May 16Liked by Justin Rosario

And so many men wonder why a majority of women chose the bear.

I’ve had bear encounters when hiking and backpacking, all of them with no violence. I’ve never been groped by a bear. I wish I could always say the same about men.

I was also truly shocked by the overt racism that flared up after Obama was elected and especially after Trump took office. I was a complacent white middle class woman who thought we’d gotten better than that. I’ve since seen the power of the backlash in many forms. Thank you for describing this so clearly.

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I'm a professional forester. I've had plenty of bear encounters.

I didn't hesitate to pick "bear". My husband, who certainly has heard about all the sexism, assault through groping, and soft porn that used to be shared by my "fellow professionals" at the first job I ever worked, still was a tad surprised I picked bear. I think unless they live it every day of their lives, men will never, ever get it fully.

Edit: I'm a Canadian. Please vote wisely. We're also depending on you.

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I love our Canadian neighbors. You guys are great. My Dad was Canadian. That might have something to do with it 💙

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🏆🏆🏆 critical point about the complacency. White women, the call is coming from inside the house.

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May 16Liked by Justin Rosario

Bsck on Twitter I used to say we could do with an administration without any white men. White men have run America almost 250 years and she is on the brink of death.

Let's let everyone else have a fucking turn, aye?

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May 16Liked by Justin Rosario


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For our survival, yes!!!

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May 16Liked by Justin Rosario

You captured so much of the emotion of those terrified little man/boys! Try being a single woman right now. I've gotten to the point of not ever dating conservative/republican men. They are so inappropriate. Pushy and weirdly entitled. They don't want sex they expect it. They are not just older ones. I'm talking about those in their 30s-40s, too. It's tough to be a woman these days. Lol

You are absolutely 💯 right,

White Men Are Not OK.

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I cannot imagine dating now. I'm a GYN and the stories I have heard from women makes me very sad. I'm so sorry this is what the young men are choosing to do. It is lazy and I keep saying to the men (in my mind)”no one wants to fuck you. You are ugly and mean You might take a look 👀 at yourself. “

Reproduction rates have plummeted

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Might be environmental factors, but the trend is everywhere. But don’t ask me, I never wanted a kid.

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That is so sad.

When I went to my gynecologist for an STD panel after I found out my then husband had been cheating on me, he (the gynecologist) asked me if my husband and I were going to get marital counseling over this. He was taken aback when I said “what are you talking about?!?! I am divorcing the cheating rat!”

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Good for you, Elizabeth!

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Does “For better or worse, till death do us part” ring a bell?

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Oh, no. Killing him would be unlawful 🤔.

Yeah, he broke the “forsaking all others” vow and the “Thou shalt not steal” commandment (day trading with marital money and concealing the losses from me) so I figure I wasn’t required to stick around for that. I stuck with all my vows until then.

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This is the perfect response. Troll detected & neutralized.

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You didn’t stick to your vows, and probably never meant to

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And you are a sad troll. 🙄🙄🙄

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You are barren

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What the fuck is your problem?? Are you enjoying yourself here with your dickhead retorts?? Your a straight up misogynistic, homophobic asshole.

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I have no problem

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Can’t get a girlfriend huh?!! No worries, I hear Elon is making Sex bots for you guys so you feel better… Order yours today.

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I would never ever ever even sit down with a conservative MF. Oh hell no. I am weeding all those bastards right out immediately. And no fence sitters either. Hell no. Nope. Hard pass on anyone even adjacent to that mindset. I will interrogate hard about this. And their families too. Not sitting at a table with any of them, ever. Hell no.

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I dated one Republican He was entitled, lazy and nasty. That was enough

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Yep, never again!

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I’ve noticed that their two main goals on a date are: not spending a dime AND expecting something physical. It’s disgusting. The dating sites are sexual assault victim waiting rooms. It’s not our mom’s romantic night with a potential beau anymore… bring your mace, ladies.

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Sickness out there. Stinginess is a signal to RUN.

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It’s like they hate us, so they are frustrated that we won’t go near them. Or god forbid, be in a room or car alone with them.

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I have been single for a long time, and as a lawyer, I met lots of older Republican men at various functions. At one event, I met an old white guy who got into an argument with me about divorce law … about which he knew zip, zero, nada, nil, and zilch. I finally gave up trying to educate the old fool and gracefully changed the subject. Imagine my surprise when I found out this old fart developed a liking for me and asked me out. I declined, because I knew EXACTLY what he wanted - to browbeat and break the spirit of an independent woman.

Seen it too many times before. Apparently my super attractive quality is that certain men think can browbeat and break me with gaslighting and bullshit and make me into the woman they REALLY want to be with - independent when they don’t want me around, but utterly dependent when they want me to be.

I absolutely refuse. My mother was right when she said long ago: “there are worse things than being alone” I am so thankful that I have made my own way financially and have never been forced to depend on a man - because other than a few close friends, I don’t think men are dependable.

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Me too, Elizabeth. I worked my whole life and made just as much money if not more than men (my ex included). I think something has broken in them with this white privilege and they are applying this possessiveness to our bodies. They are all so bitter and hateful and handsy, no more dating for me. I’d rather read a book.

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Happy to meet you. Let’s stay in touch we have much in common. Here’s to strong women taking care of business 💪🏼

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Me too! My ex husband was very unhappy when I pointed out at the time of our divorce (community property state) that for every THREE dollars I had earned, he had earned ONE. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

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I followed you. My ex kept telling everyone I never worked (?) and guess who had to pay alimony to HIM for 3 years? Me. He also got the house and didn’t make the payments . I paid the entire $70,000 that was due to get it out of foreclosure and made him sign an interspousal transfer deed. The house is mine now too!! I can outsmart him in my sleep.

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Yay YOU!! So many of us have this story! I didn’t know that when I was going through it. And it is so laughably unfair - I had to give him half our assets and buy back the house, as you did, even though he was the cheating rat...but that was only money, and I got my freedom. My divorce lawyer told me to call her for a prenup if I ever decided to get married again…I told her: don’t sweat it, I won’t make the same mistake twice 😁😆🤣

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Peas in a pod!! We are soul sisters 👯‍♀️! Glad we both came out of it just fine. So nice to meet you.

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Love to hit them with facts!! My exes attorney kept telling him I would let him keep his 401k.

😂🤣😂No way. I took my half and bought the house back with his own retirement. My friend said I was vicious. I said no, just smart.

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I love it when things work out that way…it looks karmic.

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May 16Liked by Justin Rosario

As a sister to 6 brothers I’ve watched…tv…portray this bullshit. Ppl can no longer trust what comes from tv. Whether news, drama, commercials…all a bunch of propaganda! 4 of my brothers support tRUMP. We had parents who taught us the democracy way, it’s very sad when they support a goddamn liar, a rapist, a thief and especially evil

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I’m so sorry about your brothers.

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3 older brothers—same. All ex-military Trumpers. 2 have passed, so there’s 2 less votes for wannabe Mussolini.

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As a veteran, I’ve never understood why any military person would support a draft dodging loser pos like the orange anus, who has called them losers. I just can’t wrap my head around that one.

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You’re stunning and brave

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You must be glad your brothers are dead. So am I

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It’s tough to admit, but yes. Two less Trumplicans.

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It’s tough to admit your repulsiveness, but you did it

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Bannon agenda in action right there, dismantling reality to sow confusion and "burn it all down" family by family.

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May 16Liked by Justin Rosario

The saddest thing about the majority of these angry white men is that they have no real power anyway. What they're losing is the illusion that they're in control, and they are still furious.

I saw a comedian on Instagram who joked that there's more equality in North Korea because neither men nor women can vote. If we don't show up to vote blue in November, that may become our new reality. And that will include all the angry white men who don't own property.

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This is the comment I have been looking for. It's all an illusion, but look at the damage that upholding the illusion is causing to others. The emperor has no clothes, and the emperor has nothing of interest in his pants either. Damn. Spoiled overprivilaged worthless germs really do need to wake the hell up and participate instead of pouting. The sooner the better. Work on making themselves valuable to the world in some way, even if just raising a decent kid is all you can do. That would be enough.

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Tell these incels to quit whining and man up to their responsibilities as husbands, fathers, workers, and citizens.

They all think they have some kind of privilege because one of their ancestors was in Pickett's Charge and another fought in Nha Trang Valley.

They don't.

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So sad and repulsive that this is how these amazing freedoms are squandered. Free to repress others... freedom of hate speech... free to terrorize others. Shit.

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Fuck your freedom, right?

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May 16Liked by Justin Rosario

See: Harrison Butker’s commencement speech…. Yikes

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May 16·edited May 16Liked by Justin Rosario

I'm going to write something about that speech btw- not about how horrific it was, but how people should not be shocked by its horror. This is what the GOP wants and is already enacting laws to force women into the private sector and into service of men. The fact that the press is missing this is yet another massive fail. They disappoint me daily. This shit is right in front of our faces and they are talking about trumps court motions.

Additionally, the liberals threatening to withhold a vote for biden because he hasn't done enough for repro rights or his fail on Gaza just makes me want to tear my hair out until my scalp is gone and i'm just left with bloody cranium.

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That stuff is gonna make me stroke out. Self-righteous single issue voters who just discovered there’s this place called the Mideast and people are really mean to each other! Who KNEW? I guess the rest of us are kewl with genocide? How does it feel to be DOWN with genocide? Kids these days, chuckle.

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Well put. Wait until these kids find out about genocide and starvation in other places where our tax dollar go, WOW they will just never stop protesting (until mom and dad run out of money) about Darfur, etc, Boko Haram, etc wow wait till they hear about those genocides. If that's really what the issue is??? Maybe it's something else.

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Oh pleeze!!

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I prefer Biden not making everyone happy at once. I also prefer not to live under a dictatorship. Smh, trump is an American disgrace.

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Same re voting. Well put. WAKE THE F UP PEOPLE!!! DONT PLAY!!!

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Posted! I’ll probably need to edit it bc I never spell check until they next day lol

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That jock’s brains are apparently in his foot.

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Civil war has already started? Men live in continuous state of violence? They size up every threat? That privileged, spoiled white male brat has no idea what it's like to have to size up every possible threat (man) like a woman does on the daily. If he had to size up threats like women do continuously he simply wouldn't make it a week.

Men are pissed women are going their own way. Bumble had to remove its billboards telling women celibacy is not the answer. Dating apps are feeling the crunch of womens' absence. Korea's 4B Movement has made its way Statestide. Women are simply bowing out of the game. That's why all you hear from right wing media are whine-fests over "the sexless generation" and "falling birth rates". Women are not sleeping with these men or having their babies and they don't know what the hell to do about that. That's why abortion bans, child marriage, plans to repeal no fault divorce and toying with the idea of contraception bans are all on the table. They are scrambling to get babies born but women are just backing out, moving in silence.

Not too long ago all you heard from these same people were cries against "teen pregnancy" and "out of wedlock birth rates". Now they're begging teens to get pregnant and unmarried "sexless young men between the ages of 18-32" is somehow a problem. Go figure.

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What's crazy is that in NYC yrs ago when the crime rates fell there was this great demographics study showing that it was caused by a surge in male 16-35 population and when that declined so too did the violent crime. Now we just pay them to carry guns and beat people up without cause - not everywhere, I have family in the police force who are adults...but there's a lot of men who need something constructive to do, and unless we send them to war or give them jobs that make them tired like running the dogs or kids after dinner, they will just keep breaking shit, and shit will keep rolling downhill.

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Thanks to the 4B Movement and De-centering Men (run a youtube search), less and less of them will be born. This is why dating apps and men are going crazy about "the sexless generation" and right-wing heads are spinning over "population decline". Nobody knows what to do about women not having sex with them.

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My sister thinks we should reopen all the coal mines and put them down there with a pick and a shovel for 16 hours a day

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That's right around the idea I had a bodywork practice for a decade in Cambridge and the thing I learned was that even intelligent, well-mannered, well-intended men had a range of hormones to contend with and they are really built for exertion and have one track (not stamina and global focus)...my sister and I used to laugh that we are xx and they are xy and that means they are missing a leg..I found even at midlife men generally were mentally more resilient if they could exert themselves physically even once a day. There's no data to back this up but there should be.

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Tell your Sis she’s got a lot of support out there. That’s a great idea, then they will be too tired to assault women.

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Yes, NYC crime is mostly caused by 16-35 y.o. WHITE males, HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This is an excellent comment

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They do have no idea about really competing. And really suffering slings and arrows and, still she persisted!! They have no idea what that is like ON THE DAILY

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May 16Liked by Justin Rosario

I think a lot of white males are not used to having to compete (except with each other). Now more of them are having to overperform just to participate just like women and other minorities have had to do forever. It sucks when you have to settle for being equal.

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Yep. Because until recently the Affirmative Action Plan for Mediocre White Dudes (aka the Patriarchy) has been solidly in place. But now that they have a teeny bit of legitimate competition, they have to actually work hard and be prepared, and are experiencing the anxiety that everyone else experiences when they aren't guaranteed a place st the table.

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I doubt you think

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May 16Liked by Justin Rosario

Especially Republican white men! Obama killed it during his two terms! And out of his presidency, we got Joe!

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May 16Liked by Justin Rosario

I’m fortunate to not have to live in the online world of the angry white male. About the only time I have to encounter that shit is the preening grunts and dropped weights in the gym or more often the urban pickup truck being driven in My-Ass-Owns-The-Road Mode.

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Why mediocre, white men seem to think they are superior is beyond me. It's also a global issue.

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Any why they are shocked that women don't think they are so hot and worthy of worship!!

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I have no idea. Probably an over sized ego issue.

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May 16Liked by Justin Rosario

Truly, this is the last gasp of the white guy. Not all, but a very loud, self-inflicted wounded group.

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“Those” racist, sexist white men gave always been put there. But as I read beside my wonderful feminist supporting, anti-racist husband who wept for joy with me when Obama won, I know there are many white men who are not racist, sexist rage machines. On the other hand, I live in a town in Arizona, north of Phoenix, in a predominately red county, where John McCain also made his home,. The town I live in is where Kari Lake held a rally in 2022 where she said if there were any McCain supporters there, they should get the hell out. Door knocking in 2022, I met an Arizona State Highway Patrol Officer - car parked in his driveway - who said he was voting a straight Democratic ticket until MAGA was gone. He shook his head about what had become of his Republican Party. I spoke to many former Republicans like him who are now registered as Independents/No Party Affiliation. In fact, as a lifelong Dem, I switched to I so I can choose among the Republicans who’re running in primaries here and will likely end up winning. There are vestiges of the GOP here, moderate, non-MAGA, and I vote for them for school board and County Supervisor in the primaries now, even though if there’s a Dem running, I’ll vote for them in the General. There’s a slight majority of Dems and moderate Independents. Independents outnumber R’s in Arizona by a lot. Will be canvassing and post card writing here again to GOTV. The fever dream persists among the rabidly racist and anti-LGBTQ men and women on the right, but I don’t think they’re the majority here in Arizona.

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HAH way to out yourself 🤣 I live 30 min from you

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I’m not hiding. Living my life just fine, trying to always be respectful of others on local social media.

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I surely hope you are right, but I just don’t believe I want someone on the school board or in City office that remains a republicans to this day. Not after the pandemic and all the talk about wearing masks and not getting the vaccines. Republicans are regressive and authoritarian.

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There are some more moderate folks in office here, some of whom still consider themselves to be Republicans but are not racist or sexist and, for some, not anti-LGBTQ. I don’t think we’ve reached a point where a registered Dem is likely to win a City-wide post or school board seat here, certainly not a County Supervisor seat or Congressional race. Paul Gosar was our Rep, then after redistricting, Gosar moved, and Eli Crane was elected in his place. We have to deal with political reality - while supporting anyone who aligns with our views as we can.

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That's a fairly decent strategy to keep magas off the ticket. Thank you.

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You are gay-married to a dude

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I’m really not sure if you’re the troll you appear to be, but I’ve known well many bright, kind and good LGBTQ folks in my life having gone to law school and practiced law in Atlanta, so any further response would be beside the point. I get the impression that you’re not very mature, whether because you’re young and haven’t had much life experience or otherwise have resisted developing wisdom in the years you’ve lived. I hope that changes, for your sake.

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It's a troll. Let it slink back beneath its bridge.

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You’re such a good person. Give yourself a pat on the back!

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Unfortunately, White men have the money and therefore the power. They can slow reform or drag it backwards.

They will hang onto power at any cost.

And I’m the mother of two young men. They vote for the Dems, believe in abortion rights and don’t believe minorities or immigrants are threats to our country.

The worm will turn but slowly.

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And I beat my drum with the ERA mantra...if it has passed in the 80s women would have had access to the extraordinary wealth building potential of the US economy that they only seem still to access through marriage (bezos, note musk is 'single'). Where are the female billionaires? Women are still making 60 cents on the white male dollar and we are more than half the people.

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Well said but I would say around 40% of White Men are like this - the other 60% majority are not and need to speak up and be ready to do what whatever is necessary to keep our Diverse Democracy in tact.

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My Dad was a great guy in every way. He had no sons so he mentored my sisters and I as he would have male siblings, and invested himself fully with us. However, even my father wasmade to be afraid of the ERA when it was at its most likely to be passed and voted for Reagan because the GOP, fresh off the worst casualty rates from forced conscription during Vietnam, scared every responsible parent with daughters into believing if ERA were passed they would conscript women and force them to serve in combat. Women have no idea how devious their oppressors are or how old this plan is that we are seeing unfold. Even the 60% have not done enough to change what is happening now. Defending the lack of proactive support for ERA when it would have made a huge difference to the current outcomes is a fair criticism. It's understandable, but it's also part of the problem. Be honest and think about the last time you called your reps and said you wanted to see the ERA ratified. It was put up for a ratification vote in Congress early 2023 and failed. A pox on all our houses.

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