May 24Liked by Justin Rosario

As an "older" woman with advanced degrees in history and law (and a couple of other things), the blatant fear of white men is reaching a serious tipping point. I've watched this for decades as I moved through the educational system and it's terrifying. I stand on the shoulders of the women who fought in the 19th century and beyond to achieve some security in life.

I fear for all the young women of today whose struggles will only be amplified by the increased misogyny and fear that permeates our lives. I'm sick and tired of old and young white men deciding how we should live.

White guys can fuck off...🤬

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Hey, I resemble that remark! 😂

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Sucks to be you then.....😉🤷‍♀️

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You really hate all white men?

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Absolutely NOT!!! My outrage isn't directed at "all white men." But having to say "not all men" every time some guy gets his feelings hurt when women talk about the difficulties in dealing with men in general is becoming tiresome and petty. Men's defensiveness is just another ago old attempt to diffuse women's anger. I suggest you be more confident in your place as a white guy who doesn't have to question a woman's position. It's not personal. Get over it.

I read your comments and agree with you on almost everything. I used sarcasm with you but you ignored the wink I gave. 🤷‍♀️

Sucks to be you....🙄

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If they are assholes

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They dont have to be

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Absolutely NOT!!! My outrage isn't directed at "all white men." But having to say "not all men" every time some guy gets his feelings hurt when women talk about the difficulties in dealing with men in general is becoming tiresome and petty. Men's defensiveness is just another ago old attempt to diffuse women's anger. I suggest you be more confident in your place as a white guy who doesn't have to question a woman's position. It's not personal. Get over it.

I read your comments and agree with you on almost everything. I used sarcasm with you but you ignored the wink I gave. 🤷‍♀️

Sucks to be you....🙄

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May 24Liked by Justin Rosario

As someone that’s bipoc and lgbtqia along with being young and a man, I’m glad to know that this is happening. My mom’s gotten an MBA and she STILL has to tip toe around what she can apply for or even get because of these arbitrary laws and rules put in place by the colonizers of the current century and centuries prior. I’ve come too far to have everything I’ve worked for and continued to work for come crashing down because a bunch of whiny little boys not being able to continue to control absolutely everything and anything because of their “heritage and culture”. I’ve also gotten certificates and a high school diploma as I’ve literarily gotten the opportunity to learn more about the world around me thanks to years of educational experiences and being told I’ll never amount to anything because of who I am and how I look. I’m not letting ANYONE stop me from voting 💙 and vanquishing the magamanical mutants that’d rather die knowing they’ve destroyed the world while I die or become entrenched in indentured servitude under their perceived authority and superiority. I’m not letting THEM or any other parasite like them define my future and my legacy. I’m done runnin’. I’m tired of living in fear of men. And I’m glad that 20 years from now things’ll be better and brighter for all of us with the abilities to use our brains and empathetic reasoning.

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May 24Liked by Justin Rosario

I LOVED reading your comment, Michael!! Thank you.

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May 24Liked by Justin Rosario

My kids both have degrees. My son just got his PhD in a field where his research may save people from a lifetime of heartache. My daughter is working in a field that may help us protect our planet from devastation. I’m most proud that they are both empathetic human beings. They tell me it’s my example as a single mom who worked her butt off to provide for them and encouraged them to follow their passion wherever it may lead. No MAGA can take that away.

I too have an advanced degree and I had a great career. My last job lasted 29 years and most of the men (and all of the women) in my office respected the knowledge I had to make their jobs easier. Nothing was more satisfying than to have the few that didn’t come crawling to me when they couldn’t figure out how to do the simplest things. Women will rule the world one day.

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May 24Liked by Justin Rosario

I believe so, too!!

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I profoundly hope so. We've already seen what men can do to the world.

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May 24Liked by Justin Rosario

It really comes down to values. Why aren’t males valuing education ? Since the 60’s, the emphasis has been on math/science applied education instead of humanities. Humanities teach people to think critically, but they aren’t economically rewarded, compared to skills-based education.

“The dumbing down” of education, the “closing of the American Mind,” and the growth of “anti intellectualism” are hallmarks of Reaganomics. “Service Jobs” replacing manufacturing jobs, and sending manufacturing overseas to exploit cheap labor has added to inability to achieve a living wage . . .and the ensuing unrest. Really—MAGAts taking up with Libertarian Fascism is the ultimate proof of self-defeat. They regard anyone with money (or the appearance of wealth) as proof of “success”—and that’s Trump’s brand: The Big Fraud. Instead of thinking things through, they blindly support the very policies meant to reduce them. Brainwashing goes a long way. This is why trump “loved the uneducated” people.

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May 24Liked by Justin Rosario

"Harrison Butker did not stand up in front of a crowd of college graduates and share his misogyny on a whim" was the point that spoke most to me, but there were a bunch of close runners-up.

Thank you for your eloquent passion.

"Ogre", my ass. You're awesome.

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May 24Liked by Justin Rosario

Isn’t he?!?!

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We need to hear from his mother, who is a medical physicist.

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May 24Liked by Justin Rosario

There’s a book by an Italian man called “Why do so many incompetent men become leaders?”. I’ve been meaning to get it. I’m sure it’ll add another perspective to what’s already been written here. If women ruled the world it would be a much hospitable one. Men are far more likely to be narcissists and reach positions of power. It’s a horrible combination. Just think that if the handful of men who are holding the world hostage were replaced by intelligent, capable, compassionate women how much better off we’d be.

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May 24Liked by Justin Rosario

Good line about the hungry children. From the POV of a former male 20 year old, a college with a lot of women in it would be a great thing. And yet these dopes dread it.

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May 24Liked by Justin Rosario

Justin, thank you so VERY much for putting these ‘seemingly random’ puzzle pieces together for me (us).

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May 24Liked by Justin Rosario

I saw the increased enrollment of women in my university classrooms and the diminishing enrollment of men. This has been happening for twenty years. I think the pressure on men to make a quick million, be the tough guy,

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May 24Liked by Justin Rosario

are only some of the pressures they are dealing with today. But there is definitely a problem in how masculinity is getting defined now.

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I am really hoping women are hearing these dog whistles. My fear is that they chip away at all our rights and we are right now “the women in Iran in the 1960’s wearing mini skirts and going to college.” You are right we are at a tipping point, but what if we tip the wrong way? There are too many examples in this world of oppressive religious regimes making women’s lives worse.

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My mom missed the blatant dog whistle of coverage for contraceptives in 2009, so sadly it’s not everyone.

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And men are having less sex. Great job guys!

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May 24·edited May 24

Hey Morgan—time to block this fucker. Bye, Mike.

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Done. Sucks to be him....

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Unfortunately, in 20 years, the reality of climate change will have manifested in ways that can't be ignored.

When our fragile supply chains begin to collapse and food starts to get scarce, or when we can no longer afford to build flood defences to keep Miami above water, or rebuild Los Angeles after yet another mega wildfire, or mass migration from Central America rises into the tens or hundreds of millions of refugees as its now too hot for humans to survive, who has a degree will be increasingly meaningless. Well, unless your degree is in medicine, or medieval-level agronomy and animal husbandry.

Will there be a change in the relative status of men vs women in leadership roles anyway? Probably, yes.

But it will continue to polarise between the "trad wife" view of those that believe (wrongly) that survival is about strength, dominance and violence, and those who believe that communities are stronger and more resilient when they share and work together. In those communities women leaders will shine.

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The supporters of abortion bans and restrictions have seen the horrid results when their laws deny pregnant people appropriate medical care to safely end their abortion and are unwilling to fix the mess they’ve created. Quite the opposite. They see the women’s suffering and tell us their draconian laws are working as intended. In fact, they want a national ban and the end of IVF, the of contraception, the end of no-fault divorce. Basically, the end to women having equal rights.

Now we know that when they say they are “pro-life” what they really mean is:


There is no reason to limit abortion access to the first X weeks. Think about it. Women who do not want to be pregnant will not stay pregnant for months on end if they have the option to end their pregnancy sooner. Some fatal fetal abnormalities cannot be tested for and found until the third trimester. We know the exceptions are written to deny anyone and everyone an abortion.

We don’t need exceptions, because we shouldn’t have any bans. Just make abortion legal, on demand and without apology.

We trust women to raise children. We must trust women to decide when, and if, they have children.

Clearly, the (mostly white male Republican) lawmakers making these restrictive laws cannot be trusted to protect and respect women’s reproductive rights. Vote them

out of office.

Republicans have shown they won’t listen to medical experts and don’t believe in democracy. Vote the Republicans out of office and replace them with people who support democracy and the rights of all individuals.

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Which is why a college education is being denigrated now.

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