name for you’s!” Crazy town, mi compadre! But hey! We are still here. Defending our hoods, our pluralistic cultures, and we will Nunca give up our rights, freedoms and souls—no matter what trump and his fools try to lay on us.. La bendicione, Justin y tu familia.

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Great writing Justin…a number of concerns specifically the Autism article…and Ozembic…we really need to keep Biden in office!

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