Jun 22Liked by Justin Rosario

Thank you!

I’ve just started listening to your pod with Lila. I can’t listen to the full pod now but definitely plan to listen to all of it. It’s a world I am not exposed to because I’m old. But I’m not dead.

I believe either death comes, or should come, when a person stops being curious, learning a new way in the world , or Gawd forbid, thinks, believes and acts like a a White/National/Neo-Christian/Republican Fascist.

Good for you for providing us this with this learning opportunity before this right is taken away from us.

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Jun 22Liked by Justin Rosario

Finished listening. I appreciate Lila and.....We need to keep hearing Lila's and other young people. Not our experiences and voices drowning them out, but their voices and experiences.

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Jun 22Liked by Justin Rosario

Extremists: it's not WHAT they espouse that's important to them, it's how hard they espouse it. And as you so rightly point out, there's more money on the Right for greed and hatred than on the Left for caring and compassion, so if you have no ethics but lots of anger, you'll inevitably end up a nazi 😞

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Oooh, I love teens and their wisdoms and want to read the transcript. Ain't got much time for podcasts. Any chance of transcript? Even shitty auto generated one would do me.

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I sent you a dm with an image of where the transcript button is. :)

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I tried to find the transcript button on my own but alas I failed.

Can you show me too please?

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@Quality Control

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Did you find it?

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Jun 22Liked by Justin Rosario

I love Lila! I’d like to see some of these tik tok videos. Can you post some links?

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Added to the post above.

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Jun 22Liked by Justin Rosario

Count me in as another old-but-not-yet-dead-or-even-brain-dead person who will happily follow your new podcast to see where it leads. For sure, I’ll learn a lot. Thanks to both you and Lila for the insights to come!

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Really enjoyed listening to you & Lila, learned a lot! I’ll also stop replying with ‘have a nice day’ 😞

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Jun 22Liked by Justin Rosario

Thank you Lila! I’m an old and that was kinda joyful and informative. I don’t usually smile through bad news so y’all are really good!

Keep doing what you’re doing, it’s needed.

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Brilliant - Lila, I love how switched on you are! 🤩

Pleeeease don’t feed the trolls, or troll the Nazis - it’s just not worth it. I’ve tried shutting them down before, but it’s either ends up nasty, or like whackamole. Ignore them, and stay sane!

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Did you get vriloid or sinflowers permission before you posted their photo and encouraged your followers to send them hate?

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Before we continue this conversation and it goes REALLY poorly for you, I'm going to let you rethink your question: Did I ask permission to link to two public videos on a social media site that is free to use posted by two people who post videos with the explicit purpose of getting public reactions from literally anyone who sees them?

Is THAT the question you were asking?

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Now, would you like to continue? I promise, it only goes downhill from here for you. Here's an exit ramp, I seriously encourage you to use it.

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Jun 23Liked by Justin Rosario

No thanks, douchebag.

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Good thinking, son. Now off you go.

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