Apr 8Liked by Justin Rosario

There’s hope! The United Rural Democrats (https://www.unitedruraldemocrats.org/) is an organization I’ve donated to. “United Rural Democrats is an organization founded in 2020 with the mission of helping elect Democrats in small rural communities”.

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Thank you for sharing this valuable nugget Kay-El!

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Yes! I just donated 5 bucks!

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Yes, thank you!!

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Thank you for the link, donated

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Apr 9Liked by Justin Rosario

White rural America, a key location of farming, is killing the country literally via toxins from animal waste entering the water table. ‘The Devil’s Element: Phosphorous and a world out of balance’ by Dan Egan explains how this impacts fishing along the Mississippi and red states. The party that is so about the outdoors and wildlife, seems to not care simultaneously that their GOP leaders continue to guarantee beaches/lakes/rivers are closed and fishing is banned.

The GOP is a group of sheep, you can get one to be a decent human on their own and process real facts. Then they return to their cult and forget everything.

It’s wrong when 20% of the nation makes up “white rural America” yet they have ‘43%’ of the House of Representatives….MTG, notably, is among these elected officials. That’s a big problem of misrepresentation, that has been secured via gerrymandering.

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In addition to the lopsided US House of Representatives - the fact that each state, regardless of population, gets two senators is absurd. No way a state like Wyoming should have the same amount of senatorial votes as say California or Illinois..... geez, only 500,000 people live in Wyoming. The founding fathers woefully underestimated the population growth of this country. Every other civilized country on this planet has already enhanced their country's constitution to keep up with the times, but the US lags far behind......in so many aspects. Another example is SCOTUS...... the State of Arizona has seven Supreme Court justices, but the entire country of the US only has nine, no term limits, no rules of engagement for gifts, money, payoffs. Congress and the judicial system need an overhaul.

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I agree. SCOTUS and originalist theory are a catastrophic mix. The constitution and laws should be handled as a living breathing entity and continuously reinvigorated to stay modern. But we get dinosaurs who love payoffs from Nazis 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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Hmm. I posted a response here last night and it is just not here. How odd. The response was suggesting that lumping all rural people together into this white rage meme was perhaps spreading the tar a little thick, and that violent undereducated young white men with guns terrorize their local neighborhoods too, and that extremist right wing politicians lie more to their own voters than anyone else. My own Congressman was recently caught on mic saying that nuking Gaza was a quick solution to the problems there, but there was enough blow-back he walked it back. This newly gerrymandered district is considered one of the most conservative in the entire country, and this guy is a complete idiot. Ugh.

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Sorry about that. Substack was having problems yesterday. It's why I had to unpublish and republish this piece.

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Ah, it's ok. The summary I posted here is better than the original post, I think. :-) Many apps and appliances were having trouble yesterday. My iphone basically quit working for two hours, refusing to show me the high traffic sites regarding the path of the eclipse, directing me to garbage sites with misinformation instead, and doing the thing of going very dark, which is usually cured by a reboot, but after rebootng, often going very dark again almost immediately. I wonder why it does that? Does Apple really think that making my current iphone malfunction like this, inspire me to spend over a thousand dollars on a new one? Mm, I digress.

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If a full eclipse can make mother nature go completely silent in a way that seems almost like a nightmare… I’m pretty sure it’s going to affect electronics. I don’t think the companies had anything to do with it, in fact, I can tell you as someone in tech most companies were freaking the fuck out yesterday because no technology was working correctly.

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I think it was bad actor tech interference. My phones worked perfectly during the last total eclipse.

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Shadows don’t affect electronics.

Most companies were not freaking out about the eclipse.

The eclipse causing problems with phones belongs in the trash right next to the ideas that an alignment of the outer planets causes earthquakes on Earth or that leprechauns hoard gold to affect global markets.

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Apr 9Liked by Justin Rosario

Righteous anger, Justin! Given yesterday’s announcement I was hoping to augment my vocabulary of profanities, and I wasn’t disappointed. I sent your article to my younger brother who, for some reason, is alarmed by the phenom of White Rural Rage - he doesn’t live anywhere near the country.

Farmers are one of the most highly protected and coddled special interest groups in the country and as greedy for that evil government money as any Cadillac driving, coupon clipping Welfare Queen. They expect and receive train loads of government largesse every year. And that Nichols guy - WTF. What he’s proposing would end up looking like a crazy patchwork quilt of armed “autonomous hate zones” throughout the hinterlands where revolting people would hold power and make everyone miserable. But if that’s what they want…

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Different article. That one's still coming. This is a republish from yesterday. Substack wasn't working properly so I reposted.

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Excellent stack. You laid it out perfectly. My question is why is the MSM in on this gaslighting? They’ll be the first to go. If I see one more reporter in a diner in rural America trying to understand these people I’m going to scream. They are not complicated at all. Trump hates the same people they hate. I just don’t give AF about their feelings anymore.

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Apr 9Liked by Justin Rosario

The pure hatred of actual Americans (as opposed to the fictional “Real Americans” they lionize) is the only principle they’ve never sold out.

Well, tax cuts for rich people too.

And yes—they know all this. Fictions like Jacobs’s are the stories they tell each other to excuse their hatred—and what they plan to do to us.

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Apr 9Liked by Justin Rosario

Great article. Thank you. 🏳️‍🌈🇲🇽🇺🇲

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Apr 9Liked by Justin Rosario

Straight dope right here. Thanks for writing this!

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I think one of the reasons for the split is that people who have liberal leanings move AWAY from the rigid, hierarchical, patriarchal small town so they can be with people more like them. The thought of returning to my small town home and dealing with my Trumpy brother and all that crap about how I am different so I will never fit in. Too lonely, isolated, and frustrating. Maybe THAT’s why small towns are fading. They are often run by assholes.

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Same here, not interested in my brothers grievances either…

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You are correct. My sister and I moved out of rural white America as soon as we graduated from college. We never fit in and would never fit it. And there were no jobs!

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This article epitomizes the reason behind my most recent essay.

It is terrifying to be a mother right now… And it’s nothing compared to what POC mothers are dealing with.

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For sure one of the things an expanded US Supreme Court needs to do is to rule that no, states cannot politically gerrymander their state representation state wide any more than they can politically gerrymander their federal representation. Currently, the conservative Supreme Court actively and explicitly shrugs at both types of gerrymandering. It barely prevents states from racial discrimination via gerrymandering, as well.

So while many states may have indeed become more Republican, it is as much the truth if not more so, that the gerrymandering has gradually become more and more pronounced. Like Texas is approximately 46% democratic and the state representation is nothing of the sort.

Wisconsin gerrymandering is so bad that one of the reasons that the Supreme Court judge election was so hard fought last year was that republicans there lost elections the last several cycles numerically, but their gerrymandering was so severe that they easily got 60% of the seats.

So all that is important to keep in mind, and to really push to fix as we work to keep a Democratic government trifecta, in order to expand the Supreme Court. Democrats are fighting against a lot.

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Sure… Because that’s what you expect from your employees. From those who campaign with “integrity” and golden retriever personas.

The problem is the Supreme Court gets paid too much to make our lives hell. That also includes all the supporting cast members we see arguing like toddlers who missed their naps on tv. We’re the ants, they are the grasshoppers.

And we just figured out we outnumber them 100 to 1, and they know it. The last eight years have been one giant plan by a very specific group of people to take us all down a peg. They make too much bloody money, and a few foreign leaders happened to give them the perfect blueprint on how to turn an entire nation crazy.

The solution lies in those that are a MINIMUM of 20 years younger than the senior citizen center/nursing home we are funding in Washington DC. But when does the villain ever go down without trying (and damn near succeeding) to destroy everything and everyone first?

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Thank you for expressing what I’m “yelling” in my head most of the time, when watching MSM or reading national news articles! It feels like we’re living in two universes right now (when we know there’s only one real one) and it’s exhausting.

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I live in a town with less than 100 people. A few years ago I was talking to the mayor. I told her, "I'm liberal.". Her reply was, "oh no, I'm a Christian.". This was right before she called Hillary a "lezzie". 🙄

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That almost all of these angry White people happen to be White doesn’t make it “White rage”. It is a large group of angry/ignorant White people who mostly live in the Deep South and other Red States. They have been failures their whole lives, and they hate college graduates, teachers, scientists, homeowners. If one of the successful persons happens to be non-White, that infuriates them. It is not”White rage”; it is “Rage of the Failures”. They NEED to blame everyone but themselves for their failures.

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That’s why the small towners would be better off voting blue, but they’ve been indoctrinated…

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“There’s a minor difference, of course. The right’s entire opposition to Biden is based on lies”

Yes. Exactly. That is the key difference.

All of the reasons they spout for opposing Democrats our lies. “Democrats are coming for your guns, are registering non-citizens to vote, are all pedophiles and drink the blood of children!” None of them are true.

But the reasons given for opposing Republicans are true. “They are coming for your Medicare, are trying to purge you from the voting rolls so you can’t vote, want to put people in camps, and cause women to die.“ All of them are true, the Republicans have said so themselves.

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