Sep 4Liked by Justin Rosario

My response: GET A COUCH!

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๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ Comment of the day! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฅ‡

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Yeah, because many of us have gone off with the bearโ€ฆ

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Sep 4Liked by Justin Rosario

Involuntary my ass! They are voluntarily choosing to accept this โ€œlifestyleโ€ and the misogynistic beliefs that are part of that. They could choose to be different. To get some help.

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This, exactly.

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My guess?

Incels keep expecting women to wake up one morning so desperate for a man that we will come crawling, begging them to take us back.

I do hope they're not holding their breath.


(Who am I kidding? If they turn blue and suffocate, it will serve them right.)

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Thank you and applauded. I am so sick of the whiny "I wanna buy me sum pussy" or "Just gimme the pussy dammit!" mindset (while also claiming women are all gold diggers or too easy...) like you said, which is it, Homie? I don't get it because when I do shit for ppl I do it because I know 1) they need it 2) The gift would be appreciated c ) it would bring them joy.

If you give things to people with strings attached guess what? You ain't no nice guy, you're a manipulative, game playing asshole. Also expect resentment, no one likes to be manipulated or played.

A truly nice person gives from the heart.

It's the expectation that angers such men and to that end, they are lying when they date because the premise of dating is to know one another--it isn't a path to instant marriage or sex. When you date simply to get laid then you are not dating in good faith. The time and money spent in this endeavor is an investment in learning about each other, not a way to get into someone's panties. Beside, if a man won't even buy dinner for you, he will be someone who won't invest in other meaningful aspects of a relationship, which as the poster said, requires dedication and work to last.

These dudes are not upfront about what they want, because if that is what they truly want, they can buy a hooker. Besides, would a man want to be with a woman who could be easily bought with a steak dinner? I have often opined that when someone creates a no win double standard like, "Let me buy you but don't be a gold digger" that the standard is based on hate. This way they can hate you no matter what choice you make. Give in? You're easy. Dont? You are a frigid ho--no middle ground required.

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So true! They want an easily bought woman but complain about gold diggers. Shows how

self-contradictory their own paradigm is. They are so clueless. Wow. I cringe that they share my gender. Maybe we males who respect and can get along with women should kick those losers out and make incel its own category

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I think there's an easy distinction.

You are men.

They are males. Or presumed to be male. But certainly not men.

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Agreed - same old bullshit thatโ€™s been going on forever - and now the shitheads made abortion illegal - so if you get pregnant - then - โ€œtoo bad not my problemโ€. Maybe men should have thought that out a little more!!

And if Project 2025 makes contraception illegal - then it will get even more interesting.

Biological imperatives can be stopped with a 357.

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I love how you think Kay!! .357 exactly ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ

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Best thing Iโ€™ve read about dating!

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I had to laugh at the ridiculousness of the posts, even though none of it is truly funny, but instead scary and sad. I was always the one in my relationships who had the most earning potential and was usually the โ€œbreadwinnerโ€ (went part-time when my one son was young, as he had special needs). Thankfully, my very โ€œmasculineโ€ husband (whatever exactly that might mean) was not in any way threatened by this, and we raised our sons to be respectful of and to women.

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Happy to read about the men with emotional intelligence & an open mind as we evolve from "women belong in the kitchen" to "I'm proud of my wife's career". I have great respect for Doug Emhoff. He's a brilliant role model for men & boys, as well as women & girls.

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Amen to that!

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If I ever find myself single again and choose to date, were you a Trumper supporter will be my first question. About the only silver lining, so far, in this mess. Instant disqualify.

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Sep 4Liked by Justin Rosario

Same. My friends and new acquiances as well. I find asking isn't needed. They'll reveal themselves in their words & behavior.

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My first clue was he lied about watching Fox News. When Trump won, I grieved because there were trans people who said they'd suicide. His response was that it was better they were no longer in the genepool.

I just stared at him. He used to be different. We were liberal Republicans and supported gays. My joke was "We believe gay people have the right to shoot Commies!" The person I loved was gone.

I feel a lot better without him. He was allergic to fur and my new cat provided all the companionship I needed.

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That's so awful that trans people are already so targeted. A #turd victory would definitely go after them. Project 2025. Sounds like you're leaving a more satisfying life without a hater. Say hi to kitty for me! ๐Ÿ˜ป


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Go by more than how they answer because they will lie and deny they ever supported him.

Once it becomes (even more) clear that Trump is done. Election lost and jail looming, it will be amazing how hard it is to find someone who supported him.

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Just like not one Republican ever voted for W, Bush.

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Sep 6ยทedited Sep 6Liked by Justin Rosario

When on a tour in Austria, the guide pointed to a balcony, saying "See that balcony? Hitler announced his annexation of Austria from there., But they must have all died, because at the end of the war, not a single person would admit being there to see it"

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Funny how that works every time. It's like magic!

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Unfortunately I think it will take a couple decades to clear us of the true tRumpers! Sigh!

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Max Planck referred to scientific truths, but could have been talking about political truths or social attitudes:

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it ...

An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the ideas from the beginning: another instance of the fact that the future lies with the youth."

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Excellent column, Justin. I actually feel a little (very little) sorry for these poor bastards. Imagine being so clueless about a basic human trait like getting along with each other. Just who has been victimized by the social construct, in this case the lingering and ancient patriarchy-sourced misogyny and oppression of women? Join the modern world, you knuckle dragging losers. For those of us who have a great relationship with a female life partner who is nothing like the negative stereotypes these kooks keep repeating, we can only shake our heads at their myopia. You said it. They absolutely answer their own question about why they can't find a meaningful relationship with a woman. You guys are the problem. You can rage against society, feminism, etc., etc., and nothing will improve for you until you change your attitude. Or hope that science invents the personality transplant.

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A personality replacement omg thatโ€™s hysterical ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

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Reading these "incels'" comments, I kept thinking about the book "Emotional Intelligence" https://g.co/kgs/z2KrGcP

An updated version is also available.

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A friend gave me that book years ago. A tough read because of the deep subject matter

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The one comment I loved from an incel calling himself Alpha Male was something to the effect of -

"Out tonight with my bros at Hooters while betas are at Olive Garden with their wives."

So, dude - you're bragging about being somewhere where you can see boobs but not touch them while regular guys are going home to sex?

And that makes sense to you?

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If they could only see their ridiculously shallow and illogical posturing the way you framed it. They are their own worst enemies when it comes to relating to women. If they wanna call me a Beta because I treat my wife with respect, fine. I could care less what they think. And absolutely, I would rather go home and make love with my wife than just look at restaurant boobs. Guess thatโ€™s the closest theyโ€™ll get to โ€œrelatingโ€ to a woman. No wonder theyโ€™re frustrated.

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Let me be crude for a second.

Using this twit's own set up.

In nature, there is only one sign of the superior male.

All the fussing and fighting, comes down to a mate and offspring. Or a harem in herd animals.

Juvenile males hang out together on the outskirts. Living short miserable lives unless one of them starts his own herd.

You ain't the beta. Even by his lousy science, he's the failure.

Now we are human beings and the alpha/beta nonsense is bad science read off a bubble gum wrapper. But for generations, adolescents and losers hung out in bars and grown ups built families.

Are you old enough to remember the Monty Python sketch -- wink wink nudge nudge?


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Very true. Passing on the genes is of course the goal. You hit upon the main problem with humankind. Our culture causes many unnecessary problems that the so-called lower animals donโ€™t have. Which sketch? Iโ€™m definitely old enough.

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Sep 4Liked by Justin Rosario

Women having standards is very inconvenient for most men. That there are more women getting graduate degrees than men is telling. I raised men who can cook and clean for themselves. That is not what they were looking for in a wife. They sought partners, not doormats.

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And to a large extent (80% !!) it's not really about getting laid but about exercising power over others (particularly women).

Sure, getting their rocks off is part of the appeal, but dominating a woman and making her wait on them is because they want something that strokes their ego more than their penis.

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The comment that women will steal everything when they get a divorce (not 'if', 'when')..lol. I don't know even one person who is in a marriage where the man had a ton of money when they met, decided to gift the woman with his presence, moved her in and married her. She never had to lift a finger, all was provided for her. Now she want's half?? That's not even reality.

In reality, our fictitious couple started with not much and worked together to get the things they have. It's not YOUR stuff she's taking, it's HERS. If she's a wench during that process, look to yourself for why that's so.

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BRAVA Emmy!!๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ

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Incels need to learn how to be friends. My husband of 29 years is my best friend. I never once expected him to pay for dinner out or anything. A few flowers would be niceโ€ฆ.mostly we cooked together, worked on our houses together, did fun things together.

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Yes. 55 years and going strong. When people ask, "How does that work?" We LIKE each other, we are KIND to each other, and say, "Thank you"

a lot.

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Liking ne another and wanting the very best for each other, even if inconvenient. Life can be so good if they gave themselves a chance at happiness!

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That is awesome! Congratulations!

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I hyperlinked to your substack page, and thinking I was reading your post I ended up with Kevin King.

That was okay, but thinking it was you pledged $20.

That's okay too, but I will watch whose substack I am on in the future.

I have a substack page, but cannot figure out how to take the โ€œpledge $โ€ part off.

I havenโ€™t written on my substack page yet. Would feel more comfortable not asking for $


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Iโ€™m so sorry! I wasnโ€™t even aware my page might ask for money! Although, I do like Kevin King a lot. I have posted comments but havenโ€™t worked up to actual articles yet. In the futureโ€ฆ.

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Sep 4Liked by Justin Rosario

Kindness is the gift that rewards itself. You'd think that would be cheap to these investment daters.

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Another expectation is that women are supposed to act like the ones they see watching porn.

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Omg so true.. and when we donโ€™t act like that.. whiny assed bs ensues.. ๐Ÿคฌ

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Someone really should explain the concept "fantasy" and that those women are highly paid for that onscreen degradation.

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The horrible toxic Rush Limbaugh calling women "FemiNazis" shocked me. My sister listened to him for laughs at his idiocy. I found him disgusting & vulgar. We used to argue about her refusing to turn him off when I was at her house. I would leave. That was in the 1980's. So glad when he died.

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Agreed Teri.. I definitely do NOT miss Rush Douchefvck

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Rushbo (as in dildo) Limpblob.

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These "men" are inadequate and know it in their cores. They can't cut it, and most likely will never learn to do so. The sooner they learn no one, male or female, owes them a fucking thing, the closer they'll be to understanding their real lot in life as evolutionary dead ends.

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When I was around 9 or 10 years old my mom told me, "with your personality, you are going to be single fir a long time. You need to learn to take care of yourself." She was not wrong. She taught me to cook, hand sew, do laundry and other life skills. I have carried those skills with me for the last 40+ years. I have used them in relationships to contribute to the household, and I have used them as a single guy.

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Sep 5Liked by Justin Rosario

I canโ€™t believe we are having 1960โ€™s discussions in 2024. Iโ€™m of the Bonobo faith. Things always work better with women in charge.

Vote blue and have your friends do so too!

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Things always work out better with grown ups in charge.

Think about Marjorie Taylor Greene & Lauren Boebert. Idiots come in every sex, gender and race.

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Very true.

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"I imagine this is what the grandparents of Gen X must feel like. โ€œWhat do you mean you canโ€™t build a bookcase from scratch with a hammer and two nails?! What are they teaching you kids these days?!โ€

Hey! That's Gen Z! I've assembled dozens of pieces of furniture using my own tool box no less.

- Gen X spokesperson

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Same. I took shop classes in High school and was the only girl! I can make most anything out of wood, and do metalwork, but that was just wanting to learn a new skill.

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Same. I can build nearly anything and still do. Gen X is good at starting companies and getting stuff done around the house.

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